
Jody got a text from Diane asking her what she had planned for Halloween night. She text back that it was still open. Diane told her that the,spooky old house on the hill was going to open the house to guests for that night. Diane always believed in ghosts and other silly things like that. Jody is practical and she tolerated her friends opinions but thought it was all nonsense. She loves her friend and decides to text her that they should get a room. Diane text back that she can't believe she would go but she agrees and will make a reservation asap.

Halloween night they check in at around 5 and the room is like going into the past. They unpack and go down stairs to look around. There are quite a few guests and they are dressed in costumes already. They all stare at Jody and Diane as they enter the dining room. They decide to go back and put on costumes because it was a very creepy and awkward moment. After they get dressed a bell rings announcing dinner. When they go into the dining room everyone is seated and they all stop eating and stare at them as they sit down. No one is talking and it doesn't seem like they want them there. Jody asks how everyone is and they ignore her. Diane looks scared and Jody is very uncomfortable so much so that she signals Diane she wants to go. As they get up to leave all the other guests get up too and start following them. Diane says, "run Judy" and they run up the stairs slamming the door closed as fast as they could. Jody locks the door just as they here pounding, scratching and moaning. They are both so scared and look around trying to figure out what to do. Then the lights go out and it starts getting really cold. Luckily Jody has a flash light in her purse and finds it. She also gets her phone and sees there is no service. The pounding gets louder and it seems like there are more people now. They push the dresser in front of the door and decide to look out the window to see if they can get out. The roof is too steep but they see vines growing on the side of the house. Judy says, "let's try going down the vines". They get out the window just as the door is pushed open. Climbing down the vines seemed like it took forever but they finally got on the ground ran as fast as they could down the hill to the first lighted place they found. The people let them in and called the police for them. When the police arrived they told them what happened. When they were finished with their story the officers looked a bit perplexed. They then informed them that the place was empty and closed up. Also they had not heard anything about it being open to the public. Diane said that the car was still there and that their purses and luggage were still in the room. The officers said they would take them up to the house to check out their story. When they arrived Dianes' car was parked in front of the house. Diane went to the car and the door was unlocked. She looked in and was surprised to see their purses and luggage still in the car and the keys in the ignition. The house was all dark and closed up. The officers just looked at them and shook there heads. They told them that they would not get in trouble for a false report because they thought it was the best Halloween prank they had had all night.

The End.

October 29, 2019 11:04

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