A Heat Wave Warning in California

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Set your story during the hottest day of the year.... view prompt

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The sun hung high in the warm, optimistic xanthous sky, casting a relentless glare over the sprawling suburbs of Southern California. It was mid-July, and the National Weather Service issued a heat wave warning that sent ripples of concern throughout the community. The temperature was expected to soar well above 105 degrees Fahrenheit for today alone, making it the hottest day of the year, prompting residents to take special preparations against the sweltering heat.

In a cozy neighborhood lined with many palm trees and blooming red and pink bogainvillia, Jack and Cheryl Morgan were preparing for what they hoped would be a refreshing escape from the heavy oppressive heat. Their spacious backyard pool glistened and sparkled under the sun, an inviting oasis amidst the parched dry yellow colored grassy landscape. Jack had always been an avid swimmer, while Cheryl enjoyed lounging lazily by the water with a good book. Together, they had transformed their backyard into a life saving sanctuary where they could totally unwind during those scorching sizzling summer days.

As they set up their pool area, Jack quickly filled a cooler with ice-cold drinks- lemonade for Cheryl and ice tea for himself. "We need to stay very hydrated, " he reminded her as he tossed in some fresh fruit slices for added flavor.

Digger, their playful 3 year old golden retriever, bounded around them excitedly, his tail wagged furiously as he anticipated splashes and fun.

Digger was not just any dog, he was part of their close family - a loyal companion who thrived on attention and playtime. As Jack adjusted the lounge chairs and Cheryl spread out the large towels on the wooden deck, Digger took it upon himself to entertain them. He dove into the sparkling blue pool with unrestrained joy, sending waves crashing against the sides as he paddled around like a seasoned swimmer.

"Look at him go!" Cheryl laughed as she watched Digger swim back to the edge of the pool, his golden fur glistened like spun gold in the sunlight. "He loves this weather more than we do!"

Jack chuckled in agreement but couldn't shake off the sense of unease and fear about the heat wave warning. "We should keep a close eye on him," he said thoughtfully. "Dogs can get overheated easily too." Cheryl nodded, her brow slightly furrowed as she considered Digger's well being amidst their plans for relaxation. They decided to take turns keeping watch over him while enjoying their time by the pool.

As noon approached, so did the intensity of the heat wave. The air felt extremely thick and heavy; even sitting by the pool became uncomfortable after prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Jack suggested they take 20 minute breaks indoors now and then to cool off before returning to their aquatic paradise.

"Let's set up some shade," Cheryl proposed after noticing how quickly they were both beginning to feel fatigued outside from the long exposure in the heat.

They draped a large blue striped umbrella over their lounge chairs and placed a few strategically positioned beach towels around Digger's favorite spot by the pool's edge so he wouldn't burn his paws or skin. With everything set up for comfort, they settled down on their chairs with iced cold drinks in hand while Digger flopped down onto his green fluffy towel beneath one of the umbrellas.

Just as they began to totally relax into their afternoon routine - sipping drinks slowly while watching Digger snooze by the pool- the sky darkened very ominously. A sudden gusto of wind swept through the backyard, rustling the dried brown leaves and sending chills down their spines despite the oppressive heat.

"What's happening,?" Jack asked Incredulously as he squinted at the dark clouds rolling in from afar.

Cheryl checked her phone for any updates and weather alerts. "It looks like there might be thunderstorms sooner or later today," she replied nervously.

"Thunderstorms in this heat" Jack shook his head skeptically but knew before than to underestimate California's unpredictable summer weather patterns.

Suddenly, a loud thunder rumbled overhead- a deep growl that echoed across their neighborhood - and within moments, rain began to pour down in heavy sheets. Digger lept up from his nap at once, barking excitedly at what seemed like an unexpected invitation to play.

"Digger! No" Cheryl called out just as he dashed toward the rain - soaked grass beyond their patio area. Running in crasy circles.

Realizing that staying outside was no longer safe or comfortable due to both rain and potential nearby lightening strikes, Jack quickly ushered Digger back inside while Cheryl gathered towels and secured loose items around their yard that could be projectiles in strong winds.

Once inside, they dried Digger with an old blanket before settling down together on their gray livingroom couch - Digger nestled comfortably between them on his blanket with his head resting in Jack's lap.

"I guess our relaxing pool day turned into a stormy day," Jack said with a wry smile as he stroked Diggers soft fur soothingly.

Cheryl laughed lightly but remained concerned about how quickly things had changed: "At least we're all safe inside,"

As thunder continued rumbling outside like nature's own percussion section playing an ominous symphony against windows fogged with humidity, they found solace in each other's company - and knowing that despite Mother Nature's whims that day, they still had each other - and Digger - to keep spirits high even when temperatures dropped unexpectedly due to the storms rolling through the California skies.

The storm eventually passed after several hours however chaotic it may have been initially - it brought them closer together as they shared stories about past summers spent outdoors under sunny skies, or rainy ones spent huddled together indoors playing board games, or watching movies instead.

Reflecting on how unpredictable life can be - much like Californias weather - they realized it didn't matter wether it was hot or cold outside; what trully mattered was making memories together regardless of circumstances - with laughter echoing through every moment shared alongside beloved companions like Digger who made every day brighter simply by being there beside them through thick and thin.

August 05, 2024 15:04

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1 comment

Grace Mcnabola
06:59 Aug 16, 2024

The vagaries of the California weather are beautifully described, as we vividly relive the oppressive heat and the shock of the thunder storm. The dog is a nice touch, a loyal companion through thick and thin.


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