ghostly perspectives

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Horror Friendship Fiction

when she woke up, it was almost sundown. the first Halloween she spent as a ghost would mean she could go out of the house and finally see her kids and sun. unlike many ghosts, she was friendly. the ghosts could also relocate to abandoned mansions or were their friends and family were. little did anyone know, but most families had a ghost in their house, making sure that no one broke in. the families that got killed didn't have ghosts.

when she had pushed out of the window, as it was midnight and Halloween had just started, she could finally see not only people, but the new streets she's heard everyone talk about. she grabbed a box and a bag of her personal ghost stuff, and accidentally bumped into her long lost friend, Mara.

"oh my gosh!!!! geode!!!" she shouted. "its so good to see you!! what number Halloween is it for you? This is my fifteenth!" Geode gapped at her.

"fifteenth?" she stuttered. "this is my first. do you know were my family is? I miss my kids so much. and my husband must have cried for the first time sense his parent's died."

"ah yes, I remember where they lived. they are in the house you died in. in fact, I was watching you get that sickness 3 years ago. I couldn't bear it any longer, so I moved into the house next-door. I'm excited. next year, when its my 16th Halloween, I will have access to all the graveyards, real or fake. but because it is only my 15th, I have to find and escort the 1st year ghosts, find their homes, and tell them your job. so you are going to be easy. I might as well move with you, in your 15th year you don't need an escort. so," she said as she was heading toward a house, and packing up her ghostly possessions. "alright. I will lead you on your way. there aren't many new ghosts this year." she observes. "probably because those new cures for sickness. you know, I'm glad your here, I've been running low on friends, since mother of all ghosts decided to give them to a new family. I don't want to loose my memory, though. so I'm waiting until 100 Halloweens so I can keep some. mostly, the wisdom I will gain. but some of my family and some of you, and some of my ghost years so I don't have to be scared of anything this time. I've been wondering what I will become in my next life."

"okay, talk my ears off, lets move into the house." we had come to the house while she was talking my ear off. inside, her family was watching hocus pocus, one of her favorite shows. she was about to go down the stairs, and realized she hadn't earned her invisibility yet. she stuck to being in the attic, glad that her belongings could be under her kids bed, which were neat and tidy, except for a few dust bunnies'. she hid them there, along with her friends belongings, and started getting really excited for her invisibility, which she would earn tonight, at the stroke of 3. she sat down, and listened to her friend talk to her, explaining her job. she was supposed to walk down the street, activating motion sensors and blowing flags wile her friend helped direct 1st Halloweener's to their houses and get another belonging, a book with what you will get for powers each year. next year, I would get the power to fly, then the power to go through walls. then I will get the power to teleport, getting us ready for the next part, being able to go to as many houses as we want. we cant go beyond the fences in the yards of our houses, probably why most ghosts prefer the mansions that were abandoned. they had big yards. if you stepped outside of the home or parking lot, you would have to go to another family as a baby and rebuild your personalities, friendships, and everything. she remembered getting de'gavu in many places, probably from her past life. she nodded when her friend finished, and they jumped through the window. Mira started to fly off, while she started walking by the automatic things, no longer scared by them. it was past 3, and she was practicing for tonight. the sun started shining, and kids started to go off to school. she went through school buses, and because it was still Halloween, enjoyed as much as she could before she had to go to her 1 and only living place until next Halloween. when the sun had started setting, she started heading to her home, were she would have to get inside at the stroke of midnight. when she got close enough to come in a minute before midnight, she started walking around, making the wind go toward the flags that were close enough to the ground. every once in a while, she would stop and chat with some other 1st year ghosts, and at the end of the night, she had a pretty good Halloween. she raced to her house, making it just in time for the stroke of midnight. her husband and kids were sleeping. her newest kid, who was 4 years old, had gotten up for a glass of water. she looked at how she had grown in the year that she was in the random house that she was in, it was probably her mothers childhood house. she sat mindlessly in her favorite spot, and saw her oldest daughter, who was 13, come out, sitting on the couch. she started crying. she reached out for her, trying to wrap warm arms around her head and convince her to stop. but she found some other, colder arms being wrapped around her head. she forced them off, reliving her daughter of her depression. all her problems hit her like a bullet. bullies at school had started because she didn't have her smart alec attitude that she had when her mom was alive. the pressure of getting her grades they way she got them because she wanted to be a writer, or a teacher, and the hardship of trying to catch up to her dreams, then her father yelling at her because she knocked over something. he used to be so understanding. then the memory of her body, wrapped up in blankets at the hospital. she wrapped her warm arms around her head, and she stopped crying.

taking all the bad memories away from her momentarily, she reveled her body and face in the bean bag in the corner. her daughter ran to her, cuddling in her body, going through, and staying in the indent of the beanbag her wheat was making. she came out of her temperature less body to smile at her and go back to bed. before Geode could smile back, she was slipping into ghost sleep, turning herself invisible so she could have privacy while sleeping.

she woke up during breakfast, quite hungry. ghosts had to eat too, but they had to ghostify their food. she took out an eyedropper and dropped some on 2 pancakes while no one was looking. she gobbled them down, and realizing that her dropper was empty, she opened a plain and empty book and wrote down,

food ghostify

a new one appeared, and she put it in her pocket.

she enjoyed watching her new family. realizing she hadn't seen her friends, she set out searching for her. she finally found her in the attic.

"you revealed yourself to your daughter!" she said, angrily. your lucky she didn't scream, otherwise the others would've caught you and i, and then make us go to new family's!!! wait, how did you get up here??"

"with the ladder." geode says as she pulls the trapdoor up. "I caught my husband muttering that he had to go up here today, and he keeps forgetting stuff. we can use this to our advantage, you know." she gazed around, looking at the books and clothes that she had worn when alive. so what year can we walk around and introduce ourselves?

"10, but if they scream, you have to be in a different family. only reason why your 13 year old didn't scream is because she was a ghost before and reserved some of her memory's. You aren't advanced enough to get into the memories they aren't thinking of, just the ones they are. just please, don't show yourself to anyone until 10 years of Halloween. unless someone is trying to wreck this house, of course.. or buy it, or break into it, or anything that might damage or kill anything in this house. by picking this one to live in, you must protect it. otherwise, you get the punishment." she said.

Geode thought for a moment. she knew what punishment she was talking about, but she really wanted to know how her family changed.

"you can do that by observing." her friend said. she had forgotten that the gift she got for her 15th year was mindreading other ghosts minds, and being more advanced at reading the minds of humans.

17 years had passed, and she was able to reveal herself to her family and her still alive friends who visited. but something was wrong. it started when 2 bright suited guys showed up at the house, one had a black suit, and the other had a pink one. probably washed with something red, she thought. but when they started taking measurements, she got suspicious and called Mara over to the window. Mara explained that they were property sellers. they were trying to buy the house!

when Geodes family finally came back from their grocery run, they looked terrified. everyone was still living together to take care of their dad and his new wife, who Geode was okay with because her husband had been nicer to everyone since marrying her. it was before she introduced herself to them, however. but when her husband asked the property sellers what they were doing, they didn't reply. they were out in the yard now, and she decided to open the attic window and slam it, as hard as she could. everyone looked up, seeing the attic window swaying. when it stopped, she flew out the window and turned on the hose, which was hooked up to a sprinkler for the new puppy that they had gotten.

it sprayed their suits, and their hair got droopy. their paper got soggy and ripped when they tried to write on it. they ran off, with a page full of notes, but they drove out and weren't seen again for a month.

when they came back, they had a man and a woman with them. they looked like husband and wife. they went through the interior this time, and myself and Mara had a great time. we lifted paintings, we started the fan, flickered the lights, and threw little beanbags at them. we took one of our dresses and got into it, flying around and scaring the crap out of them. the husband and wife had left in their own car while the property sellers stayed and made more notes. i was at this time we used our new powers to our advantage. we made it look like there were 4 ghosts. we moved around in ours, and used the extra 2 for making them seem like they were pointing. nevertheless, they ran off with dripping clothes and ruined hair.

when thy came back again, they were talking to my family. they wanted to buy every bit of this house. the chairs, tables, couches, beds, laps, lanterns, all of it. of course, they refused. but they offered so much money that they were forced to start selling it to them. but me and Mara would not quit. when the husband and wife came in the second time, they tried even harder. another Halloween had passed, and they used their newest power, echo. now they could make their voice herd when invisible. well, she could. Mara could now shake the house and change the lighting.

"GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!" Geode started growling and yelling in the loudest voice possible. when that didn't work, she mimicked a voice she found in their memories. then Mara started shaking the house. their reactions were comical. one of them ran off saying, "there going to kill me!!" wile kicking off the shoes as a "sacrifice" instead of his soul.

they kept coming back, and they kept scaring them. they brought I priests, and that didn't work. it only silenced their voices for a week. they brought in ghost specialists, but the men in the suits did not listen to them, even though they were right. we were planning out how to scare them again when the doorbell rang. i opened the door to see the husband and wife. they both had hammers. i opened the door completely, thinking of an idea. i put my finger to my lips as a signal to Mara. i pointed to the hammers and signaled up. we took the hammers and tied them to the ceiling. they looked terrified. they took more brave steps inside, and climbed up to the attic. we connected our minds and both shouted, "YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, YOU WILL DESTROY OUR HOUSE, OUR FAMILY, AND OUR SOULS IF YOU BUY THIS, HOUSE, AND WE SHALL NOW DO THE SAME TO YOU!"

they immediately started climbing down from the attic, with some of her old outfits following them. they went out the back door and started throwing some freshly grown grass at the outfits. then me and Mara took some dresses and put them on over our regular outfits, then showed ourselves and walked out on the lawn. they looked at us curiously, then we flew toward them. they ran, and a month later, they called off the selling. everyone celebrated. their friends were invited, and they danced the night along, and the best part,

it was Halloween. a spooky, dreary, Halloween

and until the moon set and the sun rose, the ghosts would be on the streets,

and when the sun set and the werewolf's stopped howling,

is when they stopped and went into the house.

they waited for the spooky dreary Halloween to come back,

and they partied once again

for their souls weren't going to be split apart to make new ones,

they were celebrating,

for their family was truly united,

once again.

October 23, 2020 17:23

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AJ Hensley
22:20 Oct 31, 2020

Thanks for sharing this story Anna! I enjoyed reading through. The voice was definitely unique, and the plot line was one of a kind. My only feedback is to make sure that you read through and take the time to follow grammar rules, like capitalizing the first letter of each sentence. I would also look at massive blocks of text to make sure that everything within it is necessary to clump together, or to see if you can break anything out into new paragraphs. More digestible paragraphs can help the reader to stay in the scene, and not get ti...


Anna Godfrey
04:01 Mar 18, 2024

Sorry it took me so long to reply-But thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it a lot and I also appreciate that you took the time to read the story and comment on it, Thank You for you constructive criticism!


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