The Hang Over

Written in response to: Set your story in a bar that doesn’t serve alcohol.... view prompt



The first few years of living in this city are a blur—a booze-filled blur of bright colors, muted memories, and strangers in the dark. I woke up feeling like I normally do, very similar to warmed-over dog shit. My mouth was dry, my head pounded like someone was smacking it from the inside and I had very little memory of arriving home. Great I thought. Here we go again. It is like Groundhog Day over and over and I was sick of it. Frankly, I was sick of myself. While I lay there and tried to remember how I got home I vowed to myself this would be the last time. Then I heard the toilet flush. Um, what? Is someone here with me? OMG. I don't remember that! The bathroom door swung open and framed in the doorway stood a man. He had a towel slung low on his hips and it was obvious he had nothing on under it. The trail of dark hair traveled from his navel to the line of pubic hair barely visible below the towel. He had abs. Boy, did he have abs, like an 8 pack! Does God even make 8 packs on people? I slammed my eyes shut then opened one to see if he was still standing there. He was and he was grinning at me. I pulled the covers over my head and he laughed. Get up sleeping beauty he said. I made you breakfast. Sitting up my head swam and I laid back down feeling a bit nauseous. I could smell coffee and that helped a bit. I hate to ask this I mumbled, but who are you? He just laughed and said his name was Scott and that we met at his bar. The Dry Bar. I told him that was a weird name for a bar and he said not one that doesn't sell alcohol. I tried sitting up again, slower this time and it worked. I slowly shifted so my legs hung down the side of the bed and my feet rested on the fuzzy green rug I had beside the bed. I groaned. If your bar doesn't sell booze why am I so hungover?? He laughed, his eyes lit up, and I noticed how blue they were. Because you were wasted before you came in. Stumbled in I must say. A flush of red immediately heated my cheeks. In that minute I knew I was going to try the sober life. Sometimes change is gradual but sometimes a decision is made in an instant. Looking up sheepishly I said, "What's on the menu?"

I felt like shit all day. Work was thankfully slow, I could only think about those blue eyes twinkling at me and really, I couldn't forget those abs either. Scott had invited me back to the bar when he left my apartment this morning and as tempting as it was to see him I did NOT feel like going anywhere. I had some life choices to reconsider. Once home I ordered some Chinese takeout, grabbed a carafe of water, 4 ibuprofen, a notebook, and my favorite pen, and settled down to rewrite the story of my life. After scribbling a couple pages of--I will never drink again. I will never drink again. I will never drink again. My phone played, It's a party in the USA, signaling a text from Hailey, my partner in crime. "Hey, Molly! Last night was so much fun until we stumbled into that dry bar! What a buzz kill. Let's go out again but stay far away from that place!" I looked at my phone for a long time, my stomach still a bit queasy. Finally, I typed- "Not feeling it tonight." Hailey sent an immediate text back. One word. "Loser". All I could think was yeah. I am. My food arrived and I took a few bites only to realize I was still thinking about Scott and his bar.

It was packed. I couldn't believe it. No alcohol to be found and everyone seemed to be having a good time. There was a guy in the corner with only a guitar, singing a song I was vaguely familiar with but couldn't quite place. I saw fancy glasses half full of colorful concoctions and beer mugs with what I assumed were non-alcoholic brews. I made my way to the bar. To Scott. He had a towel in his hands and a smile on his face talking with one of his customers at the bar. He must have sensed me because he turned to me and said, "Well hello Miss Molly! I'm glad you could join us!" I smiled and said, "Me too." I stool opened up and I sat down. Scott brought me over this pink fuzzy drink. It tasted so good I couldn't believe there was no alcohol in it. He winked and left me to go make another drink for the woman sitting next to me. Once she had her mocktail--an alcohol-free cocktail, a new term for me! She said, "Cheers! To dry January!!" I tapped her glass with mine, smiled, and took a sip looking forward to a better life. A booze-free life. 

I woke up and Scott was there. Only this time I REMEMBERED bringing him home. Wooo girl do I remember! He propped himself up on his hand, looking at me. I thought to myself how one decision changed so much in my life. I felt good for the first time for as long as I could remember. I'd joined a gym, Scott cooked fantastic meals, I'd even gotten a new job! Scott kissed me and I thanked him. Thanked him for his dry bar and the new life I'd only dreamed of! He jumped out of bed and I watched his adorable butt disappear into the bathroom that I first remember seeing him come out of. What a sight to see! I got up and followed him in. I mean, wouldn't you?

January 16, 2024 14:41

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