Romance Fiction

Spring has come to a small town named Floresdane, secluded from traffic and the hustling crowds of people, somewhere on the corner, a young man named Lucas is opening up his vivid little flower shop with welcoming smells of pollen with his beautiful extravaganzas. While the world around him slowly wakes up, like a flower bud bursting back to life and opening up its petals, to welcome the warmth.


Lucas almost dropped a small pot of delicate violet lilacs out of his hands due to the sudden sound of a vehicle nearby, tearing his concentration on his shop's appearance and presentation, he met eyes on a blue delivery truck reversing near his shop. So, he sets the potted lilac onto a high bench placed right next to a grounded pot of snowy white peonies, before he removed the gardening gloves from his hands to greet the delivery driver.

As he watches as the reversing van stop at least 3 feet from him, and the delivery man, Gary, dressed in his usual blue button up shirt and brown trouser uniform, jump out of the driver side of the vehicle.

"Good morning, Gary, is this what I think it is?" Lucas questioned him while meeting him at the back of the van to do a firm handshake.

"These fine beauties will surely make your shop look like spring itself has come to you." Gary replied in his American accent and a smile in the corner of his lips formed as he pushed up his van door.

The enlighten look on Lucas's face shined brighter than the sun, as he had finally laid eyes upon the two expensively beautiful potted treasure of spring, that he ordered had been patiently waiting on to arrive.

"Sakura flowers, they finally came, and they are so marvelous. Truly worth the purchase". Lucas says in awe.

His eyes fixated on the pink, soft and small petals on each individual flower, as Gary handed him a pot to display. The sweet and refreshing smell filled Lucas's nose while making his way to the entrance and places it near the door. Once he had secured the plant, he took one more moment to take in the Sakura flowers true beauty before going to retrieve the other one.

"Would you like a drink of water for my thanks Gary, and maybe we can even discuss my future orders for new flower plants? " Lucas suggested as he retrieved the other Sakura plant from Gary's hands.

"I would appreciate that very much". Gary replied happily.

The bell chimes twice as the two made their way inside the glassed paned walls, filled with different exotic strands of flowers. Lucas sat the last potted Sakura plant near the glass, so that the sun can still shine on its beauty, and on he went to fix Gary a cup of water for his travels.

"I am surprised you kept this shop going, even after your grandfather passed away Lucas". Gary says while he takes the glass of water to drink and started observing the area.

"My grandfather was very passionate about his flowers, he was the one who taught me that, if you cherish something, you will do anything for it to grow, instead of removing it from its roots". Lucas answers as pulls out a book, pen and paper.

Then at that moment, while Lucas was looking through his floral book for ideas of new flowers to buy, the doorbell chimes again.

"Good morning, and how-". Lucas stopped mid-sentence of welcoming the arrived customer, till he saw what he felt symbolized a flower herself.

A warm breeze blew while a woman with black hair wearing a white sun hat entered admiring what the store has with a pearly smile placed upon her soft lips. as it made the smell of her stand out from the rest of the flowers in the shop, whilst the soft pink flowy dress flowed as if they were petals dancing in the wind, on her smooth white skin.

Lucas shook his head, to snap out of the enchantment he was under, and made his way towards her.

Step by step, the closer he got to her, the more he could really smell her light flowery fragrance, and her beauty is just as beautiful up close and those honey brown eyes that shone in the grace of the sunlight.

He felt as if time stopped, and the usual sound of the birds chirping seemed to dim out by his intense heartbeats ringing through his ears.

"You are just like a Sakura flower" Lucas covered his mouth the moment he had realized, the words slipped from his mind unintentionally.

The beautiful stranger looked at him with widened eyes, filled with confusion and surprised. But she cut off the awkwardness with her smile.

"Thank you, I suppose, the one outside your store seems to be very pretty" she giggled.

"Uhh yes! The Sakura flowers, yes! They are truly one of a kind. um. Is there anything I can help you with?" Lucas said to change the subject.

"I actually just arrived from a flight and came here to admire the flowers here, but your store just seems to make me take some back home with me." Her gentle voice sung like a harmonic note from a harp.

"Oh well in that case". Lucas quickly scrammed off to grab the Sakura plant he had placed inside and ran back to her without a thought.

Once he had handed her the plant, she was a bit shocked a first and would not take it from his hands.

"Oh no, despite their beautiful appearance they are very expensive, I cannot afford such wonderful creation" she says.

"This Sakura flower plant just came to Floresdane the same day that you have come, please consider it as my welcome gift to you." He suggested.

"You are truly too kind, and I will make sure to cherish it." she says as her hands took the potted plant from my hands.

"Well as much as I want to stay here all day, i have to visit to somewhere so I must not be too late."

The words of her leaving silently felt like a tear in his heart, as he opened the door for her and listened to the bell chime echo as the mysterious beautiful stranger made her way past him.

"Wait-" Lucas suddenly said, with the overwhelmed feeling to get to know her before she turned to leave the area.

She stopped in her tracks, and as she stood there to look at him, it seems that there was a light aura emitting around her.

"Is there by chance, I could get your name?" Asked Lucas ignoring all risks.

"It's funny that you say that actually" giggled the stranger.

"My name is Sakura and yours?"

"Lucas" he answered.

"Well Lucas maybe we meet again tomorrow for a cup of tea and have a chat more" Sakura said.

The rushing feeling of excitement filled his heart and the same gleeful face that he showed for the Sakura flowers, appeared for her too.

"Yes, most definitely what time are you expecting?" Quickly replies Lucas, not wanting to miss his chance.

"Maybe in the afternoon?" Suggested Sakura.

"Can't wait" Eagerly said Lucas.

As Sakura left Lucas's sight with a smile on both their faces, and shyness of a blossoming new love, her name repeated in his mind.

He turned to the Sakura plant outside the door and grabbed it to place it inside.

"I don't know how you did it, but you did it." Gary said in surprise.

Lucas got startled by the sudden sound of Garys voice and he quickly snapped his eyes to him.

"Sorry Gary, I forgot you were here." Lucas says as he continues to put the plant down and starts writing on board.

"Don't worry, I understand." Laughed Gary

"But it looks like these flowers are not the only thing blossoming in your life now, right Lucas?" Sheepishly questioned Gary, while Lucas put up a sign saying "NOT FOR SALE" on the pot of Sakura flowers, and Lucas just looked at the Sakura petals again before continuing to order with Gary.

April 01, 2023 01:48

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