
"Throne Thrown"

by Bryan Kost


Are you there, God? It’s me, Satan.

Just checking in. Sorry it’s been a while.  

Man I’ve been busy. Busy on man, I’ve been. Running a pandemic takes a lot! Sure you understand.

Seriously, though, I’ve been thinking. I wanted to get your thoughts on something. On us. Our contention, the stakes, the score, the future of it all.  

Our relationship.  

Okay, I’ll just put it out there: Maybe we could hit a ‘reset,’ my friend?  


Ha! Never mind, I just lied. (That is my native tongue.) 

I don’t want your thoughts. I sure as hell don’t want a reset.

What do I really want? Why honor you with my call? I just want to tell you what I think. I want to assert.  

Isn’t that what got me in trouble in the first place? Willful me.

So let’s recap, shall we?

You created me. Angelically gorgeous, if I may say. I beheld your Glory. Walked among your Sacred Sanctuaries. Praised you with my own lips.  

Bowed down to you (that’s the one that really digs at me, even to this day.)

And you lifted me up. So high. Oh, for those days again! Remember when I was chief among beings? We had it all.

Or rather, you had it all. Covet-able, I gotta tell you. Who can blame me for wanting a piece? I just acted on what others were surely thinking. What’s wrong with desiring a little praise my way?  

A lot of angels sympathized with me, you know. When I made my move, their hearts sang. They’re still with me, bless them.

On your side, I guess you have your heavenly loyalists. I’m not sure how those left in your presence so contentedly worship. So eternally subservient. So passive.

So blind.  

Anyway, to each their own. Say hi to my old pals there in Glory Land. Suckers.

So back to my story. Why did I rebel? I know a good business model when I see it. You had a fine gig going in your realm. We all know a monopoly is not good for the economy, though. So I decided to set up shop.  

Thus I arose.  

Thus you struck me down. 

So Round One was yours. Hell-bound angels, me and mine since. 

But I licked my wounds. Dived into the endless battles fueling our ever-since war.  

And we the demons have raged on the Earth. Spoiling your Genesis prize. I’ll never understand why you love humans so. They sicken me, weaklings.

Speaking of those fleshly shadows of yours, I’d say my side’s held our own along the way. I’d say we’re winning, in fact.  

Sure you’ve had some good ones.  

Job – a classic. Epic battle, and he did well. But the rarest exception to the rule. So of course he’s immortalized in your good book. The patient example you hold so high. Me, I don’t crow about the thousands I’ve won for each Job of yours, though. I silently steal, a soul proprietor.  

Jesus – okay, you got me good there. Still smarts, that one. And Christ the Earth-bound identify with him. Certainly has had a good run among needy man. I bet I’ll find a way around him, in the end. Don’t count me out. All souls can attest to my tenacity. You gotta give me that.  

And on it goes – back and forth, saints and sinners, angels and demons. I win some, you lose some. Sounds kinda trite over time.

But you and I, God – we’re the Generals. This is our war. Never forget what started this. You vs. Me. It’s all collateral aside from that.  

Just know that it ain’t them I care about. This is about us. I’m coming for you.

But know thy enemy, they say. That gets me wondering: You saw all this coming, didn’t you? Omniscient, right? So back to the beginning – that means you knew I’d fall. I think you wanted me to fail.  

Was my heart ever really yours? And if not, how’s that my fault? If I give you credit and call you God – then you are the Maker. Why did You create me flawed?

Looking back, I don’t blame myself. I blame you.  

I hate you.

Actually I don’t care. All this crap’s on you. I’ve taken my path. I’m not big on looking back, second guessing. Defeating, it is.  

So I go forward, go on.

Relentless. Forceful. Strong.  

The Fallen Angel rises. Ahhhhh …

Yeah, but back to the point. Why’d I call, you ask? I have to step back from time to time. Check the scoreboard, so to speak.  

Frankly, as I said, I think I’m winning. Among the deceased, you know there are way more in hell than with you. Jesus himself said the narrow gate will elude most. I laugh at the dead who missed it, and those blind to it yet alive.  

The fallen and falling.

But back to us. So, I have to ask: Aren’t you a bit tired? It seems this is getting pointless. What’s the end game? (Are you really in charge anyway?)

Between us, I’ll admit I’m losing steam. There are days …

But then I see you there. The Center of it all. Glory, honor, and praise. God, I want that.  

A glimpse of your majesty and I’m fired up. What could have been mine. You know hate is a furious fuel. It focuses you, makes you feel young.  

So let’s fight forever! Until you die anyway. I really don’t want this to end. Hell I’m not even sure why we’re discussing this.

That reminds me. Seems you’ve been real quiet. Why am I doing all the talking here?

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember. You have already spoken. It has all been declared. Holy and irrefutable you. It’s all in Your Word. The B-I-B-L-E, yes the book damning me. 

And dear Revelations. You just point your bony old man God finger at those last pages. Read it and weep, you warn. And the believers cry, “Aha, aha!”

Scripture says I am doomed. Of course I have read it. I don’t believe it.

I can write my own ending. You’re not the only one with a publisher.  

That’s it! Maybe I need to beef up my marketing. Lay out my own sales plan. Write my own ancient text. Mine will be more exciting than yours. I know what sells.  

“Yahweh Vs. Lucifer: How It Really Ends.” I’ll think of a better title, but you get the point. 

Thanks, man. Great idea!  

Meantime, I’m keeping my eye on the day-to-day. 

Souls are up for grabs constantly. You know I read that two people die each second of the day across the globe? They’re yours or mine, brother.  

I’m starving for them. I want to see them hurt. I want you to cry for each one I win.  

So that’s the short-term play. Keep searing souls, and write my book.  

But multi-tasking, I’m keeping my eyes on the prize. I’m still seeking My Kingdom. Working my way back to steal your glory, take the throne that should be mine.  

Yeah sure maybe I could go and make my own throne. But I want yours. 

You have humiliated me, see. I’ll never get over that.  

I will get you back.  

I’m coming for you. 

My will be done.

Are you there, God? It’s me – the Next One.

February 12, 2022 00:48

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