Fiction Teens & Young Adult

A piercing shriek interrupted the party. I looked around as the beige and gold coloured wall exploded on the far side of the ballroom. Women dressed in blue, purple, and green dresses and men dressed in tuxedos pushed their way out of the red carpeted room. I could see a young girl collapsing, unable to run away from whatever was happening. She screamed when a robot arm reached inside the mansion. 

“No!” I sprinted as hard as I could to reach the girl, my golden-red hair flying out behind me. I jumped over fallen chairs, my fancy sandals crunching on broken wine glasses and my pastel green dress swished around my legs. I weaved through round tables covered in white and gold tablecloths, vases of flowers rolling off the wooden tables. I kept running even though the high domed glass ceiling broke away, letting in the cool night air. Glass showered down, pretending to be rain.

Reaching the helpless girl, I helped her up from the now brown red carpet. “Come on, you need to get out of here before this whole house comes down.” She looked at me thankfully. Her freckled face was smeared with dust and her dark purple sparkly dress - now brown purple - was torn in a few places. Her beautiful curly light brown hair was frizzy as well. 

She stepped forward then let out a painful cry, taking the pressure of her right leg. “I can’t. It hurts too much!” As if she thought she wouldn’t get out of here alive, she grabbed her necklace and held it in her hands. “Go. I’ll never make it.”

I looked at her in disbelief. Didn’t she know who I was?! Then the realization came to me. Of course she didn’t. No one did except the people who wanted my powers and my sister. My duty was to protect the people of Cliff Mountain, and that’s what I was going to do. I shook my head. “No. I’m going to get you out of here alive.”

Before she could argue I whistled three short whistles. The look on her face told me I was crazy, but I already knew that. 

I reached inside my white purse. I grabbed the ‘magic sewing needle.’ A small prick on her wrist and she would be out. I quickly grabbed her wrist and poked her. 


And… she’s unconscious.

I looked out the broken ceiling to find my sister’s silhouette gliding down towards us. “What’s wrong, Keira? I’m kind of busy taking care of Dr. Edgure!” She landed and one look at the unconscious girl laying down beside me told her everything. “I’ll get her outta here while you do your thing. Do it quickly before they tear down the place!”

I nodded. “I need to start soon, so get her out!” Tessa lifted the girl’s body and she ran out the door. 

Turning around, I looked up to the starry night sky and concentrated on building up my ability. I closed my eyes and felt the power run through my body. I imagined it swirling into my hands. I opened my eyes and looked at my fingertips. 

 Glowing light blue. Perfect. 

I waited for the right moment to unleash my strength. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Dr. Edgure in his robot suit jumping down from the ceiling to battle me face to face in the ballroom. 

When he landed, I waited until he made his speech. “All alone, are you?” His tone sent shivers down my spine. His voice was low and slow. It sounded confident, yet a bit worried. “I cannot wait to finally take back what belongs to me!”

“What on earth are you talking about?” I demanded, cracking my fingers. 

Dr. Edgure laughed. “All in good time. Now shall we get this over with?”

I stood, confused. He knew that I could stop time, he knew I could easily defeat him. “You already know you’re going down,” I said, irritated at his confidence. 

“Am I?” 

I’ve had enough. Angrily, I swung my arms toward him, the blue glow leaving my fingers and spreading across the whole room, making time freeze. 

I smiled. I love the feeling of being the only one who was not frozen in the whole world. Although Tessa could join me if she wanted to. 

I walked cautiously towards the frozen robot skeleton. Half expecting it to come back alive, I poked the robot. Nothing happened. 

“Phew. Thank goodness it worked again,” I said to myself. 

I looked at the Doctor inside the robot body. He had that evil smile you see in movies. His gray hair was shooting out in all directions and his white scientist coat hung down his legs. He had on gray goggles sitting on top of his head. He looked like a mad scientist, probably because he was.    

I would need help getting Dr. Edgure to the police department so I did the whistle call.

Phwwwhht… Phwwwhht… Phwwwhht!

A shadow passed above me. Looking up, I saw Tessa glide through the roof and into the deserted, ruined ballroom. “Can you help me out?” 

“Nah. You can do it.” She tried to look serious but failed. Giving up, she said, “Of course I can. After all, I am the strong one.”

I playfully punched her in the shoulder. “Hey! Just open the door already!” I waited until the door swung open then carefully climbed up the ladder. Reaching the top I climbed inside the robot belly where the Doctor stood frozen and unbuckled the seat belt. 

“Keira! Wait! Don’t do that-” Tessa's voice was cut off as the door of the robot closed shut. 

I turned around in the little foot room there was and banged on the door. “Tessa! Get me out of here! Tessa!” I glanced around for a door handle. Nothing. 

“Glad you could join me, Keira.” Dr. Edgures voice made me stand as still as a rock. “Why don’t you come over to my place.” 

I turned around slowly, fear creeping into my skin like a sponge soaking up water. I looked at the Doctor's grinning face and frowned. “How did you escape the pause of time?” I asked, confused.

“I’d love to tell you about it but I just can’t. Not until I’m done with you.” He reached over my head and pressed a button. Red lights filled the place and I felt the robot come back to life.       

“What? No!” How could this happen? How can anyone escape the pause of time except me and my sister?

Dr. Edgure sighed. “I’m sorry, miss, but it’s a little bit crowded in here. Out you go!” he pressed another button and the door I was leaning on swung open. I fell out of the robot and the ground came towards me faster than I anticipated. 

At that moment, I really wished that I had my sister's gliding ability as I hit the ground. Hard. Glass pierced into my skin as the sensation of not being able to breathe washed over me like a rain cloud passing over water. I gasped for breath and shakily stood up. I looked around for backup. 

Where are you Tessa? I cried inwardly. I can’t do this on my own. 

Right when the thought left me, a robot hand stretched towards me. I pulled the energie out from me and held out a hand. A blue blast of electricity shot out of my hand, heading straight for the arm getting ready to grab me. The arm shook out of control then fell at my feet, detached from the body.

I looked at Dr. Edgure. His face was in total shock. Satisfied with the emotion, I fired some more, now at the whole structure. The other arm fell off a few blasts later.

Thank goodness I’ve never used this ability on him before. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity. The whole body of the robot fell apart in pieces, leaving the Doctor standing on a stool. 

Rage bubbled over me like a volcano as I clutched my hands into fists. “You are a dead man. How could you disrupt a perfectly fine party? It’s not anything personal.” 

Dr. Edgure came down from his perch, knelt down in front of me and begged. “Please. Please don’t hurt me! I never really wanted to hurt anyone! I only wanted to get invited to the party!”

“Please. Like I’m going to fall for that.” 

He stood up and brushed off the tiny glass pieces on his scientist coat. “Worth a shot.” Glaring at me, he said, “I’m out of here.” He let out a long screech. 

“Not gonna happen.” I opened my hands and let the blue glow quiet the man. “Your robot’s aren’t coming to help you. So either you tell me what you mean, or you die.” 

“Ok, ok calm down.” He motioned for me to stop the glow. I clutched my hands together, making the blue glow subdued. “I’ve calculated the numbers…” 

I drowned out the noise and began searching for any clues of Tessa's disappearance. I saw darkened footprints on the red carpet leading out the door. Signs of struggle halfway across the room made my heart skip a beat. 

She was taken.

“So that’s how I did it.” Dr. Edgure looked at me. “Were you even listening?” 

I looked at him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was listening.” I opened my hands, the blue glow lighting up his face. I energized my fingertips and the dark blue glow let me unpause time. The blue glow from around me disappeared and the lights of police sirens let me sigh in relief. I was still alive, the police were here, and I got the Doctor to tell me how he got out of the pause of time. 

The police ran in and the paramedics checked me over for injuries. Dr. Edgure finally got arrested and put into an actual secure location. He’s gone for good.

It all felt like a happy ending but there was something missing. 

My sister is still missing.

June 08, 2024 00:12

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