There’s this someone I’ve been... observing.
He looks like that type of guy who’d just laugh along with everyone just to be a part of their circle. It’s painful to watch.
I first saw him around September last year (it’s January now), so perhaps he’s a junior in our faculty? Though so, he’s been hanging out with almost everyone. I’m talking about even the students older than me. Is this a reason for me to be concerned or confused?
(Now, I know you might think that I’m taking this a bit too personal. But, you’ll see. I’m just trying to be a good person)
So, the thing here is that he’s been hanging out with everyone... except with me. I kind of hoped that he’d approach me though. Why? I don’t know there’s just something about him that makes me wonder if he’s actually pathetic or if he’s just messing around.
Well, today’s different, according to my eyes, no one’s hanging around him today. He’s at this cafe I always go to whenever I’m trying to focus. (Obviously, that’s the only reason why I’m standing across the cafe. I don’t stalk him or anything)
It’s not the cafe near the campus where us students would normally hang out. So, why is he here? Has his friends at last… abandoned him?
Anyway, he left me no choice. I shouldn't be thinking about these things right now. I’m crossing the street, my focus is to enter the cafe now. This right here, I’ll consider this my hangout invitation.
Ah yes, the scent of this cafe never fails me. The warm lighting. The brown-themed walls, floors, tables, and everything. The best part? The silence. Libraries, take a note. No one’s talking louder than the keyboard noises. This cafe’s just my type. Unlike him, he’s not my type. I prefer taller guys. But, well, he’s sitting, but heyy, that’s not what I’m here for.
He’s sitting at the long table by himself. The corner right of the table. Ooo, my favorite spot. Anyway, I guess I’m sitting in front of him. Diagonally, since we’re strangers.
He’s not in his laughing face like I’d normally spot him. Just some serious face all over some book he’s reading. He has this whole different aura. Well, I better not greet the wrong person. This human in front of me better be my target.
Okay, let’s do this.
So, first words, what should I..
“Um, hey. You’re by yourself?”
Okay, it’s been three seconds.
Take a look at me now, will you?
Oh, he’s looking, he’s looking.
.. “I’m waiting for someone.”
And now his eyes are back on his reading. Ugh, that kind of hurts. Anyway, I shouldn’t lose my focus due to this tiny unnecessary heartbreak caused by a stranger.
“So... You’re a junior in our faculty, right? Doing good so far? I can beat people up if anyone’s bothering you.”
Yes I said that. I need a long answer so I figured I should throw a long question, am I not right? Well, yeah, it doesn't sound like something to say to a stranger, but hey my time is precious as well.
He looks at me only two seconds after the end of my question. That's some progress.
What is it? Is he smiling? Is he going to laugh?
.. “You know there’s this organization around here that beat bad people up. They might want to recruit you.”
Interesting answer. I like this guy. But wait, he already knows about that? Wow this junior really had done some good digging. I guess his fake laughters in his hangouts have really paid him with some good information.
So, anyway, there’s this gossip about an organization run by students in our campus who kidnap bullies to “educate” them. You know, like making sure that they won’t bully again. But, this was from a long time ago. Everyone said that they don’t exist anymore.
Oh right, time to reply.
“Well, what makes you think that I’m not already a part of their organization?”
Good reply, right? That’s a joke of course. I’m not a part of that organization, obviously.
He chuckles a little.
.. “It’s clear. You don’t seem like the type.”
Whoa whoa there I mean yes I disagree with the organization’s mission and stuff, but.. really? Am I not the type that can do everything?
“Why’d you say so? You don’t even know me yet.”
His chuckles haven’t left his face. He looks down to his book for a second and stares at me.
.. “I’ve heard one or two about you. People said that during your highschool days, you were the only one’s brave enough to report some bullying cases in your school.”
Wait, how, ugh, has he been stalking me too?
Hey, wait, it’s not like I’m stalking him. Well, anyway..
“Nice research, but It’s all in the past now.”
.. “Are you sure? Old habits die hard, you know.”
“Well, anyway, seeing how a junior like you knows about an organization that no one even talked about anymore, you’ve obviously done some research. So, let me ask you once again, is anyone bothering you?”
He bursts into another laughter. Better than the previous laughters. They don’t seem fake. Not the fake ones he’d normally throw during his hangouts. I’m... touched. And, wait, what’s this sudden urge of wanting to protect him?
.. “So what if I’ve done some research?”
“Well, anyway, they don’t exist anymore. Even if they exist, you should never go to them. The organization kind of sounded like it was built by a bunch of people taking revenge on bullies. Their value sounds flawed, you know.”
There I said it. Why would I say that much? Am I talking like an anti-fan?
He’s making a thinking face. His smile is a forced one now. Wait, why’d he look a bit offended? Is he losing hope? Is anyone actually bothering him? Did he really consider going to that stupid organization?
Oh wait, he’s laughing now. False alarm?
.. “Wow, you really know a lot about that organization. Then, you must have also heard about this other organization with pretty much the same concept, but different target.”
Oh. He knows about it too?
“Um, the organization that kidnaps and educates the bullied, instead of the bullies, so that they’d get to survive in the real world?”
His smile is back, though it’s just a light smile. I can’t tell how he’s feeling right now.
.. “Don’t they sound more stupid?”
Wait, what?
“Well, I prefer their methods. Instead of repressing the villains, they just attempt to make the victims stronger.”
.. “And let the bullies stay out there bullying more people?”
Hm, why does it look like we're both trying to hide our anger as we speak using the same type of smile?
“You know, if we help the bullied, we’d only be spoiling them. They won’t change a thing about themselves. They’ll only be bullied by different bullies for the rest of their life. It’s not like the organization’s going to stand for them for the rest of their lives.”
.. “Are you suggesting that we spoil the bullies instead?”
Oh hell-Wow. Why am I even- Wait, my phone just receives a text.
It’s from Kaz.
... “hey, u still looking for the person behind that organization you’re obsessed bout? ;D”
Wow what a timing. But, obsessed?
“You’ll never guess what my friend just texted me about.”
.. “Take your time to answer then.”
I can’t wait to tell the not-my-type boy in front of me that my friend Kaz might know the person behind the organization he’s been defending.
“all of a sudden?”
... “Fun fact first: he’s rebooting the organization.”
The not-my-type boy will probably be happy to hear this.
... “Another fun fact: he’s looking for you.”
“Huh? What for?”
... “Not sure. But, I guess he's rebooting because he disagrees with your methods for our organization and stuff. Funny tho considering how he's graduated and move on and all."
“LOL. So, who’s it?”
... “He’s in front of you, idiot.”
Old habits die hard, indeed.
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