Contemporary Friendship

Dear Laura,

Welcome to the neighbourhood! 

Thank you for the cake you brought over. It was delicious. Did you make it yourself? I’m not much of a cook, but hopefully I can return the favour someday.

Hope you’re loving your new home!

Sal x

Dear Laura,

Thank you so much for minding the kids yesterday. My mum got taken into hospital and Mike couldn’t get away from work in time to be home for them.

Hope they didn’t make a mess in yours!

Sal x

Dear Sal,

Thanks a bunch for the flowers (haha) – there was really no need. Your kids were no trouble at all. Feel free to ask me anytime. Mine is 12 and already at that hiding-in-bedroom grumpy stage; it’s nice to have the little ones around for a bit!

I’m sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she gets well soon.

Laura x

Dear Laura,

Thanks so much for the kind card, and the lasagne. 

I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to get in touch. Everything happened so quickly, and it was really difficult organising the funeral. I’ve been completely drained. Not looking forward to Christmas at all this year!

Coffee next week?

Sal x

Dear Laura,

Thanks so much for the Christmas cake. It’s so helpful to have one less thing to worry about. You really are an amazing cook! 

Sal x

Dear Sal,

Thanks so much for my birthday dinner! Yum! It was great meeting the girls. Hope we didn’t wake poor Mike and the kids up, crashing in at 2am. =D

Love Laura x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for taking that parcel in yesterday! It saved me a lot of hassle. It was their third attempt, and I don’t know why Mike didn’t hear the bell. Might be broken or something! 

Love Sal x

Dear Sal,

Thank you for the Galentine’s Card, made me laugh! I didn’t know there was such a holiday – beats Valentine’s for us divorcees!

Hope Mike spoiled you x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for minding the kids yesterday. It was supposed to be Mike’s day off but he got called into the office last minute. His boss is a complete cow sometimes!

The kids loved being at yours – your lunches beat mine, of course!

Love Sal x

Dear Sal,

Thanks for the lovely evening yesterday, even if you were trying to set me up (don’t lie!) with Mike’s mate Dave. Not my type, I’m afraid – a bit too much like The Ex! 

Speaking of Mike, he’s lost sooo much weight! Wish I could develop that sort of passion for the gym!

Love Laura x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for yet another delicious cake. It was the best I’ve had in ages.

As you know, Mike’s sworn off the sweets these days - and all the rest of the good stuff – all the more for me and the kids! =D

Love Sal x

Dear Sal,

Glad you liked the rhubarb cake, and thanks for the compliments! I always go a bit mad with summer fruits, so here’s a gooseberry fool.

I came by earlier to see if you were in for a chat, and Mike’s sister said you’d taken Elsa to the doctor – hope she’s OK!

Love Laura x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for the gooseberry fool – delish, like everything you make! Don’t bring me any more though, my jeans are feeling the strain. 

Elsa’s fine, it was just a bit of a cough. She enjoyed the time off school! 

Mike doesn’t have a sister, though, so you’ve got your wires crossed there – sure you came to the right house? :P

Love Sal x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for the photo of Mike’s “sister”. Never seen her before in my life! He did some ancestry.com thing a while ago, so maybe she’s turned up from that (his dad was a bit of a player back in the day). Worried!!!

Love Sal x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for the little stakeout you did! Not sure whether I’m glad she didn’t show up or not. If she had, we’d at least know what was going on by now! Really can’t believe he’d be bringing another woman to our house/bed – VOM!! 

Love Sal x

Dear Sal,

Thanks for the wine! It went down a treat while Jack was at his dad’s. Fancy a winey night this weekend? Think you need a girly night x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for the awesome dinner last night – and all the tissue-passing and good ideas! I didn’t expect to get so emotional. 

Just wish I knew what was going on!! Hope we figure it out soon, this is driving me mental.

Love Sal x

Dear Mike,

Thanks so much for your advice on putting up my new shelves the other day. It was so helpful!

I know I said I didn’t need your help to actually do it, but do you think you could after all? I’m not sure my DIY skills are up to it!

Love Laura xx

Dear Laura,

Thanks so much for nearly copping off with my husband! Hahaha. 

Can’t believe he thought you’d really invited him over for a shag. Thinks he’s god’s gift, doesn’t he?

Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

His face when I walked in!

Love Sal x

Dear Sal,

Hope you’re holding up OK, and the kids.

Thanks so much for the flowers. Must be the first time in history that kissing a ratbag husband gets someone flowers from the wife!

Dinner tomorrow night? X

Dear Laura,

Thanks so much for having me and the kids over last night. It really cheered us up.  

I hope that shelf I put up stays up – typical of Mike to not do the DIY jobs he’s promised – or anything else!

Love Sal x

Dear Sal,

Thanks so much for the trip. What a way to blow some of the settlement!

Jack and I had an amazing time with you and the girls. I got you copies of the photos I printed. That one on the rollercoaster is going on my wall!

Love Laura x

Dear Laura,

Thanks for the photos, but don’t dare make me look at that photo on the rollercoaster again! I look a complete state! 

So glad to have a friend like you.

See you tomorrow!

Love Sal x

August 02, 2024 22:29

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