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Coming of Age Friendship

Warning: Contains Strong Language


“I’m so sorry,” Annie says as she collapses into bed.

“Can I come stay with you? It will only be a couple of days.” Miya says with hope in her voice. “Of course,“ Annie says. “ I have a small pullout couch and a tiny kitchen, but we’ll make it work.” “Love you, Annie.” She whispers, her nightly routine. “Love you more, Miya,” Annie says as her exhausted eyes close to sleep. 

“She’s lost, Annie,” mom says as she fills her glass of wine. Annie holds the phone up to my ear and hear myself say “I know, but instead of jumping around, she could try and stick with one thing.”

“You’re a good friend,” mom says. “While I have you,” mom says “Go and call your brother. He’s having a hard time and would love to hear your voice.” “Okay mama. Good night. Love you.” Annie hasn’t talked to her brother since their dad died 4 years ago. Her brother reminds her too much of their dad. He is the spitting image of him. She never wants to think about her dad again. 

It was fall. The sweet smell of burning wood lifts up from the crisp, green fields in upstate New York. Annie sees Miya’s red beanie flap against the Autumn air. “Here we go.” Annie says. She loves Miya, but she can be a bit of a pain in the ass. Annies sees her pull her black bags out of her beat up trunk. She must’ve gotten in another wreck, Annie thinks as she swings her red door open to the wind. 

Annie runs over to help her with her luggage. “Annie!” Miya beams at Annie as her curly hair gets in her eyes. “I’m so happy to see you!” She gives me a big hug. The kind of hug a mother would give her child. Long and tight. As always, Miya is the last to let go. 

“How long are you staying?” Annie says as she picks up Miya’s bags. “Should only be a couple of days,” Miya says with a flourish of her hand, dismissively. “I just need to get back on my feet.”

A couple of days turns into a couple of weeks, into a month. One night, as Annie comes back from work, she opens the front door to Miya on her computer. “Find any good job prospects?” Annie says with curiosity. “Yeah, plenty,” Miya says nonchalantly. Annie can see Miya’s computer screen out of the corner of her eye. She watches as Miya scrolls through Amazon. “Uh-huh,” says Annie. She walks into the kitchen and puts her purse down into a puddle of syrup. 

“What the hell!?” cries Annie.  “This is a Birkin! “Miya!” “What happened?” Miya says as she strolls into the kitchen. “Oh shit….” Miya stops short. “Annie, I swear, I meant to clean it up, but I just got so distracted.” “Distracted doing what?” screamed Annie. “Watching the newest season of The Kardashians? Come on, Miya! This is my apartment and I’m letting you live here! Can you have some respect?” “I just forgot, it was an accident,” whispers Miya. “I can’t believe we’re arguing over this. It’s just a small puddle of syrup. I’ll clean it up. I swear. Let me go get a rag.”

 “This is bigger than a puddle of syrup, Miya!”“You’re 26!” When are you gonna get your shit together!” “Since you’ve been here, all you’ve done is shop for clothes and watch stupid reality TV. Shopping for clothes which you probably can’t even afford. You can’t even keep your fucking apartment.” 

“Oh yeah, Annie? What about you and your brother. You haven’t talked to him in years!” “Ever since your dad died, you completely cut out contact!” I may be ignoring my problems, but you sure as hell are ignoring yours too.“ 

“At least I’m not running when things get hard, Miya. Maybe you should leave,” Annie says, deflated. “I’ll be out by morning then,” says Miya dejectedly. “I’ll go pack.” All these years of friendship, Annie thinks. Ruined over a puddle of syrup.

A couple months later, Annie is at a friends pool party when she spots Miya. Annie hasn’t seen Miya since that day she left her apartment. Annie loves Miya. They have been through a lot together. Miya was there when Annie’s dad died. Miya never left her side. It may have been annoying at times for Annie, but Miya was and is still so loyal.

I should make this right, Annie thinks as she makes her way over to Miya. “I replaced my Birkin,” says Annie. Miya ignores her at first, but curiosity wins out. “With what?” asks Miya. “I had some Christmas money left over so I brought myself a Kate Spade,” Annie holds it up to show Miya. “Oooo pretty,” Miya gleams. “Can I borrow it sometime?” “Only if you promise not to get any syrup on it,” Annie says.

“I’m sorry, Annie. I took advantage and that’s not fair.” “I’m sorry, too Miya,” says Annie. “I know you’ve had a difficult time lately trying to find a job you like. I shouldn’t have thrown it in your face.” “I did find a new job,” replies Miya. “Really? Doing what,” says Annie with excitement. “The pay is shit, but I’ve always loved working with children. I applied to be a day care assistant and I start next week.” “I’m happy for you!” Annie says. “You are really good with kids. Got the patience of a saint,” Annie makes prayer hands and bows her head in a joking manner.

“Ha-ha. Hey! Have you started talking to your brother again?” “Slowly….. I called him yesterday,” Annie says. “That’s great, Annie. I’m happy for you.” “Me too, Miya. Let’s go get a drink.”

They sit at the bar and enjoy ice cold mimosas together. As they sit there, Annie thinks about how lucky she is to have Miya in her life. Little did she know, Miya is thinking the same thing.

July 03, 2022 22:52

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Rabab Zaidi
04:25 Jul 10, 2022



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