Matthew's Popsicle

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story that begins with someone's popsicle melting.... view prompt

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The day began as any other day at the beach. The family awakened at 5:30AM to prepare for a morning seashell search before the local store vendors come in and swoop all the good ones away to be sold in their shops. The 3 girls scrambled to get into their swimsuits because there is always a water plunge at any given moment if there is a possibility of being near water.

 The smell of bacon and coffee streamed from the kitchen. The toast was in the toaster when POP, it flew onto the plate beside the toaster. Everyone was laughing. The youngest of the children, Matthew who is 2 years old came fumbling into the kitchen. He was reaching for the freezer door in hopes that someone would help him find his heart’s desire, the last red, white, and blue popsicle. He was led to the shorts and t shirt that awaited him on the couch. He was dressed by his older sister, Liz. He still wanted that popsicle. Nobody paid attention as they were lining up for BLT’s and orange juice. The excitement filled the air because this is always a fun family outing.

Matthew reluctantly grabbed his bacon sandwich and nibbled it as he dreamt of his popsicle. Finally, his sister, Inanna, noticed that he was not happy about not being listened to. She asked him what he wanted, and he led her to the freezer. Inanna reached up and grabbed that last popsicle. She opened it and handed it to him as he gave her the greatest smile that a two-year-old could muster. Everyone was happy. Mom yelled, “Let’s go everybody”. She and the girls grabbed their beach shell bags and headed to the shore just as a lost crab would find his way back to the water. Matthew lollygagged behind, licking his popsicle as it dripped down the front of his shirt. “That’s ok,” he thought as long as I still have some. They walked into the sand. It was not hot outside yet, so nobody was complaining about the heat. Except, Matthew’s popsicle had dripped down his hand, onto his leg and right foot. He stood there in disbelief as he could not believe that the popsicle had turned to liquid, right there in front of him. He cried out in sorrow. Mom could not help him because it was gone. She promised to get him another one later as she pled with him to come along and find some seashells.

This day had started out terrible for the little man. He stood in a tide pool and swirled the popsicle stick in circles. He saw the stains from popsicle on his skin disappear into the water. Finally, he ran through the water to chase a sand crab down into the next hole over. I think he remembered the last time he chased a crab when it turned around as if to yell at him with pincers in the air.

He carried his popsicle stick as if it were a weapon of majesty in the great outdoors. He chased a seagull down the coastline laughing and tripping into a small wave. Matthew stayed there in the water letting the baby waves bounce him around. He formed some wet sand onto the stick to make his own popsicle. It tasted like salty sandpaper as he spat the sand from his dirty little mouth. His sister, Serenity, sat with him in the water as they dug around his feet, using the stick as a shovel. He found a small oyster shell and gently placed it onto the stick and licked the makeshift popsicle. He knew right away this was getting him nowhere.

He jumped up from the hole that he and his sister had dug and started running down the beach. Serenity jumped up to follow him when she realized that he is not stopping. Matthew is on a mission. Serenity alerted the rest of the family to the runaway boy. They laughed as they gathered their shells and bags and ran with him. He continued until he met the pier. Ah ha, the pier has an ice cream and popsicle stand. Of course, it was not open for business because it is only 8:00AM.

The family reached Matthew and scolded him for running so far ahead of them. He did not care. He had popsicles on the brain. The family sat at a picnic table that was strategically placed under the best shade spot on the pier. Matthew felt defeated that he still could not have a popsicle. He glared at his left hand, still holding onto the stick from the melted popsicle from hours ago. He was an angry little man as he threw that stick into the ocean. One large tear fell from his right eye as he turned away. He looked at Mom and his sisters all smiling at him with compassion. Then suddenly, there was a whirl of wind and a single wave crashed to the side of the pier. Was it a dream, or a fluke storm?

 The family saw a popsicle stick shaped into an arm and hand motioning for Matthew to come along. Mom picked Mathew up to her hip and the three sisters followed to examine this a little closer. The ocean wave turned into a crystal walkway leading to an under the sea world. The family is always up for some adventure time, so they cautiously walked onto the path provided.

They were able to see all the sea life that encircles the pier for a light snack as they were encased in a water walkway. Once they reached the ocean floor, the carnival lights were pointing to a distinct location where a parade was about to begin.  It appears the sea horses and the colorful Mandarin fish could speak English. Or at least the family could understand them in oceanese language. The vivid orange and blue dots and swirls of the Mandarin fish reminded Matthew of his popsicle that was lost to heat earlier this morning.

A stingray glided softly beside the family and waited for them to come onto his back. He skated them to the carriage being led by eight sea horses. The family mounted the carriage and sat with wide eyes. They looked all around to find a large group of marine life lining the curbs of the waves as they traveled the ocean floor. The kelp, algae and sea grass hung in the water as if it were trained to be balloons and garland of the most extravagant party ever seen. The fantastic colors of the coral reef were led on a leash made of seaweed. As it danced in the ocean spray returning undersea with every color of popsicle you can imagine.

Matthew was elated with the colors and choices available. He reached his little arm outside the carriage to seize a blue, polka dot, raspberry popsicle with double sticks. He was beyond thrilled.  His sisters were in awe at the beauty. Inanna shook her head as if to clear the fog and noticed that it did not go away. She reached for an orange dream sickle with green swirls. Yummm…Serenity, Liz and Mom followed her lead. They licked their popsicles with wide eyes and disbelief as they saw a Merman at the end of the path. The funny thing was that Matthew called him “Daddy”. They considered correcting him, but decided that this was such an incredule day, they dare not bother.

As the parade came to an end near the shore by the pier, Matthew and the family stepped out of the carriage, onto a stingray’s back and glided up to a perched manatee resting beside the Merman. The merman seemed to be morphing before their eyes into what appeared to be Daddy. Matthew was right. It was Daddy.

Daddy thanked the manatee and stingray as they swam away into a large crashing wave. Daddy gestured to the under the sea parade members. The family had emerged from the water, staring at Daddy with questions in their eyes as he strode up the shore with six nets of popsicles. He handed a net to each family member as he strolled, silently, toward their house. The family followed eagerly with tons of questions that were never to be completely answered. Nevertheless, Matthew did get his Popsicle.

August 04, 2020 17:37

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1 comment

Susie L
19:56 Aug 13, 2020

The story was crazy creative, it felt like I was transported into the eyes of a child's. I think the only thing I would work on would be to revise your work, I personally have that problem too, and it takes a lot of work to get the perfect final copy, but I feel like it will help polish out your work. Other than that, it was really well done, I hope you continue to write creative pieces like these.


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