Contemporary Sad Fiction

By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. Side by side, my brother and I walk through the streets, burning each and every house there. The flames grew with every single step we took. What a beautiful sight.

I’m tired of the mistreatment, the pain, the trauma this town has caused us. I’m absolutely exhausted so we’re taking this into our own hands. My brother and I walk through the town, making it prettier that it already is. Then we head to and sit by the cliff side as we watch the town that raised us go up in flames. The heat and smoke can be felt miles away. 

I love the town, don’t get me wrong but not the people. They aren’t the nicest but I understand their point of view, having two...what did they call us? Pyromancers? In a normal town is something scary to them. Playing with literal fire isnt exactly something charming. But they didnt try to learn or understand us, only feared us. But thats okay, that was their own mistake.

One time, when we were 7, we were playing in the playground and we didn’t know better so we called the other kids to play with us. Let’s just say the kids didn’t like us very much, they went home crying and with burns on their hands. At the time we didn’t get why they were the ones crying, though. 

Then another incident in 6th grade, my brother and I were walking down the streets of our little town when one of my classmates drove by us and splashed water on us. It wasn’t a hot day, they had no reason to do that. I’m sure it was just an accident. 

And the most recent one, someone triggered my powers by making fun of my brother. My blood boiled and without hesitation, I leave him with a burn on his face in the shape of my hand. Let’s just say, I got into trouble. It pains me to see my brother being mistreated.

We didn’t care what people think of us. I think the fact that we can create and control fire is really incredible. We don’t understand how it works exactly but seeing the fire dance on our hands, weaving through our fingers and seeing it grow into something bigger than us is what made us love it even more. As humans, we are attracted to beautiful things. Fire is beautiful in our eyes. People just didn’t get that and we don’t care, they just don’t understand how we can perceive something as dangerous as fire as something beautiful and graceful.

At times we would lie down on the ground and play around with fire sparks, passing it to one another. We would do that for hours and it never got boring. I could do nothing but watch as the glowing blue flames flicker and dance between my two hands. The sight is mesmerizing and captivating to someone like me. It brings me joy along with the feeling of serenity. 

My brother would create flames that would hover just a few inches above the ground, connecting together in a fluid motion almost like a snake of water. It would light up our surroundings and our souls. No one dared to stop us, too afraid of the heat and the danger. But to us, it was nothing but a beautiful light. Our souls are equivalent to the light. It was meant to be beautiful and precious but people made it ought to be something that is harmful and hazardous. 

Nevertheless, growing up with him just made me a little less lonely. With a magic like ours, we were bound to be casted out by society. He had a smile everywhere he went and the atmosphere would not be the same the second he leaves. There was never a dull moment with him. The effect he had on people was almost magical. People see him as a bright and beautiful flame but no one knew what a burden having these gifts were to him. The most prized possession he held was the one to take his life away. Not the magic itself but the weight that the magic brings.

Seeing the fire we created upon our town really brought me back to the good old days where we would run around without a care in the world, dancing with fires and making it rain fire sparks. Why? Why not? We could create something beautiful why don’t we show it to other people? 

I turn to my brother and he has a smile on his face, he is not even glancing over at the beauty we had created. I say to him, “you know, we could have made something even better than this if you were actually here. You could have created your fire dragons or your fire bees or whatever stupid thing you would create. It would be like in the movies, something worthwhile for people to look at. I missed you. Wait for me, will you? I won’t be long.” 

He leaves a kiss on my forehead, the slight sting of heat can be felt. Then I close my eyes and say, “Micheal, I fucking missed you. I can’t wait to see you again. I’m letting of you go for now. I’ll see you when we meet again in heaven. Goodbye...” I open my eyes, I could see him deteriorate before me. His body falling apart like ashes from a flame, the edges of him glow ember leaving behind only his smile before a gust of wind seems to breeze by, leaving nothing. I smile to my self, knowing that was my final goodbye to him. A memory, a soul to a flame. He can rest easy now hopefully.

Micheal, you little shit, get heaven ready for when I come. Why the hell did you leave me so soon? We were supposed to go together! It’s not fair you get to go to heaven first. I love you, you dumbass.

I hear the sirens blaring in the background and the police along with the secret services are ready to take me away. Guess this is my time to go... I look over at them and smile, they clearly did not expect that to happen. I mean, I just burnt down my whole town, why on earth would I be happy to see the police, right?

I put my hands up and they slowly come to get me, taking caution with every step. I didn’t attempt to get away or hurt any of them. I willingly follow their each and every  command. I get shoved into a truck and chained up by the men in black suits. 

This is where my story ends, I know everything that is going to happen after this. I get locked up, I get questioned in trial and I get the death penalty considering how many people I killed and lastly, I get reunited with my brother. Finally at ease with the fact that my brothers death is finally avenged. I too now can rest in peace.

All is well. 

Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost. 

One brief moment and all will be as it was before. 

How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again! 

- Harry Scott-Holland

Micheal, I am coming to meet you, be ready.

October 16, 2020 01:03

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