A Most Unexpected Start

Written in response to: Write a story in the form of a list of New Year's resolutions.... view prompt


Adventure Contemporary

My New Year’s Resolution

1. Be nicer

Millie set down her pen with a sigh. Writing her resolutions always made her tired. But that’s not why she hated this task. That had to do with the writing on the bottom of her paper. The last resolution always haunted her. Her mother had been the first to add it nearly fifteen years ago when she had first joined this tradition in fifth grade. Even after what happened with their parents, she added it every year with the hope it would come to pass, just to tear it from the rest of her list in shame and anger…

Millie nearly jumped as the knock shook her apartment. She rose from her chair and went to the living room, fear mixing with curiosity. The sun had only set an hour ago, but the knock put her on edge. No one ever visited anyone in the Sunny Heights Apartment complex after dusk if they knew what was good for them. Another tremulous knock threatened to break her door down. Wishing she had let her brother put that peephole in, she unlocked the three bottom locks but left the chain in as she peeked out the door. A man stood on the other side; his tailored black suit and immaculately styled hair suggested the IRS, salesman, or one of the landlord’s goons decided to dress up to fetch the rent. But his gentle, bright green eye framed behind thick glasses completely threw her off balance.

“Camilla-Juliet Williams?” He smiled. “I’m sorry to drop by so late on a holiday, but this is important. Can I come in?”

She opened her mouth to ask him why she would ever let some strange man in her apartment but remembered her first New Year’s resolution.

“That’s me,” she replied with a forced smile. “Who might I inquire is asking?”

“Well, my name is Amos Sanders;” He went to extend his hand, then realized the door wasn’t fully open. “I work for Lighton Illuminate.”

Lighton Illuminate? Something clicked in Millie’s mind. Wasn’t that the company that-

“And yes, I work with your brother. In fact, I happen to be a good friend of his. Which is,” He sighed, “I suppose that’s why the company felt it best that I be the one to tell you.”

“Is that right?” Millie drawled, suddenly remembering what her brother had said about people from work who claimed to be his “friend.” Her fingers moved to slam the door- Then, she heard his last sentence. Her heart leaped into her throat.


“T-t-tell me what?” her voice rose in pitch and depth. “Is this about my brother? Has something happened to Romeo?”

No. Please, no no no no no. He was all she had left.

He held his hands up in a calming gesture. “Goodness no, he’s fine...”

She sighed in relief, her fingers releasing her death grip on the door frame.

“....as far as I can tell, I mean.” He paused, and so did Millie’s breathing.

“What do you mean as far as you can tell-”

He reached out his hand and placed it on her shoulder.

“Ms. Williams- can I call you Camilla?”

Millie stared at the man until he swallowed and withdrew his hand.

 “Um, I understand your concern for Romeo. I am very concerned about him, too, but I’d prefer to discuss this in your apartment. I wouldn’t want his business all in the open.”

What was she more afraid of, something would happen to her or something happening to Rome?

She unlatched the chain and opened the door. Mr. Sanders stepped in and moved toward the living room, but Millie stopped him.

“Uh, Mr. Sanders, I would feel more comfortable talking here.”

He sighed. “Fine, fine. Let me be straight with you, Ms. Williams, as I feel this is best in this situation.” He paused, then looked up, his eyes filled with sympathy. “Have you had any contact with Romeo in the past week?”

She opened her mouth to say Of course  she had, that he was her twin and all she had left, and would he now make good on his promise to be straight with her and come out with it before she-


Come to think of it, she hadn’t heard from him since he dropped by on Christmas Eve last week. That wasn’t like him. Ever since what happened with their parents seven years ago, Romeo had taken his role as the oldest, even if it was only by two minutes, as seriously as death. He’d never let a week go by without visiting or checking in…They were all each other had…

“Ms. Williams?” The deep, rumbling voice pulled her from her thoughts.

“No.” She looked away. “No. I haven’t heard from my brother since before Christmas.”

The man- Mr. Sanders- sighed. “And you are sure about this?”

Instead of screaming at him to get on with it, she simply replied. “Yes, I’m sure.”

“Ok. Did Romeo happen to mention anything about leaving town? Or maybe someplace he was going for Christmas...”

Suspicion snaked through Millie’s chest.

“Why all these questions about my brother?” she crossed her arms. “And why ask me and not him?” 

Mr. Sanders removed his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and then placed them back on after a deep breath.

“Ms. Williams, I’m afraid we are looking for your brother. Four days ago, he stole some very important files from Lighton Illuminate and disappeared. No one has heard from him since.”

2. Be more open

Ten minutes later, Millie was holding the door open for Mr. Sanders. “I’m sorry you had to come all this way.” She murmured absently. Romeo? A thief? 

Mr. Sanders stepped out. “Ms. Williams, I know you still don’t 100% believe me, but if you can think of anything, anything at all, or if Romeo contacts you, please give me a call.” He handed her a slip of paper with two phone numbers scribbled out.

Millie stared at the paper. Romeo? A thief?

“Please, Ms. Williams,” Mr. Sanders’ green eyes implored her to take the paper. “Trust me when I say I only want what’s best for your brother and to see the company’s property returned.”

It wasn’t so much that Millie trusted him as she wanted him gone that she took the paper.

He let out a breath. “I do hope all this is resolved soon.”

Millie nodded once, then shut the door. A few seconds passed, and she was still at the door, still holding the paper balled up in her fist.

Romeo? A thief?

She let out a breath.

“Is he gone?”

The voice jolted Millie like an electric shock. Terror barred thought, and she started to whip around shrieking, but a strong hand clamped over her mouth, stopping her. Relying on instinct, she bit the hand.

A soft screech sounded, and the hand ripped away from her mouth, giving her time to run for the door.

 “Dang it, Millie, you bite like a vampire!”

She froze, then slowly turned to see a man cradling his hand. Thick, messy black curls stuck out from his hood, under which she made out two amber eyes, a nose slightly crooked from a school fight, and a soft, perfectly formed mouth that had caused Theresa Redding to dispense off any other girl who thought about asking him out.

“Romeo!” She rushed to him, relief bursting from her voice as she squeezed him. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe. I didn’t know it was you-“ She let go, then smacked his shoulder lightly. “You scared me! I almost had to pry my heart from my throat.”

“Quiet Mill,” he winced. “Try not to let the whole building I’m here.”

That slammed Millie back into reality. “Rome, they’re saying you-you stole from them. That couldn’t be true…”

Romeo flopped on the couch, avoiding eye contact, his mouth set in a grim line.

Her heart dropped. She knew that look. “Rome…is it?”


“Romeo,” her voice cracked, “is it true?”

He let out a small groan and finally looked at her. “You remember my boss, Bailer Daay?”

Millie nodded, an image of the tall, skinny man with balding dark brown hair and a slimy grin.

“A few months ago, I found out he was skimming off the top of Lighton Illuminate’s profits. Then I discovered this went all the way to the top. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I stole it.”

“Oh Romeo…”

“Camilla, I had to.” His eyes blazed with a righteous passion, “Hundreds of workers received a major pay cut right before Christmas, and dozens more got laid off. Many of them have families and kids to support. If I could only expose them, then maybe it would help.”

No one else but Millie knew Romeo was a fierce lion with the heart of a teddy bear. She knew she couldn’t beg him not to do this. Injustice was his Achilles’ heel.

It was also why she loved him so much.

“What do you have to do?”

His face relaxed into gratitude. “I gotta get the information to Washington. I know someone there who’s an expert in this sorta thing and who has contacts with the FBI and the IRS.” He fidgeted with the tassels on the couch pillows. “However…”


“I don’t have all the information, but an ex-employee does. He was gonna use it to blackmail the company, but he’s offered to give it to me if I promise it will hurt Daay and Lighton.” He paused. “But tomorrow is the only time he agreed to do the drop-off, and I have to meet with this other person who’s only going to be in the city for a day to arrange some other things. I have to do both meetings, but I can’t be two places at once.” He sank back onto the couch and rubbed his eyes, and she realized how tired and vulnerable he looked. The garbage bags under his eyes. His wrinkled shirt, stained pants, and dirt-ridden shoes.

Romeo had always been there for her. Now, it was time to return the favor.

Millie took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly. “W-when’s the drop and where?”

He stared at her like she had sprouted a flower from her head. “Millie…”

He needed help. She straightened her shoulders. He would never ask her if he knew how scared she was.

“You need help, Romeo-Caesar Adam Williams and I’m your best shot, so what do you need me to do?”

3. Be more generous

Millie glanced around as she exited the library, keeping a tight hold on her purse as the crisp, chilly winter air threatened to push through her coat. The drop had gone without a hitch; she had barely seen the man – Romeo’s contact – drop the USB full of information into her coat pocket.  

She knew no one could see the USB, but that did nothing to alleviate the growing anxiety rampaging in her chest. She descended the first step, then almost turned around and returned to the library’s warm safety. Below her passed Chicago’s midday crowd like a giant beast. Since it was still winter break, many more families and children were out. She knew they should make her feel safe, but Rome’s words kept bouncing around her brain.

Company corrupt.


Spies everywhere.


Don’t go out after dark.


Trust no one.


What was she doing? Why was she here? She wasn’t as brave as Romeo was; after all, he was the one who stood up to her parents after Bermuda-

Millie shook her head. “Just go.” She chided herself. “You’ve done this millions of times.”

With that pep talk, she shoved down her fears and merged into the swarm. After a few blocks, she made it to the intersection before the train station. She started to relax, and worry skidded off her. She felt a tangible weight lifted off her, leaving Millie feeling light as air. See, she told herself. Romeo was right; she felt a lot better when she stopped worrying. She could do this. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t as much as a scaredy cat as she-

Wait a second.

She looked down at where her purse was, then looked up just in time to see a long-legged youth slipping through the crowd crossing the street, sliding it into his coat. 

4. Exercise more.


Was all Mille could think as the light turned red. After a few seconds managed to stammer out, “Th-th-thief! That boy, he stole my-my-my-purse!”

But the city swallowed her voice, and all she was rewarded with was a few strange looks from those close enough to hear her. Despair flooded her body. Without that information on the USB, Rome can’t fully incriminate Lighton Illuminate.

And it was all her fault.

She had failed.

The youth glanced back across the street and met Millie’s eyes.

And smirked.

In that instant, Millie’s blood erupted in flames, burning all her previous anxieties and timidity away in one swift motion.

How. Dare. He?

“STOP!” she shrieked, surprising herself with her volume.

He bolted.

And when the walk sign appeared, so did Millie.

He dodged shopping bags and briefcases like a fish while Millie charged after him like a shark, shoving anyone and everyone.  

They continued in that strange dance for a block. Suddenly, the boy ducked into a restaurant. Millie made it inside just in time to see him dive into the men’s restroom at the back of the store. She froze before the door.

No matter how much her brain screamed at her, her body would not move as her mother’s voice scolded her for even thinking about going in. Then, she thought of her brother.

Shoving her mother’s voice away, she barged in.

To her relief and utmost fear, the bathroom was empty.

Please no!

That’s when she saw the contents of her purse sprinkled over the bathroom floor. She quickly gathered them up, praying that she would also find her purse. Praying he did find out that-

She found it in the trash can. With breath all but gone, she opened it, then opened the hidden pocket on the side of the bag. Nestled inside was the USB.  

5. Be more confident

It was almost dark when Millie made it to the meeting place, aka the Cultural Center. Rome told her he chose it because it was a public place but had many private nooks and crannies. She stumbled into the elevator, leaning against the wall, trying to remember what it was like to breathe normally. When the door slid open on the third floor, she found her twin pacing, a tight look on his face. That look relaxed once he saw her.

“Millie!” Romeo ran to her. “What happened?”

Even though her lungs were like a balloon filled with too much air, air that was heavy as gold, and her legs wobbled like Jell-O, she managed a weak smile.

“Just had to chase a pickpocket, that’s all.” She almost collapsed into his arms. He helped her to a bench, and she sagged onto it. He sucked in a breath, his face darkened.

“I knew I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. I am so sorry, Mill.” He exhaled. “It’s alright you didn’t get the package, what matters is that you are-“

“Shut up.” She smiled, her breath finally back. “I got it, you silly boy.” 


She handed him the USB. He stared at her, disbelief carved into his face.

“Huh?.... I thought…”

She hushed him. “Your flight leaves in three hours. You need to get moving.”

In the surprised expression on his face, Millie detected a hint of pride, which immediately warmed her.

“Go get’ em.” She kissed his cheek.

He shook his head at her with a smile. “You are something else, Camila-Juliet.”

“And don’t you forget it, Romeo-Caesar.”

He gave her one last hug. “I’ll contact you as soon as I can,” He whispered. “Stay outta trouble and stay safe.”

“You better do the same. Or else.” She whispered back.

He let go and flashed her a mischievous grin. “Can’t promise that. I’ll be back before you know it, Mill.”

And he was gone.

She watched her big brother through the window as he headed towards the rental car he had got, emotions twisting her insides. Fear, worry, and doubt were there.

But something was there too, something more than fear. Something Millie hadn’t experienced in a long time but made her grin like she just saw an old treasured friend.


Maybe, just maybe, she would get through all her resolutions this year.

January 06, 2024 03:41

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