The Dangling Participle or Proprioceptor? The Beauty of English.

Written in response to: Write about someone who has long since quit but decides to go another round for old time’s sake. ... view prompt


Christian Contemporary Kids


Know it When You See It? The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. Or in today’s youth and “Meme’s” terms— the “Fugly”.

Please allow me a second confession: I was required to consult my dictionary and thesaurus for the meaning of the word “Meme” and Fugly.

That makes me older than 50, but younger than 100. 😳

Now to unpack it all.

Sit back and relax. Today is gonna be a bit boring. Or should I express, “say better”, properly—“is going to be.” Yes. The Second choice. The bonafide beauty of the English language should never be understated. That is why I went on a mission to



You ask?

To me, the mummified meaning of a “meme”. How it relates to the now. The present. Reminder:

To be present, is a present to present yourself as present.☺️

One word.

Four quite different meanings.

Otherwise stated as

“We got nuttin’ “ or should I say better, “We have nothing.”

Not necessarily so in the good ‘ole days. Sit back and enjoy a lesson in articulation, semantics and words.

Language Lesson #1: Participle. Noun. Plural Noun is Participles. A participle is a word formed from a verb (e.g., going, gone, being, been) and used as an adjective (e.g. working woman, burned toast) or a noun (e.g., good breeding). in English, participles are also used to make compound verb forms (e.g., is going, has been) Wk



participare - share in >>>LATIN - participium (verbal form) sharing (the functions of a noun)>>>OLD FRENCH participle >>>participle late Middle English

“Get” where I am going with this? Semantics. Nope. Not quite.

How do you identify a participle?

A participial phrase is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in —-ing or—-ed.


  1. a) comes at the beginning of a sentence.
  2. b). Interrupts a sentence as a non essential element.
  3. c). Comes at the end of a sentence and is separated from the word it modifies.


Wake Up you little Memers! 🥱We are far from finished. Did you really only think and believe that in between A and Z lies only white, blank space? Nope. Kids. Sorry.

There are a whole bunch of rules and word meaning regulations to be learned. So many beautiful words to learn and explore the meanings of. Oh, yes I understand in your world “Word” means Good or Great or “Boss” or Better.

But in the English language, as it has evolved in its beauty and beautiful expression(s) a Word means a Word.

There are no short cuts.

There are three (3) types of participles in English: Present Participle, Past participle and Perfect Participle.

Perfect. Present Participle.

To be present is a present that you present in the present.😊

The WORD participle comes from classical LATIN participium, from particles ‘sharing, participation, BECAUSE IT SHARES CERTAIN PROPERTIES OF VERBS, ADJECTIVES, AND ADVERBS. The LATIN grammatical term is a calque (look it up young memers) of the GREEK grammatical term §£_[< ‘participation, participle.

I love words.

And see. You too CAN participate. Oh, I know, I know without the guarantee of a trophy or certificate, or whatever green you seek.

Which brings us to our next “Dangler”, Hook, “Tease”.

Language Lesson #2 Proprioceptor.

You may be wondering what in the world is this person talking about. To that I reply.

Welcome to my world.

Language is more than a meme, or mime, or a yours or a mine. It is an expression, kinda like a tattoo or graffiti. But in order to understand, not one of us is immune from having to learn the rules.

A Proprioceptor. Is a group of limbs. (Imagine it like a tree) A SENSORY, a sense of self-movement, force, and body position. Proprioceptor also referred to as kinaesthesia or kinesthesia is the SENSE of self movement , force, and body position. It is sometimes described as “the sixth sense” (of the five senses taste, see, touch, smell, hear)

I love words. The history and origination of……The Word. The Words. It matters.

Proprioception is mediated by Proprioceptors, mechanosensory (look it up young memers) neurons located within muscles, tendons, and joints. MOST animals possess multiple subtypes or Proprioceptors, which detect distinct kinematic (look it up) parameters, such as joint position, movement, and load. Although all mobile animals note the word (mobile) possess Proprioceptors, the structure of the sensory organs can vary across species.Wk

Proprioceptive signals are transmitted to the central nervous system, where they are integrated with information from other sensory systems, such as the VISUAL system and the Vestibular system balance system (contained the the area between our ears), to create an overall representation of body position, movement, and acceleration. In many animals, sensory feedback from Proprioceptor s is essential for stabilizing body posture and coordinating body movement.wk

Language Lesson #3 Memetics- This might apply to/be you, young “Memers”. The study of information and culture based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution. Proponents described memetics as an approach to evolutionary models of cultural informational transfer. Memetics describes how an idea can propagate(look it up) successfully, but doesn’t necessarily imply a concept is factual. critics contend the theory is “untested, unsupported or incorrect”. Wk


What is the point? Young Memers, you are too young to know at this point. More importantly, you have been



What did the writer of this language lesson just say?

Yes. You have been robbed.

While you have been so busy meming, tapping, blasting off images and likeness and selfies galore. You missed out.

There is a glorious world of words. And to know the meanings is a glorious day of exploration, creativity and innovation. You did not know any one was selling you short. Let’s just ponder for a moment.

May I ask you a question? When DID you “get” your first “smart” phone. When did you become dependent on its replies?

Well, there may be/ have your answer. I believe YOU are smarter than your phone. No this is not another “Blame the parents” moment, necessarily. But young memers, you were

Robbed again. You. robbed again. In the interest of

The need for speed.

Or connection.

Or protection.

I dunno. Or do I really mean to say—properly,

I don’t know.

As in I do not know the answer and I am deathly afraid to say that I do not know the answer because so much is “riding” on knowing the answer.

Just ask the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT College Board folks in Iowa. Or wherever the skills and aptitutes test originates now.

I really do not know.

Paying for one’s own education sometimes forces the decision to stay in a trance ie, stay put, or to stay

“In state”

What state you ask?

Great question.

I fear we will all find out in the coming months. And it will be


September 30, 2022 18:38

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