Friendship Romance

(Follow, like, comment, and subscribe for more. I'm expecting to start getting back to my old posting schedule in a couple of weeks. If you don't know what that was, it was five times a week. I'm thinking about doing more of a personal real life blog for once a week. So, please like and follow and comment, because I'm not sure. This story was one I actually wasn't sure about, as I had a lot of ideas for this week, but this was the one I decided on. So, I hope you all really like it. And I have plenty of other ideas. Of course, if you guys have any, please follow and comment! Thank you and I'll stop now.)

I can't sleep. Just great.

I was trying to doze, and was actually just about to sleep. It was 2 am. But the phone was ringing…It was so loud, in this quiet, eerie hour. And yet, it seemed as though there was no choice. I had to get up. I mean, what was so important that somebody had to call me at this hour? Why had they thought it so urgent to call and disrupt me? Why were they not asleep themselves? What kept them up? My foggy, sleepy brain questioned as my body meandered through my house to my telephone.

I picked it up, after about three or four rings. "Hello?" I questioned the quiet phone and awaited a response.

"Hello. Do pickles come in jars?" Instantly I recognize the voice, the secret question.

"No, ice cream comes in pints," I finish. "Why have you called me so late at night anyways?"

"Well, I recently moved. I knew I didn't want you to get very involved, but yes my dear friend. We're about a few blocks away. And I've just finished getting all my boxes into my home. And I can't really reasonably expect to set everything up in time for me to go to bed before morning. I was just wondering if I could perhaps...sleep on your sofa for tonight?"

"Of course! Come over. Would you like me to cook you something?"

"Yes please, if you could! I don't wish to be an issue too much."

"Oh, no problem at all. I have missed you so dearly. I haven't seen you in a month, and I'm sure your life has been ever-so hectic, please. Allow me."

"Why thank you!" my pal said, and we both hung up.

I went to my kitchen and made some eggs and toast, and by the time it was done my buddy was here. I greeted them in a hug, and led them inside. I led them to my kitchen.

"Please, eat. Enjoy. I will prepare my couch," I said, letting them sit and look at the meal, steaming with warmth. They smiled, thanked me, and I went into the living room. I gathered some blankets and some pillows, and put them on, arranging it nicely. I went to the kitchen, putting away their dish.

"Thank you so much. I wish not to be a bother, or have woken you." I laughed, remembering what I was doing prior to the phone ringing. Like I was sleeping.

"Oh no. I wasn't sleeping very well anyways. I was barely dozing when you rang. Having you over is so much better. I'm so excited to have you as my neighbor. I too, have been so busy recently, I've been meaning to call or talk to you, it's just been a while." They smiled and agreed.

We laughed, and we felt sleepy after a while. We went to our respective sleeping quarters for the night, and I went to sleep so much faster.

In the morning, I woke up. I started making pancakes. My confidante was still sleeping soundly on the couch. I made bacon as well. At the sound and smell of the bacon cooking, they made their way to the kitchen.

"You're just on time! I have just finished my first batch! Here," I said, passing them a plate of food.

"Thank you so much. Again and again. I will have to have you over some time at my own new house. Although our little sleepover has reminded me of the good old days, when we were young!" I laugh at some of my memories from those days.

"Ah yes. Well, after this meal I must see you home."

"Oh no, you don't have to."

"Alright. Well, thank you for stopping by. This has been lovely." We finished our meal, and they departed. My best friend. My neighbor. And who I've always known to be my soul mate.

You see, when we were young, I knew from just meeting them that our souls were intertwined, that we were one in the same. I've always had a certain sort of crush on them. And I try and try each time to maybe say something. But I could never ruin it. We've been friends for too long. What if it's unrequited? What if we're never friends again?

And all the same, what if they feel the same? What if I end up alone for being too afraid? What if we never try, and it was meant to be? Yet there are so few hopes in comparison to scares that I have ultimately given up. I try just staying away, throwing away the ideas, focussing on myself, but it always ends up turning back towards my best friend. It's so difficult!

And that's when I broke. I ran out into the yard, running to catch up. "You know, this was so much fun and...I'd really like to go out with you. If you'd like. Please," I stammered.

They stared at me quite confused, processing. "Like...not as friends?"

"Yes..." It felt like the world around me was shaking, my heart beating so hard. I couldn't believe this was happening. I'm so scared. It felt like the Earth was shaking, an Earthquake. Yet it wasn't, I was just waiting, hoping they say yes. My fears were crushing me.

"Yes!" I smiled and grinned. We grinned. Then we decided on a date. And we were together ever since.

November 13, 2023 22:22

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