Thanks Again, Anna

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a story in the form of a series of thank you cards.... view prompt


Sad Fiction

April 25th

Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you so much for the beautiful engagement gift! All of the jewelry is absolutely beautiful and has such a storied history. I think I might wear the earring and necklace set that has the rubies for the wedding, I think you said that was from your 40th wedding anniversary, right? Those might be my favorite. Rachel and I are very excited to start this journey and celebrate with our families, and we are so grateful to have such love in our lives. 

Things are definitely going to get a lot busier around here, but we are both so grateful for all your love and support. I’m not sure what Grandma’s treatment schedule is in the upcoming weeks, but we’ll be in Cincinnati for a couple days next month, so we’ll try to find a time to see you if you’re feeling up for it! 

Thanks again!


June 7th

Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you so much for the corner cabinet, it fits in our apartment perfectly. I remember seeing this in your house growing up and always thought it was beautiful. Now I have the perfect spot for all the heirlooms and antiques you’ve given to me over the years! 

Rachel and I would love for you both to come and visit so you could see where we put it. We also decided on our wedding venue and we would love to show it to you! It’s this gorgeous, old mansion downtown, and they have this really nice terrace where we’re thinking of holding the ceremony. I know traveling can be difficult, but it would be great to see you both. We can keep talking and see if we can find a time.

You should be getting a save the date in the mail soon, so be sure to keep an eye out! Love you both.

Thanks again!


September 16th

Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you so much for all the bridal shower gifts! We desperately needed those kitchen tools, and the pans and mixing bowls will be a huge help in all of my baking. Rachel’s birthday is next month, so I think I might try my hand at a red velvet cake. That’s her favorite.

I’ve included some photos of our venue as well as some of the decor we’ve decided on since you haven’t been able to visit. Life is just so busy at the moment, for all of us. Rachel just got a promotion and is putting in some extra hours, so I’ve taken over for a lot of the wedding planning (although, to be honest, I was doing a lot of it already. I get my planning skills from you, Grandma). I’ll also be picking up my dress pretty soon which is so exciting! Maybe we can FaceTime or something after I get it if Grandma wants to see it. 

We’re so excited to see you both in a couple of months!

Thanks again!


October 14th

Grandma and Grandpa,

We cannot thank you enough for all your generosity in helping us with our honeymoon fund. Rachel and I are so excited for this trip and your help means the world to us. We’ll be sure to take plenty of pictures of our adventures in California, and we’ll find some time afterwards to visit so we can show you! Your love and support is greatly appreciated.

We can’t wait to see you both at the wedding in a couple of weeks! The weather forecast looks good so far, so it should be a beautiful day. If Grandma needs any more information about the venue, please let us know. I know there’s an elevator for wheelchair accessibility, but it is a pretty old building, so it might not be the easiest to get around. Also remember that the ceremony is outside, and you both need to arrive at 3:00 for photos.

Can’t wait to celebrate with you both!

Thanks again!


November 28th


I’m sorry I didn’t get this to you sooner. I meant to have this finished when we visited a couple weeks ago, but I had to catch up on a lot of things after the wedding, and I guess I didn’t think that would be my last chance. But thank you, for everything. Your love and support throughout my life has meant so much to me, and I’m so glad you were able to celebrate with Rachel and I. Thank you again for all the financial support throughout the wedding planning. And the antique brooches from Great-Grandma Sarah are beautiful! I found the perfect spot for them in the corner cabinet you gave me. They are such a unique and special wedding gift, and I promise to take good care of them.

I know I’ll probably forget what I’ve written on this note, and I know I’m not able to truly express everything I’m feeling here, but I hope it’s enough. I am so grateful to have had you as my grandmother, and I’m sorry if I didn’t turn out to be the granddaughter you expected me to be. So much of who I am is because of you, and even if you didn’t always like the decisions I made, I still hope I make you proud. I love you, and I will miss you so much.

Thanks again,


December 4th


Thank you for the gift from Grandma, we can’t express what it means to us that she left something for all of us grandkids. We're not sure what we’ll do with the money yet, but right now, we’re thinking of putting it towards a trip! Rachel has always wanted to visit Seattle, so we’re planning on booking something for our anniversary. We know how much you both loved to travel, so we think Grandma would like that we’re using it to make some new memories and see some new sights. 

We've included some pictures from the wedding. They turned out so great, and we're so glad Grandma was able to be there. She looked so beautiful. Rachel and I will be back in Cincinnati in a few weeks for Christmas. We’ll swing by your apartment to celebrate with you one of the days we are there.

Thanks again,

Anna and Rachel

July 30, 2024 02:52

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