Contemporary Sad Romance

“You know...The first time I saw you my eyes lit up. It was a calm snowy day and nothing, but wonderland surrounded us. I wanted to tell you how I felt right then and there. I thought you were angelic—from the way you smiled to the way you kissed me later that night. Questions arose through my head, and I didn’t know if we were moving too fast or too slow. I wanted to protect you with my life. I’d do anything to protect you. The next day we woke up to the sound of shovels hitting the ground and snow being plowed onto sidewalks. I was tangled beneath the covers, and I hid under your warmth. You looked so deep into my eyes. You looked so beautiful, and I felt myself cry in that moment. I couldn’t contain the feeling that you were mine and I was yours. I was overjoyed. I remember you laughing at me, asking why I was crying and as we laughed through the tears your thumbs caressed my cheeks. I fell so hard for you. I never knew that I’d be so special to have you. I always thought I was unlucky and that I’d never find the one I loved. I always thought you’d be just a figment of my imagination. Turns out I was wrong. I remember our first ‘official’ date. Oh, how your eyes lit up when I presented roses the same color as your cheeks. Your smiled so bright it could light up the whole entire world...I’m sorry...that was cheesy of me...But anyways, I remember how you took the roses from me and set them down on the ground, you ran at me and hugged me, and I almost thought I’d cry again...I thought of the time in the summer when we traveled to Hawaii. We held onto each other as we stepped under the cool water from the waterfall. The crystal-clear water was as blue as your beautiful eyes, and we rode with the waves. Feeling each moment as our bodies floated above the deep. The sand was pale like your skin and the sun was as bright as your smile. We laid back on the sand, bathing in the heat. We were so sunburned the next day. Every step I took felt like a burning hell. I remember that time when we went to visit your parents and your dad was not very fond of me. He’d ignore me and say he was busy all the time. Your mom was so welcoming, and your house was so calming. We went up to your room which was so messy—a reflection of you. Your hair was always a mess, and you always were wearing my sweatshirts...You thief...One day I remember coming up to your dad and asking him one of the most important questions of my life. I asked him if I could propose to you, and of course this was after he’d gotten to know me...and of course...he said yes. Paris, yes, I took you to Paris and under the Ifle tower I had proposed to you. No wait, it was Athens Greece, and we danced under the stars. Yes, it was the latter. I remember the rain trickling down unto you, making us completely soaked together. As I wrapped my hands around your waist you raised yours up to my neck and we swayed side to side in the darkness of the night. I could feel your warm breath against my cold skin. I shivered and smiled as I looked down at you. You looked up, deep into my eyes and moved your hand up to the nape of my neck where you brought my head closer to yours. You kissed me so passionately and I closed my eyes so tight, never wanting any of this to end. You released your wonderous kiss, and I let go of you. I stepped back and got down onto one knee and brought out an elegant box wrapped in velvet. I told you how much I loved you and that I wanted you in my life forever. I cracked open the box and I was already sobbing my eyes out. You screamed and tackled me to the ground. You hugged me so tight I couldn’t even breathe. It was the best hug I’d ever gotten. I slipped the ring on your fragile fingers, and we kissed each other again. It was an even better kiss than the last one. We wiped others' tears and spent that night together. Our wedding was extravagant. It was on a cliff where the view could be seen miles and miles away. Incredible. But you were the most beautiful sight to see. Your skin radiating off the burning sun and your white dress that carved around your beautiful body. I also cried that day. Nevertheless, that was probably the best day of my life. The day you brought our beautiful little girl into this world was the second best. She looked just like you. I had gotten everything I ever could have wished for. A family with two amazing girls. We had named her...Delilah. She was so tiny, and I was always careful to not to crush her with my arms. I was so scared...And that was our beautiful story. That was the end of it. I couldn’t continue the rest because of course...it wasn’t real. It was all a dream...just another story to tell. Another thing I wish could happen but never will. Because it’s all too perfect. Love isn’t real like that. Love can’t be that powerful, it’s weak...unless you have the right person that is. I guess that last part was only true in the fairytales though. We could’ve been happy. A whole family that spent time together. Bike rides, picnics, playgrounds, playdates, walks, going to the beach. All this could’ve been us. Right?” 

“You just said love wasn’t real-”  

“I’m sorry, it was just never real with us.” 

“I-I love you though.” 

“I thought I loved you too.” 

February 20, 2023 00:31

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