Magical Mythical Heritage.

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that starts with the reveal of a long-kept secret.... view prompt

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 “Your father’s a vampire, Amanda.” “Wait, what?” “Mom, what do you mean dad’s a vampire? Vampires don’t exist.” I here myself say. I’m so confused right now. “Your dad Is a vampire and I’m a witch. Which means your half vampire and half witch.” My mom starts to explain. Your eighteen now so it’s time we tell you this. Plus I believe that our love story can inspire you. True love does exist just sometimes its in a form you never expect. Also your dad will have to teach you to hunt because my spell will wear off soon and you will need blood to survive and college will be cool because you’ll get to go to an elite college that will teach you your vampire heritage and how to become a witch. The best part is you don’t have to choose one or the other. Like I had too.

It all started in high school on the bus. That’s where your father and I met. I was always socially awkward and never talked to anyone I usually wore headphones and read a book. I preferred books to reality. Well one day after getting on the bus and starting to read your father got on the bus and sat down in front of me. He pecks me on the shoulder and starts to talk to me. The next thing I know we are setting together laughing and having fun. Becoming best friends we find out that we are exactly alike pretty quick. Then one night at a football game he finds me setting alone crying because the guy who had asked me to the game I’d caught with another girl. A pregnant girl to boot. I was setting in the grass by the stands alone crying when your dad walked up and sat down beside me. After asking what was wrong he proceeded to make me feel better.

Right before leaving that night he asks me out and I say yes. He gives me a quick kiss before he leaves. The way he asked me out was so corny but sweet and one of the many reasons I fell so hard for him. He literally told me he’d been trying to get the courage to ask me out all night. He didn’t know that I’d already had a crush on him and was trying to flirt on the bus. I had hated when he started driving cause he wasn’t on the bus anymore. Once we started dating he would take me home after school everyday. We fell in love hard and quick. Then one day he decides to take me to his parents to meet them. We find out quickly that we were just reintroduced on the bus we knew each other as kids.

After we both graduated we found out that I was a witch and he was a vampire. Well he told me he was he already knew. I didn’t know I was a witch till then. It didn’t matter to us about our differences though because we still loved each other. He would only hunt animals and not humans. He did this so he wouldn’t hurt me. So we could make love I would put a spell on him to help curb his appetite, because something about sex makes their hunger worse. We learned to work around it. Your hunger won’t be as bad because you are half vampire not full. You’ll still have to be careful no matter what unless you meet another vampire because then they could handle it.

I sat there amazed and so full of questions. I always knew there was something different about my family but I never knew what. This is so unbelievable. I’m a vampitch. Now I’m super excited about college which I hadn’t been before. This is the best thing that could have happened to me. I finally won’t feel so weird and out of place like I used to be. Maybe I’ll finally meet a guy too. No guy was ever attracted to me. I guess because I never fit in with the rest of them. So mom this explains all the hickies you always had they were bites from dad. Yes, Amanda they were when he’d get to into love making and too excited he’d bite me he never hurt me just left the hickies. Its pretty funny actually.

We better get you ready to go to the Dark Academy. That’s where you’ll be going to school at. I’m so excited for you. I am super excited too. I’ve never thought I’d be excited to go to college. Mainly because I figured I’d never fit in like I never did in school. Now I know I will because I will be around others like me. That’s one of the best things about the Dark Academy is you not only learn but you finally fit in. here sweetie I’ll help you pack up and when it’s time to go you will know. “mom, what do you mean?” Just trust me you will know. The school uses magic to transport you there so you’ll know when it’s time to go. Here’s all the information for the school. I thought you’d like to look at it tonight because you will leave in the tomorrow for school and classes will start on Monday. I can visit you whenever you like and you can come home whenever you like as long as it isn’t during class hours.

Best college ever. So after packing I get ready for bed as I fall asleep I can’t help but be excited for my new beginning. Dad wakes me up at six in the morning. Time to go hunting he says. So I get up and get ready to. He takes me to the woods behind our house and we hunt for coyotes. The first time I taste blood is amazing it taste better than anything I’d ever tasted. After the hunt I go home and clean up and as I set on my bed writing in my journal I get beamed to my new dorm with all my stuff. Next my parents appear. So what do you think? I already love it, just ten my roommate comes in a beautiful male he looks like a model. My parents say goodbye and leave. I’m left alone with my sexy roommate.

Hello my name is Michael and I’ll be your new roommate. Wait, they let girls and guys share rooms? Yes. They believe that we are adults and can handle it. Plus they try to match make. They put the people they believe would work as couples and make them roommates. Well this should be an interesting semester. So Michael what’s your families history? I’m a vampire what about you Amanda? I’m a vampitch. So a half breed right. Exactly. As the semester goes on we get very close and by the time we graduate we are expecting a baby and couldn't be more excited . That school helped me not only unlock all of my witch powers but also taught me how to live in society as normal as possible. I’m finally happy and have a purpose in life I love my family and my heritage. Where we are both vampire in some way I don’t have to hex him to not hurt me and let me just tell you the sex is amazing especially between two vamps.

I can’t wait to meet our little baby. I don’t think I’m going to wait to tell the baby about its heritage. We have decide to stay living in Magicville. Where our kids can grow up embarrassing their heritage and won’t have to feel weird and out of place. We are a happy family now.

April 10, 2020 19:25

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1 comment

Des Feller
21:15 Apr 22, 2020

Wow! What an intense story! There seemed to be a twist around every corner, and it was very intriguing. I don't want to discourage you from your writing, and I was wanting to share a little feedback for the future. It's ok to take your story slow! For prompts like this, I would suggest focusing on one part of your story, like enhancing the parents backstory, or when she first gets to college etc etc. Also, maybe you don't need to explain how to make love? lol Again, just some suggestions, and great job!


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