
Once you there was a young woman who befriened an older man his name was nathiel and her name was maria.boyh were homeless at that time.nathiel came then to Maria's to over come her alcohol problem dependency and he offered to get the both off the streets after awhile if knowing one another.they lived in a motel for awhile and then Maria had been offered a housing unit and she took the offer to move in a stable environment.and nathiel then asked housing office he would like a place in the same area zone ..now how nathieyended homeless as doesn't believe in using alcohol allhid life though he had a gambling problem on poker machines.even committed armed robberies at a local petrol station years ago where he were living at the time and sometime he forged.social security cheque s for all his gambling money in poker machines.ge did end up doing a short prison sentence then release out on bail as he suffers I'll health .and now situated in a housing complex in Riverwood where Maria ended situated.nie year s went by and Maria's alcohol depency was solved when she had a terrible fall at a railway station and parramedics were called and stayed in hospital to medicate her for survival well she recovered well and then went off to stay in a long rehab where she gotten into books to read nathiel her long time friend still stood by her side and they became good close friends Maria soon ended being situated at another housing property amore quiet one and she stared her own book shelf library and never drank anymore alcohol and made her friend nathiel happy but he did not recover his gambling problem so instead of more armed robberies he would sit back in city during day with a sign say and making out fe was still Jones's and needed money for food as his whole pension went on poker machines and also to help his friend Maria for her shopping of food and groceries as she still had been under financial trust with minimum daily allowance so why they won t hand her money back is a mystery why as they know she don't drink alcohol anymore and many years as the two friends gotten older Maria still remains in her new housing unit with her beloved bookshelves while her friend nathiel become a I'll with more chronic health and later passed away at the age of 79 so sad for Maria for a long time even upset when get support care turn up and sometime s made out she had been sick with a cold in bed just so they don't come see her and for awhile this was going on just so she could be left alone to read her books and still never returned to drink.but slowly she became more tolerant with get support and a bit more appropriate d and started visiting her mum and dad who lived close by .but vows to herself she would never stop mourning over her life long true friend nathiel ad no-one could ever be a good friend like nathiel so she mainly these days keeps toherself and and sneaks around to a local street libraries for more books to take home and if course over her losing nathiel she had been hooked on sleep tablets andbcodeine pain killers to help her sleep at night but then something good happened on her balcony not long after nathied death she had been visited by two pigeons on her balcony quite often and the two birds would even stay the night perched on her balcony light and made nest and layed a couple eggs a d when. Her support worker tried to go on her balcony to have look the pigeon sitting there would look up and give a square. So get support quickly left the balcony and now Maria had believed her pigeon friends could have been her gift from heaven from her old friend nathiel or maybe shem believe s also the male pigeon could be her good friend in reincarnation as he did tell her while still alive that when he died he wishes to be back as a pigeon.well who knows maybe all this reincarnation of nathiel could be real well Maria still under financial trust gotten by with her minimum allowance as she has meals on wheels and charity help for food assistant. And sometime s get mum helps her now shopping but will never stop mourning over the death of her one true friend nathiel but at least get financial trustee helped her with pest control as she has so many more books.and her pigeon friends still hang out on her balcony a year later and now there are two little baby pigeis on a nest on her balcony still .well hopefully.nathiel really is that male pigeon in reincarnation . they can be her savoir and protect ora I think .yes and her mum and dad happy to have her daughter Maria Alive and well since her near death in hospital so long ago if alcohol abuse and now loving her new her big love for books now in a nicer housing unit and her two pigeons. but still if in mourning vin his birth days and Xmas a d she would just light acandkebd xandyand read in his memorial I. Her own home unit .and listen to sad song s on you tube but all is still fine as long as her two pigeons stay around for her blessings well this story must end now and is also in story of many other miracle avid anyone would have such luck like Maria had been blessed with ..the endwell and well life and wonder never disappoints those who believe luck.sge still had her suttea. As she is now middle aged but won't leave her unit she prefers to stay with her own books to read her old age and and keep saying that when she dies she also would like her books a special cremation .this story has now coming to end the end

August 25, 2023 20:36

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