At a parade

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



She thought how strange it was that this time last year she was grieving her husband and now she had a boyfriend. It wasn’t what she expected, and she knew she was blessed. She saw one of the stud’s horse go by and clapped extra loud.

She knew the parade was almost over and Chloe had fallen asleep. Jason reached for her hand and she loved how their hands seemed to fit together. It had been a big day and she almost felt like she wouldn’t mind a nap like the little girl.

Jason was moving his finger slowly pulling off her rings. She looked over at him and said. “What are you doing? Why are you taking off my rings?”

“So I can put my engagement ring there. Aly, Alyssa, will you marry me?”

Alyssa glanced at Jason’s parents who were seating next to her. They were occupied with watching the parade. She looked into Jason’s eyes and saw the love in them. She nodded yes and Jason squeezed her hand.

“I wish I had chosen a ring, but I wanted you to choose it. Why don’t we let Mum and Dad look after Chloe and go shopping?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I want to tell them after we have a ring.”

Jason said a few words to his parents and took Alyssa’s bare left hand. They quickly found a jewelry store and went inside to look at the rings.

Alyssa hadn’t chosen the ring Lucas had given her, but her husband has chosen it so it was special. She probably wouldn’t have had one the same if she had chosen it. She liked that some of the things Jason did was so different than Lucas.

She saw a pink solitaire and walked towards it. It wasn’t too large and the pink diamond had smaller white ones going down the band. There was also a matching wedding ring that went with it. Jason saw her smile and went over to the sales lady. “We would like to look at this ring.”

Jason took the ring and placed it on Alyssa’s finger, it was a perfect fit and suited her hand perfectly. She couldn’t help but smile. “I love this Jason, are you sure you can afford it?”

“Of course, anything for you Baby. Are you sure this is the one you want?”

“I have always loved pink diamonds and wished my engagement ring could have one. Thank you Jason.”

“We will take it.” Jason said to the saleslady.

The saleslady smiled, she had helped many couples choose their rings, but she had never seen such a look of love between them. This couple she hoped would have a marriage that would last.

Alyssa looked down at her gown. The ivory set off her colouring just perfectly. She had little pink pearls sewn into the dress and in the veil. She had that done to bring a little bit of the colour of her engagement ring out. The dress was very different to the one she had worn in her first wedding. She wanted things to be different, she was a different person.

Chloe had a cute little white dress with a pink sash around the middle. She loved twirling around in it. “I love my dress Auntie Lys.”

“You look beautiful in it. Now hold still so Grandma can put these flowers in your hair.” Alyssa couldn’t believe it was only going to be a few minutes before she would be getting married. She thought about the saying something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. The old was her grandmothers pearls around her neck, the new was the dress. She had borrowed a lacy shawl from her new mother-in-law and the blue was hidden under the dress with the garter on her leg. She blushed thinking of Jason putting his hand under the dress to remove it at their reception.

“Is everything all right Alyssa?” Meg Slater said. “I can get your father if you want.”

“No, Meg can you pray with me? I am nervous, I want to marry Jason but I am scared I will compare him too much to Lucas and that isn’t fair to him or me.”

“You loved Lucas and he will always be part of your life. But I can see how much you love Jason. Trust in God and remember a cord of three isn’t easily broken. Now bow your head.”

Alyssa felt better after having Meg pray for her and Jason and their wedding. She saw her father enter the room. She smiled and said “Daddy, is almost everyone ready?”

“Yes. Oh Alyssa, I hope you are happy about this.”

“I am Daddy.” Alyssa was happy that she getting on well with her father. It had taken a little while, but after talking with Meg and Kevin she could see she wasn’t being very fair. Her father loved her, even if he didn’t quite understand everything that was going on. Alyssa could be an influence to her family hoping they would see that God had made a difference in her life.

Alyssa had decided to have the minister’s wife to be her matron-of-honour. Irene had been a good friend in the last few months especially and helping Alyssa become a mother to Chloe. They had many long talks and she was closer than Alyssa’s sisters. She would walk down the aisle just before Chloe who would throw petals, then would be followed by Alyssa and her father.

Alyssa could hear the soft talking and a little music. She knew as soon as Irene walked down the aisle the hush would come as they church waited expectantly for the bride. She heard the music change as Irene went to the start the walk down the aisle. Alyssa felt a tremble but placed a smile on her face.

Alyssa heard the music change and it was time for her to make the walk. Her father squeezed the hand that was in the crook of his arm. She took a few steps and was at the aisle that would take her to her husband. She couldn’t keep a smile off her face.

As she walked down she was almost in a dream. Her eyes were on Jason and the rest of the people didn’t seem to be there. She saw the love in Jason’s eyes, those eyes that could read her so well and those eyes that were part of her anchor. Her father gave her a kiss on the cheek and Jason took her hand.

Alyssa knew there were people watching, but tuned them all out and listened the minister as he talked about marriage. Her eyes were watching Jason as he looked at her and she tingled as they repeated their vows to each other. She didn’t want the words ‘till death do us part’ instead it was said. ‘Forever and a day’. She knew Jason was part of her future and would always be.

Jason watched his bride walking down the aisle, she was even more beautiful as she smiled at him. He felt JC pat him on his shoulder, as a support and saying she is beautiful. He couldn’t believe he was so lucky.

He felt her hand tremble a little as she said the vows. They had decided to keep to mainly traditional except the last few words. He knew that death was something she didn’t want after losing Lucas to death.

He slowly slid the ring on her finger and before letting it go kissed it and some of the congregation chuckled. She put the ring on his finger and she looked into his eyes as she pushed it down. He winked at her.

He heard the words he had waited to hear. “You may kiss your bride.” Jason lifted her veil and took Alyssa’s hand in one hand the other around her waist and kissed her. Now they were married he didn’t want to let Alyssa go. The only time they let their hands part was to sign the papers.

July 12, 2020 06:01

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