Tea For Me: I'm Thinking Drinking It Is Something I Want To Do Again

Submitted into Contest #287 in response to: Start or end your story with a character making a cup of tea for themself or someone else.... view prompt

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American Contemporary Inspirational

Tea for Me: I’m Thinking Drinking It Is Something I Want To Do Again

If I weren't so lazy and distracted, I would get up right now and make myself a cup of rich, aromatic herbal tea. Even add some honey. There is a whole cupboard above the area where I make my coffee, containing maybe 20 different boxes of different teas. I mostly never use them anymore. Oh, I used to. I was a heal-it-with-herbs type of gal. I am still, but I am not usually ill, a bit lazy, and I am very attracted to my decaffeinated Peet's coffee. They use some kind of water processing to decaffeinate instead of chemicals and I feel safe. Safe enough anyway. I put half and half in it and this coffee beverage serves as an almost-food. Tea: well, maybe, especially with the honey. I should try it again; maybe even to replace the evening non-cocktail at news time. Stop being so lazy.

Tea could replace my evening beer I no longer have. I really miss the ritual of having a beer in the evening with the news. But over the years, as I am now 75, I believe I became a fringe alcoholic. I got a message through the cosmos somehow that maybe I needed to stop drinking to save face, both physically and emotionally. I did quit about a year and a half ago. No beer, no wine, until recently. I do believe my face was the beneficiary. Also, my personality needed an adjustment to the positive, which my loving son pointed out one evening, when I was going off the rails. His opinion matters to me. I can still see that moment when he said it; he was cooking, and I was blabbing and laughing. I hadn’t realized that anyone noticed my personality change. He had and he mattered. That right there might have been why I stopped drinking alcohol daily for over a year; and I think it worked.

So, I started drinking 0-beer which seemed to fill the hole created by the vacated rich ales I had come to love and rely upon at news time. Either one served to replace the food I had not made yet. But now, this week, I have even decided to stop buying and drinking those 0-beers too. I have no idea whether they are good or bad for me, but they have stopped being satisfying; I guess because nothing happens. When I ran out this last time, I didn’t buy anymore. Maybe for my ritual tonight, I could try making some herbal tea; they have all kinds of tastes and are made for all kinds of different purposes. I will do it.

My friend and I even tried some tea the other day. We raided my tea cupboard. When I looked at what he had chosen and had in his cup, I kinda gasped and warned him. I remember drinking a "Smooth Move" once; it's a laxative! He proceeded unafraid and I have yet to hear the result two days later--whether he had a spectacular bowel movement or not! I did when I drank it, so now I am cautious. And consequently, the box is still mostly full. I should ask him if he would like to take it home with him. Maybe he'll enlighten me as to the outcome of his cupful in the same breath.

So yeah, recently, when I go out for dinner, I now have a glass of wine because I want one, especially if it is red. I do so appreciate it every couple of weeks. It is satisfying. And dang it, I just want it and look forward to those few occasions. Now, I do what I want while still monitoring my naughtiness. Holding firm, I still don't drink alcohol at home anymore. Even though I do have a couple of unopened bottles, they need to stay that way. I will say I almost opened one after the results of the last presidential election, however. But no, I don't drink daily and don't want to be tempted to again, so they stayed closed. Somehow, I still endured 11 hours of Inauguration Day. 

But now that I am focused on it, I could drink tea daily; these herbal ones would probably be good for me. I’m pretty sure they would be. Hmmm. I am going to need to study these herb teas again. I used to know more about what they are used for; but now there are a couple mystery boxes and some caffeinated ones I want to steer clear of, so I guess that is why the cupboard is still stuffed with them. I want to get rid of them but not waste and what do you do with this kind of unwanted item? 

Plus, when cleaning up this morning, I found two box labels I had saved more than a month ago so that I would remember to repurchase these teas I really do like: chamomile and red clover. Unfortunately, the torn off labels meant to remind me, got buried in all these scraps which got buried under mail here by my computer. I took a little action this morning putting things away, cleaning up getting ready to make progress by my computer area. That’s when I uncovered them: surprise! Once I resupply these that I do like I think I will drink my herbal teas again, gladly. Daily. Eagerly. Maybe at news time. And especially at night before bed. They are comforting. Why not!

So, funny how I flow into and out of old and new habits; the tea habit being one I think I want to return to. I have so much stuff, I mean containers full, that I have purchased over the years and used and then not, like vitamins, essential oils, and yeah, teas. It's time again to wake up. I mean I am 75 and I am starting to realize how much time I could conceivably have left on this Earth. Less than before. This focus on tea has activated me a little. Thank you. 

So, hey to me: stop being so lazy and reactivate your tea habit! First, right now, I'm going to go for a walk in the park and then pick up those two teas at the healthy food store. If I were to activate and stop being so lazy, I would accomplish a lot of things. Maybe by adding herbal tea drinking to my day, it will cause cataclysmic routinized positive change! That sounds cool. Sip; mmmmm.

January 28, 2025 00:21

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Martha Kowalski
02:22 Feb 06, 2025

Hello from Critique Circle! And now I want a cup of tea :)


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