A Siren's Song

Submitted into Contest #256 in response to: Set your story in the stands at a major sporting event.... view prompt


Historical Fiction Drama Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The carriage rocks left and right as it passes over the cobblestone streets of the capital. My hands try to find something to keep me steady, but the soft pillows and cushions are all that I have to hold. 

I look across from me at Cyrus. He is sitting carelessly, one leg over the other, his hands clasped, his gaze lost in his own reverie. Then, he turns his head and smiles at me.

“You’re sweating.”

It’s the first words he’s uttered to me in weeks.

“It is very hot in this carriage.” I reply.

He glares at me, and I swallow a stone. Then, he smiles. A shiver sweeps across my skin.

“I am happy you are joining me for today’s games. I feel like we haven’t spoken in a while.” He says.

“Of course.”

“Of course, my king.” He replies sharply.

A mother should know their children. When I look at Aelius, it is as if I can read his thoughts. I can tap into him. I can become an ore to his sails. But when I look at Cyrus, all I feel is resentment and anger. An ore is worthless in raging seas.   

The carriage stopped and the door opened. A hand clad in armor extends itself to me. The guard helps me out of the carriage, and I am surrounded. I am escorted through the colosseum interior and up through our private passageway. I watch as Cyrus enters to roaring trumpets and raucous applause. We sit down and I look at the seats reserved for the senate members and family. They are all empty.

“Where is Aelius?” I ask, as Cyrus is handed a goblet of wine.

“I ought to be asking you that question.” He replies. “You spend much more time with him than you do with me.”

“We have similar interests. I have invited you to our discussions and philosophy circles, but you have been busy with your training and other duties.” I reply, choosing my words carefully.

“Ah yes, your weekly discussions. All that time discussing, and no time doing. Sometimes I feel like I am ruling this kingdom all on my own.”

“The duties are divided equally between you and your brother.”

“Are they now.” He takes big gulps of wine. Some of it drips down his chin. I wave the servant order and ask if they know where Octavius and Aelius are. I am told they are on route. I take a deep breath.

"Who will be fighting in today's bout, my lord?" feigning interest.   

"Who else? My favourite fighting duo, Brutus and Selevus: The Hell Twins!"

My stomach churns.

“We should be investing more coin into the games. It is important to keep our people pleased.” He tells me.

I nod and smile. “Of course, my king. What are your thoughts on education? After all, an educated populace is-”

“Shhh, it’s starting!” he waves off my words with his hands as if pesky flies.

The massive gate slowly begins to open and a chariot with two men come flying out. The crowd roars and a wave of discomfort fills my heart. I truly despise these barbaric games.

"Have you ever seen the Hell Brothers, mother?" Cyrus asks. I smile and shake my head.

"They will fight two dozen other Gladiators at once today. I have

no doubt all will be cut down."


The Hell Brothers disembark from the chariot and face us, before kneeling and bowing. The chariot returns to the gate while two lines of men in rags with shaved heads, bound at the wrist by a long rope, are escorted into the arena. The pre-show warm up massacre. Jeers and taunts echo from the stands. Cyrus’ servant kneels next to him and whispers in his ear. He smiles and lets out a giggle.

We wait in silence for a moment. The slaves are released from their binds, and they begin to run in all directions as the Hell Twins move slowly towards their prey. They begin to wet their blades with blood to wild applause and tortured screams.

"I hear there is to be a private meeting tonight," Cyrus says.

My skin seizes.

“Oh? I have not heard of it. It is not in my schedule.”

“Is that so? Aurora told me herself.” He turns and looks at me and smiles.

I turn my face away from his and observe the carnage in the arena, the taunt of his smirk much too distressing. Only Aurora, Aelius, Octavius and I knew of the meeting.

“What have you done to Aurora.” I demand. I look behind me. The exit is blocked by his fully armed guards.

“I never understood why father wanted your brother and I to rule together.” Cyrus stood up. “Ambitious, innovative…but not practical.”

I hear the clank of armor closing in on me from behind.

“Aurora was strong. You were right to trust her with your secrets. But all humans have a breaking point. For Aurora, it was the rat pit.”   

I hear my name, as if carried on the wind. I look down at

bloodied arena and see two men remaining, their brows thick in fear and sweat. They are on their knees, one Hell Twin behind each of them. They’re facing us, the final sacrifices. I squint my eyes and when I realize who they are, my whole body turns hot in an instant.

“Aelius!” Armored hands clasp down on my shoulders and arms, pinning me in place.

The cheers from the crowd feed the madness growing in my mind. The emperor stands and raises his hand, then runs his other hand against his arm. The Hell Twins repeat the motion, except they raise the right arms of Aelius and Octavius and run their blades against them.

I hear him calling for me. Calling for his mother. Screaming.

“Cyrus! Cyrus please, stop this! I will do anything you want! You can be sole emperor! Please!”

Cyrus turns and brings his face inches away from mine.

“Yes. You will”


“Power is a Siren’s song,” I remember my husband telling me one night as we ate fruit and drank wine, the night air hugging bodies in a gentle embrace, the city of Rome glorious before us. “If you can resist it, you can pick apart the notes and analyze them. You can decipher the magic which makes them pull and use it to your advantage to attract all things good.”

I asked him if he hears the song.

“If I had, you would not be here with me, in my arms.”

I smile and hold him tightly. I ask him if he thinks his plan will work.

Cyrus and Aelius are good boys. We must simply ensure they grow wise to the call of power and resist it.”

I stay in that moment as my two sons are taken away from me to thunderous applause and savage cheers.    

June 26, 2024 15:12

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Peter Wallace
22:24 Jul 03, 2024

A very compelling story. I was unsure who the passenger was for a while. Also, the story needs some proofreading (ore instead of oar). All in all, though, a brutally entertaining story.


Daniel Legare
11:34 Jul 08, 2024

Thank you Peter, and yes, I need to proofread more!


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John McPhee
16:24 Jul 01, 2024

Well done Daniel - the story held my interest right to the end.


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Trudy Jas
19:56 Jun 26, 2024

The call of power cannot be resisted, will not allow resistance. Beware anyone who seeks it.


Daniel Legare
21:50 Jun 26, 2024

Did you think of that? If so, I bow to you Judy! As always, thank you so much for commenting on my stories!


Trudy Jas
22:01 Jun 26, 2024

You are welcome. btw. it's Trudy. :-)


Daniel Legare
16:16 Jun 27, 2024

Oh man, I am SO sorry! Haha for some reason my brain switches the first letters of your family name and given name.


Trudy Jas
18:23 Jun 27, 2024

No problem. :-)


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