Fiction Romance

She was late getting out of work. It wasn't her dream job for sure but it paid the bills and gave her time to write. Maybe one day she would do it for a living but in the meantime, it would have to do. Her friends had invited her out. The Brady Johns Band was in town. She didn't really want to go. Country music had never been her favorite but she felt guilted into going. "Bailey!! You never want to go anywhere with us! Please come, you'll have so much fun." Her friends pleaded. So she gave in to their pleas. In a rush to get ready, she pulled on her favorite jean shorts a flowy crop top, and with her turquoise cowboy boots, a gift she had bought herself one time when she was exploring Arizona. Her friends arrived and she was loaded into the rented van with 5 of her girlfriends. The van was full of bare legs, cowboy boots, and free-flowing alcohol. Stephanie, her best friend, handed her a vodka tonic and she sat back taking her first sip. It was quite refreshing she thought to herself. This is going to be fun and she could feel herself loosening up. Just a little. Her friends knew how high-strung she was and they loved her anyway. She'd known most of them since middle school and they remained friends. Two were picked up later in life but they all fit together. It's kind of hard to find six women that got along so well. She knew they had her back as she had theirs. She may not have had a man but she had her friends and they would have to do. For now. The driver turned up the radio and Tyler Childers sang about his belt buckle leaving an imprint while the alcohol slid down their throats. By the time they arrived, the alcohol had loosened them up properly and they were ready to party. Filing into the venue hooting and hollering the girls were the center of attention. Bailey hung back just a bit, never comfortable with all their antics. Most people were watching the girls in front but as they were walking up to the bar area to get more drinks before heading to their seats they locked eyes. He was leaning against the wall. Looking directly at her. She smiled and it was her turn to order a drink. While she was distracted by her order he wandered over and paid for her drink. Turning around to look at him more closely she noticed a twinkle in his eye and a sly smile on his lips. "Oh, she said. Thank you but you didn't have to do that!" Her heart skipped a beat. He was gorgeous and couldn't stop staring at her! "You're welcome." He said. A few seconds passed with them just staring at each other and in the next moment she was swept away in the tide of her friends heading into the arena to find their seats. The opening act was starting. It was alive in the arena. People finding their seats, the lights flashing and the music pulsing and she knew she'd not see him again. That gorgeous man with the eyes. That stubble on his face and his straight white teeth behind that smile. He was all she could think about. Falling into the rhythm of the music and dancing with her friends the alcohol did its job and she was having fun. The opening act left the stage and the main act was introduced. Brady Johns came running on the stage, the band following behind and the crowd erupted into cheers then the drummer started the beat and she saw him. He was on stage! He was the drummer for the Brady Johns Band! Oh, My God! She never liked country music so much and she giggled to herself. They danced and sang along even though Bailey didn't know most of the songs. She didn't care. All she could do was watch the drummer. She swore he could see her. It's like there was a connection. Like they were meant to find each other. The concert wound down and people started filing out the door. Bailey wanted to see him again. To lock eyes. To feel his lips brush against hers. She knew that would never happen in a sea of people she was swept away. Her friends were laughing and talking as they headed thru the arena doors. Once almost out the doors she felt a hand grab her arm. She pulled away quickly not prepared for the grab. The person said to her, stay here, don't leave. I have instructions for you to wait. Grant wants to talk to you. Grant? It could only be her drummer she thought. So the six of them waited. They waited in a wasteland of confetti and used scattered cups. The floor was littered. He found her. Walking towards them he kicked discarded cups out of his way and stopped in front of her. He said, "I can't stop thinking of you. I had to see you again. I needed to give you this." And with those words, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Her friends cheered and made kissing noises as Bailey and Grant started laughing. He led her and the crew backstage. The band introduced themselves to the gaggle of women and Grant lead her to the sofa where they sat mesmerized by each other. They both felt it, whatever it was. Kismet? Fate? Love? Spontaneous combustion?? Who knows but whatever it was was wonderful. They talked all night. She was sure glad she had agreed to come along this time! Life can change in an instant and Baileys sure did. Falling in love, she ended up quitting her job and going on the road with Grant. Her dream had always been to explore the country, write stories and be in love. She was living her dream! Her whole life changed and it started in the middle of an arena amongst the discarded beer cups and confetti.

June 03, 2023 14:21

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