Stages of life. Stages of grief. The mindless and endless list of four letter words

Written in response to: Write a story about hope.... view prompt


Crime Friendship Inspirational


It matters.

I guess it does matter.

If you, I, we are black or white.

And has, for quite awhile.

Who knew?

Not me.

Like my faithful new canine companion.

We are and have always have been,

color blind.

Naïveté is the sincerest form of honesty.

Even with a snazzy tool best of street smarts wrapped tightly around,

The middle.

The mid section.

The troubled middle.

Which way: Up or Down.

Which way you headed—Up or Down.

Who do you plan on using, I mean, taking, with you?……..

Bad habits die hard.

Bad POB-patterns of behavior-do too, do as well.

Disclaimer: At this stage of the game my canine companion and I are still getting to know each other, learning each other’s language, love* one another’s company, each give back in the awesomest of benevolent actions.


Four letter word.*


My companion likes my cooking and if rejects it, and chooses a stick or rock, I still must be the adult and

pull it out.

So my beloved will not hurt himself or herself.

(Just being politically correct in these “charged” times.🥺.)

Stages of life and stages of grief often mirror.

The stages.

It is ok not to like every body.


One of the endless four letter words.


In life.

In stages.

In grief.

In stages.

Some stay stuck in the stages.

For life.

And some do not.

One or the other puts the courage in “en” and the “dis” in the other. When life hands you everything on a silver platter, not getting what you want, or think you want becomes habitual dismissivess.

Stages of life.

Stages of grief.

With the recipient of the dismissive getting pounded.

Habitually so.

Feels crummy.

Powerful for the pounder though.

Or so they may think, but never ponder.

Hope. Is not like popcorn.

To be gobbled with crunchy joy.

Hope is an earned thing.

There are avenues, highways and by ways to travel with the hope of that of a newborn baby. All the possibilities. Endless possibilities. Of joy. Of growth.

Of denial. For some. But never for others.

Whatever it takes, say some.

Do whatever it takes, do others.

Destruction has a way of sticking.



Another four letter word.



A terrible four letter word.



Four letter word.

The Soul.

The best.


Two for the price of one, four letter words.

Put together!

Best Soul.


Positivity abounds.

We all need reminders of the beauty, the glory, that hope offers us.

We become weary because we do not always understand.



A great four letter action word.


Maintain your hope in the Lord. Hold onto His assurances that what you pray.(bst)

Wait. What!


Yes. The best four letter word.

Psalm 84:11 : His Word promises “no good thing does He withhold from those that walk up rightly.” I wait.



Four letter action word.

Hard for many.



as in difficult. For many.

impatience rears.

patience is a virtue.

Rock My Lord is my rock (thus the unknowing young canine cannot eat and gobble until the true lessons take hold.”) (bst)

The Lord is the horn,


Four letter word.

The horn of my salvation. Because to be able to express it out loudly, or in your own quiet way is the gift.



Four letter word.

Similar, but not exact to those we may have just exchanged with one another.

Because this gift is timeless, truly endless and more beautiful than one can imagine.

His is always the gift that keeps on giving.


We must earn it.



Earn His attention each and every day.

Through goodness.

Through kindness.

Through the joy of a newborn baby.

The good news about hope. Real hope. Serious hope. Is that it renews the spirit. The hopeful will soar. (bst)



The hopeful will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.




Like a newborn baby who learns to crawl before walking. Before and as they are growing.

Do not fear.

Isaiah 41:10.

O.K. let us get serious for a moment.


Does not want fear. In you. For He is with you; do not be dismayed, for He is God. He will strengthen you; uphold you with His righteous hand.(bst)



Offer your hand in the Spirit of Him.

Not in the spirit of what you need. May need. Think you may need.

Chances are, your arrogance is no match for His wisdom of what you need.

He is strong.

And we are weak.


Weak. Four letter word.

He never laughs at our attempts. He smiles at us, His children of God, at our attempts to go past Him.(bst)



To choose to go past Him, around Him or any other way, is an attempt at futility. He already knows what we need before we do.



It may be a stern word.

A kind word.

A shoulder to cry on.

A lament to be heard.

A vent to be shared.

We may need.

More than we possibly know.

He is there to wipe away our tears.


Wipe. Away.

With a gentle hand and a kind soul.

He is.

Are we?

Working in the interest of the best for one another.


Working in the interest of the worst for one another.

Makes no difference to Him.

He already knows.

He is all knowing.

To. Know.


Four letter word.


To know you are in his graces is a feeling, an ongoing action of benevolence.


In everything we do.

Even if and when we are weary.

Our weariest.

He lifts us up.

Reminds us who we are.

When we are here.



Not the “I have arrived.” Kind of here.

But I am here.For you. So that you do not feel alone.

So unselfish is He.

So unselfish is He.

We have much to learn.






Let’s get to work.



And do only right by our fellow man.

In stages of life.

In stages of grief.

In stages of love.

In stages of belief.

January 03, 2024 23:03

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