Drama Funny Romance

It was a pleasantly warm morning in Idaho Falls. The sun was glowing, the clouds were stretched across the sky, and the wind gently grazed the leaves on the trees. The rays of the sun peaked through the windows and made it's way onto Katherine's face. Her eyes gracefully opened and saw a beautiful day ahead of her.

As she sprung out of bed, she thought to herself, " this is going to be a good day".

Katherine walked to the kitchen and made herself some nice hot coffee. As she went to take a sip of her warm cup of coffee, she suddenly she heard a big crash! The cup of coffee came falling down and hit the floor. She quickly ran to the front door, where the sound came from. She flung open the door and saw a man in a jet black Ford Fusion. He had completely demolished her mailbox with the front of his car.

She angrily marched down the steps of her front porch and yelled "Hey! Who do you think you are? You ruined my mailbox with your stupid car!"

The man rolled down his window and said, "Hi my name is Tom, I am so sorry. I just moved in next door."

Katherine was furious. She disregarded everything that Tom had just told her.

She went on to say, "Well Tom, you just so happened to ruin my day! I was having such a good and may I add quiet morning before you decided to crash your car into my mailbox!

Tom replied, " Lady, I already apologized for what happened! It was an accident!"

Katherine stormed into her house and slammed the door behind her!

Ring. ring, ring... Katherine answered her phone and yelled "what!" Her friend Lisa said," damn well someone's had a rough morning!" Katherine replied, " I was having a wonderful morning, until some jerk ran the front of his car into my mailbox! That's not even the worst part! This guy just moved in next door!"

Lisa said, " I'm sorry, that blows! I have something that will make you feel better!"

Katherine replied, "Girls night out?"

Lisa said, " Nope! Something even better!"

What's better than a girls night out?" said Katherine.

" Tony and I thought that you could use a night out on the town, with a handsome man! So, we decided to set you up with one of Tony's friends! He's a great guy!"

Katherine replied, " I am sure he is, if he's a friend of Tony's. I just don't know how I feel about a blind date."

" I think that the two of you would get along great, trust me on this one!"

After some consideration, Katherine agreed to go. "Your going to have a great time! I'll text you the details" said Lisa.

Katherine hung up the phone and decided to see what she had in her closet to wear. She ran to her closet and after contemplating what to wear for almost two hours, she finally picked out something. She put on her outfit and then drove to the salon. She got her nails and hair done. After a couple of hours at the salon, she was ready to meet this mystery guy. She hopped in her car and drove to the restaurant she was suppose to meet him at.

She thought to herself, " What if I meet Mr. Right? What if this blind date turns out to be my last date?"

Katherine finally arrived. She got out of her car and nervously walked into the restaurant.

" Can I please have a name?" said the hostess. Katherine told the hostess her name and informed her that she was here on a blind date.

The hostess said "Ah, yes Ms. Katherine, right this way." As they approached the table Katherine's smile quickly faded. She saw the man who crashed into her mailbox.

" There must be some kind of mistake." said Katherine.

Tom replied, "I am suppose to be meeting someone for a blind date. Is there a problem?" He then realized that she was there for the same reason. Tom thought to himself,

"Oh boy, this should be interesting."

Katherine said, " I can't believe this!"

"Wow, I'm that bad?"

Katherine rolled her eyes. " Well, give me a chance and I'll change your mind about me."

"I doubt it" Katherine replied.

"Please, take a seat. I don't bite."

Although She was reluctant, she muttered " Well, I'm already here." Then she sat down across from him.

The two of them sat their uncomfortably and silent.

"So much for Mr. Right." said Katherine.

She looked down at her phone to see the time, they had only been there for five minutes.

"it's only been five minutes, it feels like it has been five hours!"

Katherine thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Tom had been staring down at the menu. He was looking at the same spot for what had felt like eternity.

Tom looked up at Katherine and decided to break the silence.

"So what do you do for a living" he asked.

"I am a Veterinarian at our towns local animal hospital."

"No way, I love animals" said Tom.

He pulled out his phone and showed her pictures of his dogs!

Katherine exclaimed, "Aww, are all four of them yours?"

Tom replied, " Yes ma'am!" Once they got the ball rolling, they realized that they had a lot to talk about. It was like all of Katherine's anger and judgment towards Tom disappeared. Once they started talking they couldn't stop.

Katherine thought to herself, " maybe this guy isn't so bad after all."

The waitress approached the table and took their order. Strangely enough, they both ended up ordering the same thing. Tom thought to himself, "wow, we sure have a lot in common."

"What type of music do you like" asked Katherine.

" I like country western and classical."

Katherine couldn't believe it! None of her friends had the same taste in music; but Tom did.

Katherine and Tom talked and laughed the night away.

The waitress walked up to the table and politely said , " We are closing in ten minutes."

Katherine and Tom decided they better wrap up there date and head home.

They both got up and headed outside.

Tom walked Katherine to her car and said " I had a great time, we should definitely do this again sometime."

Katherine smiled and replied, "yes, we definitely should."

August 28, 2020 03:55

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Esther Andrews
00:14 Sep 03, 2020

Hi Seraina. I liked the idea behind your story. A little clean-up of punctuation and grammar would make it an easier read, but other than that, nice work!


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Brittany Gillen
11:04 Sep 01, 2020

Seraina - Thank you for sharing your story. It began with a fun meet cute and ended with a smile. You began with a great description of the weather, but I was missing similar descriptions of Tom, Katherine and the restaurant. A few well placed sentences would really help to paint your picture. Keep writing!


Seraina Frazier
15:13 Sep 01, 2020

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your feedback. I will definitely keep that in mind for next time! Thank you again! :)


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