Flying with Music

Written in response to: Start your story with a character saying “Listen, …”... view prompt


Inspirational Happy

“Listen,” she says. A beautiful sound flows into my ears. “Listen,” she says again. I hear the music, and in my mind, something amazing happens. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was gifted in music. My mind could comprehend all the chords. First it was G, then G7, then C, and G again. The next thing I knew, I was the one behind the piano, playing the keys without even having to think about it. I could feel the music. 

On my tenth birthday, my mom took me to a concert. This was the first time music was introduced into my life. In the car, I didn’t know where we were going, only that I had to bring a jacket. Many thoughts crossed my mind. First I thought I was going to a water park, even though it didn’t make logical sense. Then to a beach, then to an axe throwing place (don’t ask where I got that idea, I know it is weird), and then to a movie theater. I had no idea that… that place… would change my life forever. 

Our family was pretty poor. We had a very small house, with one bathroom, and two bedrooms. I have a younger sister, and an older sister. I’m a middle child of three, each three years apart. My best friend, Amber, is the richest girl in our school. I go over to play at her “mansion” a lot. Her family even has a piano and a music room. Whenever I go over to her house, I play the piano for at least an hour. Amber is also the best singer in our class. She takes vocal lessons, and sounds like an angel. She sings, and I play piano. I always look forward to time with her. She even introduced me to dance. 

Since my family is poor, my parents can’t afford to pay for extra-curricular activities. But since Amber is my best friend, and a really nice person, her family said they are willing to pay for one of each of my, and my sister’s extra-curricular activities of our choice. Of course, I wanted to learn piano even better, but I also loved dance. Even after a few months, I couldn’t decide what I wanted. Dance was expensive, and piano was pretty cheap. In the end, I decided I loved dance. I already learned piano on my own, so I didn’t really need help with that. So dance it was. 

I was in the same dance class as Amber. During dance practice, my coach wanted someone to play piano for Amber’s solo. We had an audition for everyone who could play piano. I was picked to play last. No one except my mom, dad, and Amber had heard my piano playing. I started to play my favorite piece, “Amazing Grace”. I started to play, slowly closing my eyes as I went further into the song. I felt good. Really, really good. The richness of the sound flowed through my ears, filling them with greatness. Then, I started to sing. At this time, no one had heard me sing. As I was playing, I felt like I was floating, no, dancing to the music. I felt so joyous. I felt like I could do anything. I imagined myself dancing with the crowd staring at me with amazement. I let the power of music surge through me. I was flying.

When I opened my eyes after finishing the piece, it was silent. Even the wind stopped to listen. Then, as if on cue, everyone started clapping powerfully. I was overwhelmed by their praise. People kept patting me on the back, congratulating me on my performance. Later, after it calmed down, my dance coach came up to me. She said, “You were amazing! I don’t even know how you did it. It is better than any professional musician I’ve ever heard. And you know I’m not just saying that. Personally, I think you should pursue a career in music. I would be honored if you could play that piece at the dance recital.” I just nodded my head. When I got home, I told my parents all about what had happened. They were very pleased with me. They said they could maybe, just maybe, pay for me to join an orchestra. 

I was very, and I mean very enthusiastic about the orchestra, but it was very expensive. I told Amber about it, and she said she could pay for the part that we couldn’t pay. So then I was in the orchestra and dance. Orchestra was nice. I was asked to play a welcoming piece when I first came to practice. The same thing happened there as it did at dance practice. Everyone was amazed at how well I could play. My orchestra teacher told me that I should have a solo. I told him to give everyone else a chance to be the solo before I accepted. When he asked if I could be the solo, no one argued. In fact, everyone was in agreement. They said that I would do better as the solo. I was honored by the decision. I told everyone in my dance class. They were extremely proud of me. I loved dancing. I loved the orchestra. My life couldn’t have been better. 

When I was a senior, I was looking for a college to go to. I wanted to pursue my dream as a musician, but I honestly didn’t know what college was best. Then came the letters. There were loads of them. From all different states, and even countries. Stanford offered me a scholarship. I was surprised at how people knew me. But, eventually, I chose the right school. 


I was singing and playing piano. Music surged through me. I was making up this piece on the spot. I was sweating, but happy. I hoped, I just hoped that there was some person out there who found their passion for music from this piece. It was just like what happened in dance class the first time I played piano. I was flying with music. 

November 12, 2021 18:15

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