Drama Fiction Friendship

“Thanks a lot.”

“You’re welcome.” She said smiling, proudly.

“Idiot,” I murmured.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood, cause you’d get a bullet for that otherwise.” I just rolled my eyes. “Don’t push it though, you still owe me.”

“Oh, come on! I repaid you!”

“Oh, really? That’s all your life’s worth?”

“To you, probably.”

“You make me sound cold-hearted.”

“You don’t need me for that.”

“And that’s it. Good night, boss!” Sam pulled me by my collar, out the door, down the corridor, into our dorm. “You know she ain’t joking, she will shoot you.”

“Nah, I’m too important.”

“Mhm, your humility is rare, that’s for sure.”

“Oh, come on, who’s gonna be her traceur, if she kicks me out.”

“You think you’re that irreplaceable?”

“What? You’ll replace me, nerd?”

“Nah, I’m way too smart to risk my life like that.” He smirked, then after a moment of silence, changed the subject. “So what did she do to get you so mad?”

“She made me thank her.”

“For saving you?”

“No! I thanked her for that already” I whispered. “For Jenna.”

“Oh. Yeah…Uhm, I have to tell you something…”

“I know you did it. I’m not that dumb, Sam.”

“How? I’m not the only techie in the lair.”

“Yes, but it wouldn’t be her, if she didn’t make my best friend screw me over.”

“I didn’t “screw you over”, I saved your ass from jail.”

“I could’ve-“

“No, you don’t get to defend that… girl” he kindly refrained from curse words. “You know she wouldn’t have understood. I don’t blame her for that, don’t get me wrong, I would’ve been worried about her if she understood. It’s really your fault for stringing her in, in the first place.”


“Why did you keep her around? You know what, don’t answer. You’re only gonna make up some arbitrary lie when we both know the truth.”

“Yes, fine, I liked her attention! I liked her. Is it such a big sin? No one here thinks of me like that! It was nice to get some affection.”

“If all you needed was affection, you could’ve just asked me” he winked, letting me know he’s joking.


“All I’m saying is that, if you need it, that rather than giving me plus work to clean up after you, choose someone from the lair.”

“I don’t think she’d appreciate that.”

“As if she’d care, you know how many of us are screwing each other. It’s a miracle that there are no pregnancies or HIV outbreaks.”

“Who are you screwing?”

“No one.”

“Sure, sure.” He was so with someone, and based on his blush it was more than just a no-strings-attached situation.

“Although, don’t tell her, but some of the guys speculate that she might have a liking for you.”


“You know, she fancies you. It would explain why you’re her favourite and why Jenna was such a thorn in her side. Also, she would’ve kicked anyone out for the tantrums you throw, almost on a weekly basis, if I might add.”

“No, no…No. She can’t… She’s like asexual.”

“What? Just cause she’s a woman in power and has pretty much everyone under control, doesn’t mean she suddenly isn’t attracted to anyone.”

“But me? I know I’m good, but that good?”

“She must be attracted to your humility.”

“What should I do?”

“Probably nothing. If we’re wrong, you’d be in big trouble.”

“If she didn’t kick me off for Jenna, she won’t let me go for making a move.”

“Are you seriously considering that?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Are you even attracted to her, or is it just the power?”

“I know what the right answer is-“

“So just for the power. That’s really messed up.”

“Are we living in the same place? I know you came here later than me, but even you must feel how much power is worth here, it’s literary you’re only currency. Imagine being the co-leader…”

“You’d be her puppy, nothing else. And you’d be a dead puppy when she finds out your true motives. No one wants dead puppies.”

“Are you being protective?”

“No, I’m being reasonable. Also other than Alex you’re the only one I can talk to, and it would be a lot of effort to build this kind of relationship with someone new, so I’d appreciate it if you’d stay alive. At least till I am.”

“I don’t think you’ll have a choice.” I heard her voice. Oh shit. I didn’t want to turn around. Maybe if I didn’t she’ll walk away, or I’ll wake up from this devilish nightmare. I stared at Sam, who just gaped at her, looking over my shoulder. “Will you turn around, please? I don’t talk to people’s backs.” I slowly turned, being unable to wipe an awkward smile off my face. I gave a nervous chuckle. I couldn’t even start to explain, she put her hand up. She definitely knows me the best out of all these criminals. “Do you really think I have a crush on you? Come on Chris, we’ve been friends for years. If you know me as well as I know you, you wouldn’t have given a second thought to the rumour.”

“It…I wasn’t…”

“Or were you only considering me for the power?” It wasn’t an actual question, she had heard the conversation, so she knew. It was more of a humiliation technique. It was working, I felt ashamed for thinking of her like that. As if I could use her, without her knowing.

“Am I a dead puppy?” I asked weakly.

“Nah, as you said, Jenna was a much stronger… offence.”

“So I won’t be punished?” It was hope that made me ask, not rationality. I even heard Sam laugh behind me.

“Wrong again. I’d like you to make a speech at the next gathering, telling everyone you’re thought process of seducing me. It better be good, if you want to get off the hook.” I hate her! How did I ever think I could pretend to like her? I wouldn’t have lasted a day. No amount of power could make me forget how much she enjoys humiliating and shaming people. “And Sam?”


“Start looking for backup traceurs. It seems like Chris is burning out.”

November 26, 2021 22:03

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