
“Where am I? How is it so incredibly bright yet all the colors muted and dingy? It’s almost like there is a sepia overlay on the landscape. Wait…is that…?”

“Oranges? Yeah…and I agree, this place reminds me of…”

“It reminds me of a painting I once created. A long time ago. It’s still hanging in my mom’s house. Only it’s not on the refrigerator anymore. I had it framed for her a few Christmases ago. She really loves that painting as rudimentary as it is. I always found it uninteresting and lifeless. Anyway, why oranges?”

“I don’t know, the scent is awfully sweet and somewhat revitalizing. Don’t you think? Could be a subtle hint to a new life on the horizon. I’ve heard certain scents can trigger memories or emotions in people. Maybe oranges hold a special meaning for you?”

“Yeah, they do. Oranges remind me of my soul mate. He was…he was very special. I know the term ‘soul mate’ implies a mythical type of love, but I believe our connection was truly remarkable. Perhaps a different kind of love but I could look at him and know immediately what his needs were.  We were linked on a molecular level. Many would call it an unbreakable bond. Not sure why I just told you all that just now.”

“It’s ok. It sounds like you had an extraordinary relationship with him. You seem sad though. I noticed your eyes well up when you were talking. Would you like to talk about it? We could go for a walk if you like?”

“I would like that very much. I am feeling a bit hopeless suddenly. It’s a very odd feeling.”

“I feel that way often. Here, let’s take this path. Is it just me or are the tree leaves looking a bit more vibrant?”

“They are! Everything is becoming clearer. Look at that hummingbird. It’s turning iridescent as we speak. Interesting.”

“Weird, well, let’s get going before it gets too late. Be careful, the ground here is soft and springy. Watch your step, you don’t want to…”


“Trip. I warned you.”

“Well, I didn’t realize once I moved it would feel like I was walking on marshmallows. Come to think of it, the ground does resemble an ocean of clouds. Look at the horizon. Incredible. Where AM I?”

“You asked that before. I’m honestly not sure, I haven’t been here that long. I have heard some people call it Afternoon Delight.”

“After what?”

“Afternoon Delight.”

“No, I heard you, but uh…I think the people here might not necessarily know the true definition of Afternoon Delight.”

“Sure they do, it’s like a midday romp, right? But just to clear things up, Afternoon Delight has an alternative meaning here. This is not a place for physical pleasure. Here individuals can find the spiritual comfort they have been starving for. Here they can find emotional joy again.”

“What do you mean ‘again’?”

“Let me ask you something. Do you honestly feel happy in your life right now? When was the last time you experienced any type of elation?”

“To answer your question, no, I’m not very happy and I really haven’t felt joy since…not since…”

“Not since you lost your soul mate.”

“How did you know I lost him? I haven’t talked about him, not yet at least.”

“Most people who come here seem to have lost something or someone. My heart aches every time someone new shows up. It’s like I’m supposed to be expecting something, but I don’t know what that is. It can be frustrating at times.”

“I can imagine. Did you lose someone too?”

“I did, she was…she was wonderful. She cared for me like no one else did. She made sacrifices for me. Much like you and your soul mate, our connection was undeniable. She understood my needs even when I couldn’t voice them. Plus, she loved me unconditionally.”

“She sounds lovely. What happened to her if you don’t mind me asking?”

“No, it’s quite alright. Ever since I came here, I have a hard time remembering what happened. I recall hearing her voice. She was crying, I think. She was holding me. I remember being so cold, but her warmth encircled me. It felt…safe.”

“What was she like?”

“Now that I remember. She was tall, so much taller than me. Her laughter was loud and boisterous.”

“It sounds like you remember more than you are letting on.”

“It’s very strange. I didn’t remember a thing until I started talking to you. Out of all the people I have met since coming here that has never happened before.”

“Happy to help with your memory recovery. Well…go on.”

“I remember following her around like a little annoying little puppy, we ate ice cream together, and she always shared her pepperoni pizza with me. This one time I got sick, I honestly felt near death, not an over exaggeration. Anyway, she stayed up all night with me. Just to make sure I was ok. I ended up having to go to the hospital, but she visited me every day. As frightening as it was, the experience only strengthened our bond.”

“She does sound like she loved you unconditionally. I mean who shares their pepperoni pizza!?”


“What? Are you ok? You stopped so abruptly.”

“Never mind. It’s gone. For a minute there you reminded me of someone I once knew. It was the way you said ‘pepperoni.’ Everything is feeling bizarre right now. Do you mind if we sit for a minute?”

“Sure. Let’s go sit under that tree over there. Look how green those leaves are! And they sky. Have you ever seen anything like it? It’s like a veil has been lifted.”

“It looks like splashes of rainbow watercolor. I feel like I have seen that somewhere before.”

“It almost resembles a pattern on a blanket my cat once had.”

“Cats are amazing creatures aren’t they.”

“I agree. 1,000%.”

“Is this the tree you were talking about?”

“Yes, it allows the perfect amount of brightness. The grass is so soft. It feels like cashmere.”

“It does, doesn’t it? You seem forlorn again. Why don’t you tell me about your soul mate.”

“He was ginger, hence the oranges. He had these gigantic golden-brown eyes. He also loved pepperoni pizza. In fact, he loved any kind of food. It didn’t matter, he was always trying to take bites or outright steal my food. However, I found his food thievery endearing. He sat with me while I read, and most importantly he listened. I talked to him about everything. I told him my wishes, dreams, and desires. He was my secret keeper. I vented to him often as he soaked up my tears. He never admonished me for crying, he never used unkind words, or called me names. He put up with my hysterics and quirks. He loved me unconditionally.”

“The love you two had for each other is palpable. Can I tell you something? The more you speak the more familiar you become.”

“I feel the same around you only it’s a little different. It’s more of a feeling for me and not so much your voice. Your presence is very comforting.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Hey, there’s a small creek nearby I like to fish at. Want to see? It’s so peaceful. It’s honestly my favorite part about this place.”

“Sure. Is it far?”

“Just over that hill.”

“Alright, let’s go check out your fishin’ hole.”

“Is it just me or does the ground feel a bit more solid?”

“You’re right! It’s not as springy. You want to know a secret?”

“I suppose so. Do you expect me to keep it?”

“Ha! I guess it’s not that big of a deal. I just never told anyone in here. Anyway, this is the first time I’ve experienced the great outdoors. Now that this place is illuminated by the sun and I can see clearly, being outside feels…instinctual.”

“What?! Really?! You’ve never been outside?”

“Yeah, I can’t remember why that is though. Look! There’s the creek. Come on!”

“Slow down! You’re running too fast.”

“LOOK! The water has never been so crystalline before. I can almost see my reflect…”

“Oh my, I am out of breath. Let’s see this reflection. What is the ma…FINN?!


“Finn?! What? How?

“Mama…I don’t understand either.”

“I know Finn, it is unusual but look around us! This place is so vibrant and full of life. And check out all the people here with…animals. I have so many questions. How are you doing? Are you ok? I have missed you so much. Am I dead? How are we communicating? You’re a cat. Finn, you’re so quiet now.”

“Can’t you see Mama? The answer is simple.”

“Afternoon Delight. Just please just tell me, are you ok? I felt like I made the wrong choice for so long.”

“You didn't and I'm ok now that you’re here. Did you really mean all those things about me?”

“Of course I did. You are the love of my life.”

“I missed you Mama.”

“Then why do you seem so sad?”

“Because I understand now. You can’t stay here.”

“What do you mean? I won’t leave you again. I can’t.”

“People are only allowed to visit here every now and then. When people feel extremely hopeless and utterly alone, it’s only then that they are permitted a glimpse into our world. Afternoon Delight is a place where the spirit can find contentment. A reprieve from the hardness life offers without the warmth of a soul mate.”

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“You must…for now. We have a bit more time. Let’s go find someplace to take a nap.”

“That sounds perfect. An afternoon nap, just like we used to. This place is delightful, but I am getting sleepy. Will I see you again?”

“Hopefully not for a very long time. I don’t want you to be sad Mama. I will always be with you. Maybe this place isn’t only for people who are feeling abandoned, maybe it’s for us too. The soul mates who need reminders of unconditional love.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t stop yawning.”

“It’s ok Mama, we can rest easy now.”

“Did you have a good nap honey? I almost didn’t want to wake you. You were smiling so peacefully in your sleep.”

“I had a great nap; I am feeling better now.” 

February 24, 2023 00:50

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