Christian Contemporary Coming of Age

Catherine had a long day at school, drama club, and completing her final project, she collapsed in her bed. As she positioned herself and rested her head on her pillows, she could hear her mother's footsteps coming up the stairs.

“Busy day" as Catherine’s mother popped in her head to do a check in.

Catherine sighed with exhaustion and responded, "too busy."

Catherine's mom came into her room, and they talked about the highs and the lows of her day. Catherine's mother reminisced with Catherine when she was younger, she would refuse to go to bed unless she was tucked in. 

"Do you remember your request?" Together they answered, "to say our nightly prayers" and they both laughed.

Catherine's mom asked, "let's do it for old times' sake." Catherine smiled and said

"You get like this every time my birthday approaches. Sure mom, for old times' sake."

Together they said “now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. May God guard me through the night and wake me with the morning light. Amen.”

Catherine’s mother leaned in and kissed her on her cheek and said, “sweet dreams.”

Catherine fell into a deep slumber and found herself walking through the woods, but a light shone bright showing her a path. Catherine was curious to where the light would lead, so she began to follow. Catherine surprisingly was not afraid but felt like this was where she needed to be. As she walked further, she was able to see a blurred object in the distance. As she got closer it was the Thorncown Chapel at the end of the path. It was magnificent to behold. It towered forty-eight feet tall nestled behind two trees. The light shone brightly around it, and it illumined the Chapel adorned with glass windows like a well light lantern amid the darkness. Catherine saw it and it took her breath away. It was massive and beautiful. She stood in awe and wonder. Catherine felt compelled to enter the church. The closer she got the brighter the light shone until the chapel was engulfed in light as she passed through the two wooden doors. Catherine quickly woke up from her dream but could not understand the meaning of it.

Meanwhile, downstairs, “Catherine will be turning twelve in a week” sighed her mother Achsah, to her husband Benjamin. He softly leaned in and whispered in her ear.

“Don't you think it is time you told her who she is, and about the gift.”

“I know…I know” replied Achsah.

“You know our lineage and our pledge to the service of mankind.”

“I know, but when I was told about the gift it overwhelmed me and I do not want that for Catherine.”

Benjamin leaned in again,

"Ash, your name represents fearlessness, bravery, and wisdom. You have fought princes and principalities in the spirit realm, yet you cannot find the courage to have a conversation with our daughter. You know better than I who we are, and it is time Catherine found out who she is. Ash, I don’t have to remind you what a privilege it is to be set apart, to …..”

“I know…to be called, but she is still young, and I feel this will be too much for her.” Benjamin saw Achsah's persistent apprehension and pulled her closer to him.

“I know exactly how you feel. I get so passionate about our ordinance that it may come across unfeeling to your concerns. I know this revelation can be a lot for anyone, especially our little girl. Find comfort in knowing we will support her and remember who has equipped her to do this.”

Benjamin rested his forehead on Achsah's forehead and they both took a deep breath. No words were needed but they both communicated with each other through their spirit and soul and started to pray for Catherine. Benjamin kissed Achsah as he slowly drew away from her. 

Achsah knew her husband was right. Catherine should know who she is and the power that has been deposited in her. She should know of her heritage and the heavenly seal placed upon her life, but this conversation will alter her reality and she just wanted her to enjoy being a kid a little while longer, Achsah wrestled internally.

Every day for that week Achsah struggled with her thoughts. She knew the path laid ahead for her daughter and in a way the longer she delayed the conversation the longer she could keep her from such a great responsibility. Achsah was not sure if Catherine had the dream of light yet, so she decided to have a talk with her the day before her birthday.

Saturday, the day before Catherine ’s birthday. Achsah called Catherine to come from her room. Catherine quickly ran down the stairs and responded, “yes mom.”

Achsah asked, “are you excited about your birthday tomorrow.” Catherine squealed with elation.

“Let's go to the backyard for some fresh air and I want to share something with you.” Achsah motioned to Catherine with her hand as they walked through the kitchen to sit on the patio. Catherine could not imagine what awaited her for her twelfth birthday. Achsah started explaining to Catherine their family secret.

“Catia, what I am going to tell you is something unusual yet extraordinary. It is very serious, and I will try to explain it to you the best I can. You are not like other kids. Our family are not like other families.” Catherine sat up and gave her mother her undivided attention.

“Catia, our family has been set aside for a special purpose for several generations. For about three thousand years to be precise. Our family is the decedent from the tribe of Kohanim and has been commissioned by the Most High to be the protector of mankind. Catherine’s mother cautioned her. Catia, be careful what you wish for because of who you are. You will be given "The Gift" and with “The Gift” comes great responsibility. The Gift? Catherine was confused. What gift? What was she talking about? Catherine inwardly processed.

 “On your twelfth birthday you will be given one of seven gifts bestowed on each member of this family that is a decedent of our tribe. The seven gifts are Wisdom, which is the ability to make sound judgement knowing what is true and right. Understanding, having insight and the capability to translate meaning from facts. Counsel, the ability to give guidance, direction, and instruction. Fortitude, to stand for good while fighting against evil no matter the cost. Knowledge, the ability to absorb information and use it to judge correctly in all matters. Piety, a deep sense of reverence for God which ultimately transfers to a deep sense of reverence for mankind, or The Fear of the Lord which encompass all the seven gifts, having a profound love for God and recognizing we live and function in "Him." That is the heaviest gift of all.

Catherine, unable to compute what her mother had told her, was left with no words. Catherine paused for a moment then struggled to formulate the words to speak. Catherine just slouched in the chair and processed. After some time, Catherine sat up and asked her mother what it all meant. Achsah explained to Catherine because she came from the line of Kohanim, she was put aside to serve mankind. To help shape and mold the world into a better place with " The Gift" that will be given to her.

Achsah continued, “with such power comes great opposition in this plain of existence and from other realms too.” Catherine’s facial expression reflected a sense of astonishment as her mother spoke.

“Yes, spiritual realms exist. Sometimes you will see, hear, and comprehend what others cannot. You will be called into action at any given moment. The decisions you make moving forward will not only affect you but the fate of mankind.” Achsah placed her hand on Catherine's hand,

“You will have to be strong, standing for good and fighting against evil, in its various forms in this life or in the spiritual one. Achsah placed her arm around Catherine as she drew her close to her,

“Sweetheart, at times it will become tasking, but you were born to do this. It is your calling; it is your destiny."

The pressure, Catherine started to get lost in her thoughts. What If I am not able to handle the responsibility of “The Gift” Catherine slid off the chair and fainted at the thought. Achsah ran and got some water as Catherine came to, seeing her mother and father hovering over her. 

“I see your mother had the conversation with you Catia” her father communicated. Catherine slowly stood up with the assistance of her father.

“Why me? Why us? Why now? Catherine questioned.

“All excellent questions” responded her father,

“But why not you? Why not us? Why not now? This is a privilege Catia, we are guardians of truth and the warriors of what is good and pure (pure, the meaning of your name).” Catherine shuffled herself and flopped her body on the chair.

“Sweetheart” as Catherine's father knelt beside her. 

“I know your world has been flipped upside down, but know you are so blessed and loved not only by us but by the one who has called you and will keep you.” Catherine asked her father what gift he received when he turned twelve, and he shared the gift of Wisdom.

“I am honored to be entrusted with it,” Catherine’s father added. Catherine slowly shook her head up and down as she reasoned in her mind; It made sense why her father was the way he was.

Catherine, still puzzled, asked her mother what gift she received. Achsah shared she received the gift of Fortitude. Catherine smiled and understood why her mother was the way she was as well. In that instance Catherine remembered her dream of a week ago, the light engulfing her as she walked into the chapel. In the dream she was certain of who she was and who she was meant to be. "Wow" but wow Catherine expressed as she grappled to make sense of it all. 

Catherine asked both her parents,

“Is this why we have to be in church all the time?" with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Achsah and Benjamin looked at each other and chuckled.

Achsah replied, “Well partly, think of it like this Catia. "The Gift" is like water being poured into a vessel. As you use it to help mankind the water is poured out, eventually you need to refill the vessel. Going to church is a way the vessel can be refilled.”

“You know, there is another way to refill the vessel," as Catherine’s father stood up. He gently supported Catherine to stand up as well. Benjamin placed his hand in Achsah’s and Catherine’s hand, and the three of them formed a circle. Once again, no words were needed but they communicated to each other through spirit, soul, and now body as they bowed their heads and started to pray. As they prayed, Achsah's apprehension for Catherine started to dissipate, Catherine’s insecurity in handling “The Gift” started to dissolve and Benjamin’s firmness of purpose for his life and his family’s life was strengthened. As their prayer came to an end, Achsah, Benjamin, and Catherine just stood in the silence for a moment, then they hugged each other simultaneously as they walked arm in arm into the house.

Catherine slowly climbed the stairs, entered her room, and sat at the edge of her bed as she processed the conversation that transpired. She tried to comprehend the information shared to her by her parents the day before her twelfth birthday. Here she thought she was finally going to get the pink iPhone 15 pro max and a gift card to Ulta, but instead she was told of her family's covert lineage, the manifestation of who she was and the revelation of her higher calling once she received " The Gift".

May 31, 2024 14:08

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Kristi Gott
21:27 Jun 07, 2024

Well written and well told! This is a good story for young readers and adults too! I can imagine this being expanded into a longer work or a novel. Inspiring! A young girl finds her purpose and path and learns virtuous guidelines for living. There is a lot of interesting material here to explore. Well done!


Maylissa Noel
01:57 Jun 08, 2024

Thank you so much for your feedback. I appreciate it.


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