Witch in the wood

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that takes place in the woods.... view prompt



   There is a tale in her village, everyone that lives there has known for three generations. The woods are cursed, tainted by the soul of an angered witch. Accused of seducing and luring men from their families. Convincing the men to bring their children to the witch for her to sacrifice to the devil. Her soul wonder, in search of the list to feed to her master.

   All who live in the village know to never venture too far into the forest. Do not venture from the paths. Don’t be caught where she hunts. Don’t anger the spirit of the witch. it was simple.

    The leaves crackle under Sarah’s feet, she walks silently through the tangle of trees and bushes, painfully aware of her surrounding. Her heart pounding as she scans the green scenery. In her fear the trees seems to grow, closing the gaps of sunlight. All she could hear was the sound of her own rapid and shallow breaths. The forest seems to grow darker, colder. The deeper she journeys into the woods the more isolated she feels. 

  “She’s coming for you Sarah” James taunts as he sneaks up behind her. Her body tenses and she lets out a high pitched squeal. James wraps his hands around the back of her waist. Sarah clasps her hands over her mouth. 

  “Don’t tease.” She whispers as she calms her breathing. James realizing her panic places a hand on her cheek as her turns to face her, offering comfort. He glides his finger across her quivering bottom lip. “You... you know I fear her more than anything.” she tells him with hesitation as she closes her eyes. Trying to imagine being in a better place. With her fears put to rest by her loves gentle touch, the forest returns to normal. The birds sings and the sun beams through the tree tops on the warm summer evening. 

  James pulls Sarah closer to him, burying a hand in her hair as she places her head on his chest. “How can his heart be so steady?” she thinks to herself. 

   “I swear to you, you have nothing to fear while I’m with you” James says with a genuine stare. He runs his fingertips down outline of her face resting his palm on her chest. He assured her, “we’ll be home soon enough, just through this patch and before you know it we’ll be there. Be calm my love, I promise”

   The sun was just starting its slow decent into the land as the two continued on their way. This trail will cut the time in half, they’ll be home right after the across the small stream. The darkness was rapidly growing. Their breath now visible in the cool air. The stream was nowhere in sight. As the wind blew, Sarah can swear she hears a giggle. From his reaction, she’s sure James had heard it too. He stops and listen closely, grabbing her hand they pick up their pace sightly. 

   The woods they knew, the forest they grew up in. Now seemed eerie and unfamiliar. James stopped in his tracks, “I’ve never seen that before.” James and Sarah find themselves at the opening of an overgrown cave. Thick ivy dropped the boulders forming the mouth of the cave. Sarah had noticed the birds were no longer singing, the leaves underfoot even grew silent. This was no longer Sarah’s mind playing tricks on her. This was real. 

Suddenly a strong ear piercing scream is carried in a gust of wind as it rushes from within the cave. Blowing back Sarah’s hair sending a harsh chill through their bodies. 

   The couple race away, confused and unsure of what they’ve seen and heard. Dark all of a sudden surrounds them, not a sign of daylight in sight, as if they’d lost time. James, pulling Sarah along, dodges branches that seem to be reaching for them. Pulling at their clothes and trying to haunt them. 

   “James, please!” Sarah shouts while trying to catch her breathe. “I... I can’t breathe!” They need to run, to get away from the area. Sarah can’t though, she’s stuck. What was it? Was it the bindings of her dress making it more difficult? Is it her dress strangling her, she thinks? Is it her fear? No, those are hands, those are fingers she felt tightening themselves around her. 

  Her throat was closing, in a panic she tries to rip the grasp of hands that she can only feel. Clawing at her skin, but getting no relief. Blood starts dripping from the gashing she scraped into her neck and chest. Confused she falls to the dirt gasping for air, trying to scream but can’t. The fear in her eyes is unforgettable. Tears steaming down her cheeks. 

     James helplessly watches as the life is drained from her body. Sarah‘s beautiful porcelain skin turned blue. Her sun kissed golden hair was shocked white. She was gone. His one love was gone in an instant. 

     Tears swelling in his eyes “how can I let this happen? I promised, I swore to protect her!” He thought to himself. “Its my fault! I promised her!” He screamed out. “It’s all my damn fault.” 

     With nothing more he can do, he runs in hopes of escaping this nightmare. At last he sees the edge of the trees, the end of the forest is lined with lit torches from the village walls. Relief surges through him. His glimpse of hope is interrupted when he trips over a maze of raised roots.

   Pure terror is realized as he tries to pull himself to his feet. There he lay in front of the cave’s opening, once more. He knew then, he’d never see the light of day again. 

   He tries to crawl as he feels the wind begin to swirl around him. The faint scream accompanying it. 

   He felt icy finger wrap around his neck, he turns and comes face to face with a grey woman, she has black holes where her eyes should be. Her skin, decomposing. She wraps her cold grip around James. her body atop of his, the witch leans down to kiss James. He lets out a final scream as she drags him into the cave. 

As his body disappears into the black the sound of birds replace his scream. The sun shines through the tree tops once again, the warmth returns.

April 16, 2020 19:32

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