
-There's someone you have to meet, Erin.

Suprised, Erin turned her head to see Paige, who was gone for a good couple of minutes. Erin then sat on a couch with her drink in her hand, not making new connections and waiting for her friend to reappear.

-Thank goodness, Paige, where were you?! You promised you'd never leave my side if I tried to introduce myself to other people! Are you aware that I don't know anyone here?- she exclaimed.

-Oh, you are about to know one! Come on! - Paige passed her drink to one hand and with the now free hand grabbed her friend by the arm and pulled her out of the couch. - And you should be able to socialize by yourself, you big baby.

The party was so crowded that there was literally no free space in the ground to step your feet in. Not like that was going to stop Paige from dragging her best friend around the whole house. She pushed everyone who even dared to think about getting in their way, leaving the task of apologizing to everyone she'd push to Erin.

-I can socialize all by myself, thank you very much. And I am not a baby. - Erin tries to stand up for herself. - I just don't want to nor need to.

-Yeah, I can tell. - said Paige, sarcastically. - It seems like you have lots of friends.

-I don't need more friends, I need good friends.

-Ouch. - Paige pretended to be offended by that.

-Look, all I'm saying is that I don't need more friends. I got you and my family, I'm good.

-First of all, family does not count as friends, they are above that.


-Second, you're not going to find your so-wanted true love with just me and your parents helping you. You have to scratch the ground for food.

Erin rolled her eyes. - I don't need your help with that.

-Are you sure? You are still waiting for your prince charming to come save you in a white horse and take you to his kingdom of fantasy. Girl, you better lower your expectations because if you don't you are going to wait a long time for that. And you might have enough self-doubt and patience for it, but I don't. So you are going to meet this person, and you are going to really hit it off, and at least then I might not have to take care of you all the time.

«How does she has that much breath to say that without breaks?!» thought Erin to herself.

She sighed. - Fine.

-Great. I'm going to get him in the backyard. You stay here.

-Hey, you're not leaving me again!

-I'll be back sooner than before, I swear!

-You swore that the last t... - Too late. She disappeared in a forest of people.

Erin spun and looked around. She was alone again, but this time standing up in the middle of total strangers. She didn't regret coming to the party at all. She promised to herself in New Year”s Eve that she was going to try to be more open and friendly and not weird and scary. She wasn't afraid of all the strangers around her and was comfortable talking with anyone if she wanted to. The music couldn't be better (right now was playing The Smashing Pumpkins” «1979»). That's not it. The thing is, if she could pick between partying and socializing with lots of people or staying at home in a blanket and a book, a TV show or a good rom-com with an eternal rainy autumn out as the two things she could do for the rest of her life... it would be the second option.

Despite that, Erin wasn't going to leave anytime soon. Not only because she was actually enjoying the party atmosphere, but also because it was going to get much, much more interesting.

-Alright, Erin, the wait is over! - Paige came from behind Erin, scaring her again. - This is Abel Furtado. Abel, this is my friend Erin Mitchell.

They both stretched their hands for a handshake before Paige could introduce their names, and when she did, something clicked inside her head. Like she had heard that name before, but doesn't recall when or where.

It was when she looked to his face that all the memories flowed through her line of thought like an ocean wave in a stormy night.

And apparently he also remembers her, because his eyes widened and his chin fell a little bit.

-Hi there. - said Erin, shaking his hand.

-Hello. - said Abel, shaking her hand back.

Neither of them looked away from each other”s eyes.

This went on for a couple of seconds, enough time for Paige to find the whole situation a little bit awkward, and to step in:

-Sorry to ask, but have you guys met before?

Erin woke up from her shock state and pulled herself together, and so did Abel.


-No, we haven't. - and giggled a little to finish.

-Ah. Ok. - said Paige, not really convinced. - Anyway. Erin, did you know that Abel is from a Portuguese family?

-Oh really? - Erin pretended not to know that already very well. - That's amazing!

-Thank you. - said Abel, nodding. Erin wasn't sure if he nodded to emphasize his thank you or to let her know that he was also going to pretend not to know her, but either way, he was doing it, so that was already a sign.

-And Abel, did you know that Erin also works in the music industry? She is a composer. Abel is a bassist in the «Boreal» band.

-The «Boreal» band?! The one of the "You Are Here" hit? That one? - asked Erin, smiling with admiration.

-Precisely. - smiled Abel. - And you? Have you composed anything I know?

-Oh, just the most famous song from Ted Cheers, "Pluto". - said Paige, faking humbleness.

-Wow! That's my favourite song! - exclaimed Abel.

-Oh, well, thanks. - said Erin, shyly.

Now that was something neither was aware of. That was actually a big surprise, knowing what they both wanted to be when they were younger.

-Alright. I”m going to smoke a little. I'll leave you two to get to know each other. Nice meeting you, Abel. - Paige grabbed a cigarette from her bag.

-Ditto. - responded Abel. Paige smile for both of them, winked at Erin, and left.

Funny. Erin spent the whole party not wanting Paige to leave her alone, and now all she wanted was to be alone with a person who was actually her first everything: her first date, first kiss, first touch, first night, first fight, first anniversary, first breakup...

And now, a «first» meet.

Suddenly, «1979» ended, and the next song gave a 10-year jump, being Peter Bjorn and John”s «Young Folks». Recognizing the song, both laughed nervously.

-It”s good to see you after all these years. - he then said.

-Yeah, it’s been a long time… - she answers.

- You look great.

She opened a wide smile.

-So do you.

August 22, 2020 19:38

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Yolandi Bester
08:19 Aug 29, 2020

Spoken text is usually demarcated with quotation marks. e.g. "It's nice to meet you," she said shyly. Having dashes/hyphens can be slightly confusing because we generally read that as parenthesis or thought breaks.


15:51 Aug 29, 2020

Thanks for the tip! I'm actually Portuguese, so for us hyphens is what marks a character speaking. Next time I'll try using quotation marks. Nice to meet you!


Yolandi Bester
01:20 Sep 01, 2020

Nice to meet you too:) I didn't know that about Portuguese, thank you for clarifying. You write well in English, so I thought it was a stylistic choice. Are the double arrows (<<first>>) then used for titles and such?


22:31 Sep 01, 2020

Thank you! 0/////0 The double arrows we use for titles and such are "these ones". My writing program only writes them like that!


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