Mary held Joe’s hand and watched him sleep, the heart monitor beeping a comforting rhythm. She thought over their life together, they met on Sunday afternoon at the wedding of Sara and Moses. At the reception dinner, Joe had dropped his plate right in front of her and spattered sauce all over her new shoes. They sat down together just to get out of people’s way. He had lifted her foot gently onto his knee and carefully cleaned her shoe with his napkin. They had talked for hours, about nothing and everything.
They went for coffee mid morning then walked from bench to bench in the park. As late afternoon shadows fell on the street, they went back to her apartment for wedding leftovers, and talked until they fell asleep in her recliners.
Mary used the lift feature to get out of the recliner. It was early yet, 6:03 in the morning to be exact. She started coffee then got into the shower. She was just about to step out when there was frantic knocking on the door. Joe rushed in
“Just stay behind the curtain please”
“ Am I curtain number one or curtain number three?”
“I know you're not a ZONK.” Joe left the bathroom then stuck his head back in. “If you have eggs and a few other things I can make a mean omelette.”
“I have eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage and I don’t know what all. Go for it.”
“Thank you, I plan to.” Joe winked, then turned his head away so that Mary couldn’t see the pain in his face.
Mary looked at Joe across the small table “this is the best morning I've had in a long time.” “Thank you.” Joe replied “I could use a shower though”
“Sure, I have plenty of house dresses and a couple of robes.”
Joe grinned. “That's okay, actually, I'm the one that moved into the apartment just around the corner. I'll come back in a couple of hours. Would you sit with me in the Gazebo then?”
“You do realize that by that time everyone in the complex will know that you spent the night in my apartment, and you’ll have to marry me.” They both laughed.
A few hours later, when they were sitting on the bench, Joe took her hand and drew in a deep breath “I have been thinking, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, you already know that I am not expected to live to the end of the month, I wish I had years and years to give you. You truly have infused my life with life, let me give you what I do have, marry me please.” Mary stared open mouthed, Joe continued. “ I would get on one knee but you might have to help me up.”
Mary smiled. “I have never been happier, but I would just push my alert button and ask some hunky EMT to help you up.
“Know a lot of Hunky EMTs, do you?”
“I've had to be picked up a time or two, but nobody has ever picked me up the way you have, I haven’t been told that I have a month to live, but we never really know how long we have do we? I would love to spend my remaining days with you, yes.”
They sat for a few minutes holding hands and pretending not to hear the giggles and whispers coming from the other side of the hedge..
Mary walked slowly to the bank of mailboxes Mildred and Irene were both already there, not even hiding the fact that they were watching Mary’s door. “Joe asked me to marry him yesterday”
“Is that the name of the distinguished looking gentleman caught leaving your apartment early this morning?”
“Stop it, Irene, you're just jealous, what did you say?”
“Why yes of course. I can't bear to be apart from him.”
“That could mess up your Social Security benefits”
“I draw from my own income, not my late husband’s so it won't matter.”
Chloe walked up waving her cane, “When’s the wedding?”
“Today! Are you a war bride again?”
The women all laughed except for Mary. “We are in a war of sorts. He has terminal cancer.” the laughter stopped. The woman stared at Mary.,
“Oh Mary, how long does he have?”
“I worked as a nurse for 45 years and never once did I find an expiration date on anyone. His doctor predicts maybe a month.”
“Why are you getting married?”
“Because he asked me and I want to. I know the difference between living together and being married. I love him more than anyone else ever, and I want to share the depth of myself with him and experience the totality of him for as long as possible.”
Mildred squeezed her arm, “wow I can see in your face and eyes that you really mean that. She turned back to Irene and Cloe, “come on we have some planning to do.” Mary headed back to her apartment. Her granddaughter Kathy drove into the parking lot. “I found it grandma” she called as she pulled a bright red formal gown from the back seat.
“Good, are you going to be able to be my matron of honor?”
“Of course, I found a navy blue suit that will look okay with your red. What is Joe wearing?”
“I don't know. He called and said to meet him at the little Wayside Chapel at 1400 hours.” “Grandma, are you sure you want another army guy?”
“He's not Army. He's a retired Navy SEAL and he has cancer from some chemical spill on one of his Ops.”
“Wow he's dying, are you sure about this? you’ve done some wild and crazy stuff but this?”
“Absolutely, I've never been so sure of anything in 85 years.”
Kathy followed Mary into the apartment frowning. “Grandma, I thought you were only 76.
“I am, but I am still sure.” Kathy rolled her eyes and both women laughed.
Joe tightened one arm around Mary and fumbled for the controls to the chair. “Whose idea was it to share this recliner?”
“Yours I'm sure, you only have one and I was too tired to walk around the corner to my apartment.”
“Why don't we shower and go to the donut shop for breakfast?.
“Sounds good to me, then we can take the bus to the zoo, rent scooters and ride around talking to our lost relatives.
“I tried to rent a hot air balloon but there were none available until tomorrow.”
“You can fly a hot air balloon?”
“No, but I can rent one with a pilot, what do you think?”
“That sounds like fun. The South Row girls put together a party for us at 6:00 p.m. today it's potluck in the rec room.”
“Sounds like it will be a good day.”
“These last few days have been the best of my life,” Mary said to Joe as they walked slowly along the path away from the field where their hot air balloon landed. Joe said nothing, but grimaced when he pulled Mary closer to his side. She stumbled against him and he stopped to help her get her balance then lost his when her full weight fell against him. A passerby stopped to help them and call for an ambulance. Joe struggled to get his feet under him. He wouldn’t let go of his wife, he was so very tired, and his bones hurt. .
Mary gestured for Joe to climb up into the bed next to her. She couldn’t feel anything on the left side and wasn’t sure that she could talk, but she wanted to tell Joe how happy he made her. Joe lay on his side facing her, he kissed her hand then rested their clasped hands on her chest, She leaned her face to his and kissed him, only the right side of her face responded. Joe kissed her tenderly, then pulled back slightly.
“Thank you, Joe, for the love of a lifetime.”
“Thank you, Mary, for a lifetime of Love.”
Neither of them heard the heart monitor alarm or the crowd of relatives burst through the hospital room door.
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