Coming of Age Friendship

7 o'clock, I was exhausted from the day's work. I work as an EO or an Event Organizer. This was a magical show with little kids with their snotty little noses singing a squeaky version of "Let It Go" I tried to smile as naturally as I could because the parents were there watching their children with proud, smiling faces. I don't know why my job is like this, but it's the highest-paying job I ever got, cause I literally get 2,500 or sometimes more as a tip for every party or show I throw. It's usually either school plays or kids' birthdays. I wish I had another job, my dream job is to be a space scientist one day, but I really don't know how I'm ever going to reach it, I wish I get promoted or something then somebody like Elon Musk will hire me. I tried for a SpaceX Space Scientist Application last week but it hasn't been responded to... Yet... Dump, dump, dump, I heard some heavy footsteps break my long train of thought. And I know this might sound fiction to you, but I saw a guy wearing a suit, holding a tablet, with a SpaceX logo on the right side of his suit. I was so shocked I stood still, my heart beating fast. He came closer and closer and closer and closer. He then stood right in front of me and I closed my gaping mouth at once. He started to talk, "Hello Miss. Are you Ms. Lindsay Tamsyn?" I, in my state of shock, unable to say anything, just nodded. "Nice to see you Ms. Tamryn. I wanted to tell you that you have been promoted by my boss, Mr. Elon Musk. Your salary will be 5,500 a month if you do your work nicely and correctly. Would you like to accept this position?" I was very happy and super excited, and my words blurted out one after the other, "YES! Of course, I would like to do that!" I replied excitedly. He answered back, "Well congratulations and you better pack your bags tonight Ms. Tamryn because, by tomorrow, you and all your belongings will move to an apartment close to the SpaceX HQ. The apartment will be already paid for by Mr. Elon Musk. Thank you, and may I take my leave, Miss?" I was still quite in shock but I answered, "Of course, thank you.." "Jonathan, but you can call me Jonas now." "Right. Thank you, Jonas. And may I have your phone number?" "Sure, it's +1298-3916-4763. Got it?" "Yes, once again thanks a lot, Jonas." "Of course, no problem. See you tomorrow at HQ?" "Yea alright. See you, Jonas." "See you, Ms. Tamryn." "Oh, you can call me Lindsay." "OK then, see you, Lindsay! Oh, and here are your plane tickets."

I got out of the building and hurriedly hailed a cab, then I jumped in and asked the driver to drive as fast as he could to Baker's Apples Street, No. 48. Once I arrived, I paid and ran up the short steps to the front door and entered my old apartment for the last time. Ms. Beatrice always waits up for me no matter how long I come home, and tonight was no different. She greeted me with her usual exuberance, yet I greeted her with the opposite; I realized how much I'll miss her and her charming smiles and her warm breakfasts. I started to talk; "Ms. Beatrice, I'm...leaving." Her face dropped, and tears started to run down her face, "Ms. Beatrice, I got promoted by SpaceX! By Mr. Elon Musk!" She forced a smile and wiped her tears, "Wow, that sounds amazing dear. I'm very happy for you, yet, will you come to visit me sometime?" She asked, tears flowing freely down again. "Of course, I will Ms. Beatrice, you're the closest thing I've ever had to a parent. I will visit you every holiday and maybe once every 3 months if I'm not busy. Is that okay with you?" She smiled once more, but this time not forcefully, "Anything's fine by me dear, as long as you are happy and can live. Thank you for being as good as my daughter dear." I smiled, one part sadly, one part happily, "And thank you for being as good as I'll ever have to a parent." She smiled even more widely, "When will you go dear?" I replied, "I'll fly to Hawthorne tomorrow. I'll see you in a few months, Ms. Beatrice, now can I get to my packing?" She laughed with one more tear running down, "What kind of question is that? Of course, you can, dear."

I ran upstairs and started packing all my clothes and stuff. I wrote a loving note to be left for Ms. Beatrice to find later on. After I had packed and only left a set of pajamas and a set of comfy clothes out and my toothbrush and soap plus shampoo, I went to bed. Tomorrow is my big day.

At exactly 8:00 A.M. I left the apartment, my tummy full with probably the last warm breakfast that I'd ever be served by Ms. Beatrice, and my heart heavy with the thought of leaving Ms. Beatrice behind, and my shirt wet with tears. I sighed as I was on the road to the airport and shed a few more tears, but then I wiped them off my face and smiled at the picture that I took with Ms. Beatrice and Ms. Ella, who is Ms. Beatrice's 36-year-old single daughter.

I was on the plane, reading a book when Jonas left me a voice message, "Lindsay, meet me at the True Hope Cafe tomorrow at 3. Thanks." I was so excited.

The next day I took an American cab, which is the very most different, being yellow rather than black as we have back home in London. Wow, I thought, This is a new life. I arrived at True Hope Cafe and met Jonas. We talked, and after that, he drove me, for the very first time, to SpaceX headquarters. Then he took me on a tour then brought me to my new, spacious, fancy office. He said that I was to be the Lead Space Scientist and he told me of all the little bibs and bobs of being a new SpaceX Head Employee.

Fast forward 2 months later:

I was happy with my job, and I kept my promise to Ms. Beatrice and visited every once in a while. And every time I visit her I bring an American-styled parcel for her and she would be so happy.

And I always thank her for supporting me in whatever choices I make. On my third visit, I found out that Ms. Ella was married to a man named Mr. Elliot Adams, and I told them that I was engaged to Jonas and wanted Ms. Beatrice and Ms. Ella and her new husband to come to my wedding, which was to be celebrated at SpaceX HQ with all the other employees. That is my happily ever after. Thank you.

June 07, 2023 11:45

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