Jasmine's First Theater Show

Submitted into Contest #123 in response to: Begin or end your story with “Well, that was dramatic.”... view prompt


Fiction Friendship

Everybody loves the theater, the music, the singing, the costumes, the dancing, and the beautiful scenes.

The first theater show for anyone is the most memorable one. You don't forget your first show weather you live in New York or are visiting for the first time, going to the theater is a time honor tradition.

The long lines, the long wait in the cold or the blazing sun is what's it's all about when you come to the theater, even spending lots of money for the tickets.

The experience is worth it, spending time with family and friends is worth it, putting a smile on your love one's face is worth it.

When you decide to go to the theater picking a show can be the hardest thing because there are so many shows to choose from, from Wicked to The Lion King to Aladdin to Phantom of the Opera and so many more.

Jasmine and her best friend Jordan are making a once in a lifetime trip to New York.

This is the first time Jasmine and Jordan are going to New York and they want to make it special. Jasmine has planned every detail of the trip, starting from day one all the way to day five.

Day one of the trip is here. Jasmine wakes up early and calls Jordan.


"Wake up Jordan day one of our trip is here."


Jasmine hangs up. She happily gets out of bed, and goes to take a shower, a few minutes later Jasmine gets out of the shower and gets dressed. She looks herself once over and is happy.

Jasmine goes to check her luggage to make sure she has everything.

"Good I have everything."

She brings her luggage to the living room. Jasmine checks the plans she has made, everything looks good.

At 6am Jasmine hears a knock on the door, she knows who it is. She goes and opens the door. Jordan greets her.

"You ready to go?"

"All set."

Jasmine goes to get her luggage, she checks her house to make sure everything is locked up, all good. Jasmine walks out the front door, and locks up.

"Let's go have some fun."

Jasmine smiles.

Jordan and Jasmine head to the airport. Jasmine talks about what they are going to be doing for the entire trip.

Jordan is happy that Jasmine is excited about the trip. She can't stop smiling as Jasmine is taking.

They arrive at the airport and check in. They make it through security with no problems, now they are at the gate waiting to board.

"Did you figure out which Broadway show you want to see?"

"I'm still thinking."

"We are only in New York for five days, there is a lot to see."

"Don't worry. I have everything figured out."


An hour later Jasmine and Jordan board the plane. Jasmine is sitting in her seat looking at a brochure of all the Broadway shows. She finds every one of them exciting.

After much looking Jasmine has settled on two shows Wicked or Phantom of the Opera.

Jasmine turns to Jordan and asks her to pick the show. Jordan picks Phantom of the Opera.

Five hours later Jasmine and Jordan land in New York.

It takes Jasmine and Jordan an hour to get to their hotel in the city, they check in and head their room. They settle in and then they go grab lunch.

When lunch is over Jasmine and Jordan go sightseeing. They go to Time Square and are amazed by the tall buildings, the lights and the people. They take pictures and buy a few things.

Its dark by the time Jasmine and Jordan get back to their hotel. They shower and go to bed.

The next day, day two of their trip Jasmine gets up at 7, she takes a shower and wakes Jordan up.

"Wake up!"

"I'm up."

At 9 Jasmine and Jordan leave their room to have breakfast. They take a taxi to a diner. By 10:30 Jasmine and Jordan are finished eating.

Jasmine asks Jordan what she wants to do. Jordan looks at Jasmine and asks her "We are not doing what you planned?"

"We got plenty of time to do what I want, now what do you want to do?

"What every girl wants to do, shopping."

Jasmine happily nods.

Jordan and Jasmine head to 5th ave. There they enter all the stores. They try on all the clothes, and buy them for themselves and a few for their friends and family.

Over the next couple of hours Jasmine and Jordan have the time of their life shopping and doing more sightseeing.

At 10pm Jordan and Jasmine arrive back at their hotel. They talk about what a great day they had shopping, trying all the foods and seeing more of New York.

Day three and four Jasmine and Jordan spent going to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, museums and more shopping.

Jasmine and Jordan visit the 9/11 memorial and museum.

On day four Jasmine and Jordan go to Broadway and buy tickets for Phantom of the Opera. They buy the tickets for their final day in New York.

The seats they buy are in the front row. Jasmine is excited, she happily jumps up and down and hugs Jordan.

Once they get the tickets Jasmine and Jordan go to linch, they talk about what they are going to do the next day.

They end the day at the hotel spa.

The next day Jasmine gets up early, she wakes Jordan up, they shower and go have breakfast. Jordan tells Jasmine they are going to have a make over before the show.

Jordan takes Jasmine to the salon, they do their hair, make up and a manicure and pedicure, then Jasmine and Jordan go and buy a new dress. At first Jasmine didn't want to buy a dress, but Jordan convinced her to get one.

They arrive back at the hotel. Jasmine and Jordan change into the dress, then leave the hotel and head to the theater.

Jasmine and Jordan arrive at the theater. They see a line forming and promptly get out of the taxi. They wait in line for half an hour.

Jasmine and Jordan enter the theater and find their seats in the front row. The show starts on time.

Jasmine watches in awe at the performers. The music is beautiful, the scenes are breathe taking and the actors are magnificent.

When the show ends the audience and Jasmine give a standing ovation.

Jordan says "Well that was dramatic."

December 08, 2021 20:46

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