
Lord and Lady Wed

Written by Rosemary DeTrolio, Mother of the groom

Lord and Lady set a date— 2015 on August 8.

Perfect love, strong and true, they tied the knot and left for the Manor. He in knight’s garb he led. She in a priceless dress and shoes of red to signify a life well led.

         But Gremlin of Despair hid at the gate. He hatched a plan to spoil their date.

“Such love as this I have never seen. It scares me and it makes me green!” So, Gremlin hatched an evil plan to steal the Lady’s magic red shoes.

           Lady cried when her shoes disappeared. “What shall I do? Our love is doomed with no red shoes.” 

Gremlin thought his deed was done. Gremlin thought he'd won. 

           But, the power of love is a force of light; no power of darkness can ever fight.

Gremlin’s plan did not succeed, as Lord Rick discovered the evil deed.

         “We are joined as one. No Gremlin of Despair can push us apart. We hold each other in our hearts.” Lord Rick kissed his Maiden Fair, “We stand together as husband and wife. Together we will battle the strife. No one comes between me and my wife!”

           Lovely Lady then found her courage, and wiped her tears away. Barefoot, she found the courage to dance. Her feet turned to wings and she spun into the air. You see, Lady Love was truly a Goddess, not just a maiden fair.

           Lord Rick was astounded. His Lady was no longer was grounded. She shined like a star and his jaw went agape. “My beautiful wife,” was all he could utter. “This angel of mine is like no other.”

           Maiden floated to earth and took his hand. “Let’s dance!” She said with a wink and a smile.

           Gremlin, defeated and sullen, ran away. “I’ll be back another day!”

           So, Lord and Lady cast a golden circle around them sealed with a kiss.

           “A love like ours will never miss. Nothing can cross this sacred line boundary. No Gremlin of Fate has power, no darkness shall impede, we've found each other and this is all we need.”

           Lord and Lady lived in bliss.

           You see, love and faith are all you need, and light can vanquish the dark.

           Lord and Lady shined their love and two children blessed their bond.

           This began a new chapter…happily ever after and beyond.

Chapter 2

Along came Dom and Lucca, the two children and young knights of the castle.

Dom, the Brave, fearsome and true, Lucca the Quiet, knight with no rue. Young boys of Lord and Lady fair brought laughter and joy everywhere.

But, Maiden and Lord of the Manor were in a scramble.

"So much to do, did we take a gamble?" Lord said. Gone were the quiet nights and romance by candlelight.

Days were filled with noise and mess, but children bring both with happiness. Dom and Lucca ran the show.

Gremlin did appear. “Now I'll have some fun and I will make the parents sneer!” So he threw a dark shadow in the home and sprinkled it with fear. Gremlin brought forth a terrible flu. He laughed and said, "I'll get you!"

The Lord and Lady were sequestered as two little boys pestered. "Mother, father, play with us!"

The Lady of the Manor was dog tired and Lord Rick had the work required. The Goddess of the Manor decided, “My to do list might take a while. I need sleep and more hours in the day, but I will watch my young knights play. The harried couple did their best to quell their children and get some rest.

The Gremlin cast an waking spell so the boys wouldn't sleep very well.

"I'm exhausted and losing my head! We put them down, but they only want our bed!"

The Gremlin laughed with evil intent "Time awake is trouble well spent! This is life when you have a boy! But trouble times two is even more grand. I'll do my best to lend a hand!"

           The Lord of the Manor took up a sword and spread a bright glow. “Be gone, Gremlin, and don’t come near!” These knights were made from two hearts joined. Our love will not go asunder. We are now a family, and won’t blunder. Be gone, Gremlin, bother no more. My Maiden fair, I still adore.”

Gremlin had more trouble to stir. He was not to be defeated. He spill the food, and kick the doors, rattle the windows, and darken moods. He wouldn't stop until his job was completed.

When the children would finally succumb to sleep, he'd blow a party horn to wake them. Days went on and Gremlin did plot.

He pulled all the flowers from the garden pots. He'd drop the plates, curse, and blather, telling the kids they didn't matter. He'd poke at the children's ribs, make mean faces, and throw their toys.

The children would only giggle with glee and said to the Gremlin, "Will you play with me?"

Gremlin was astounded. In all the years of causing pain, no one ever asked him this refrain. So, Gremlin sat with the boys and built with blocks. He played with toy trucks and sang little songs. For the first time, he felt love all along.

A most amazing thing happened when love his his heart. It changed it from black to white. Gremlin was no longer a fright.

"Mother, Mother, guess whose our friend? A little Gremlin who plays pretend."

Lady couldn't believe her ears. The Gremlin had lost its power. From that day forward, Gremlin was a guest. He played in the garden and became a gnome, bringing good luck and cheer into their home.

           For time is precious when shared with love. "Our family is brave and true. We will make our happy beginning and remember our tale. Our story will prevail.” Lord Rick said.

           Lord and Lady, adoring and true, sat in the golden circle, their love was renewed.

April 30, 2021 16:51

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