
It's another day at Snap First Bugle, and the boss calls his two newbies. Carla and Molly, intern photographers at a famous magazine, competed for the same job. The renowned and brilliant editor Rachel gave them the task of capturing the ideal image of the bustling city streets. Delivering guarantees a job. In confusion, the two looked at each other and asked, "Why do I have to do it with her?" Miss Rachel told them to ask one question at a time. Carla says, "Miss Rachel, I already have my own group with Bob and Harry." Molly replies, "Exactly. That's why I work with Yoshino and Tom; we're all good with the flow and waiting for the shot to come to us." Miss Rachel responds, "I realize that both of you have different ways of doing things, but as you move up, you must work with someone who can show off your unique abilities and creativity. By diversifying this task, you'll both be able to maximize your potential." That'll help create a more dynamic and productive work environment, especially since everyone can work on the fly and leave their comfort zones. They agreed with their boss and walked out of her office.

In a coffee shop, the two were discussing what they should do. However, Molly suggests they should not rush, saying, "Let us take our time. Good shots do not just fall from the sky." Being annoyed, Carla asked her current partner, "How can you be so chill when you have a job?" Molly replied, "That's my philosophy." Carla wondered how her group was able to accomplish anything. The methods used by Molly and Carla could not be more different from each other. Known for her obsession with design, composition, and execution, Carla was a perfectionist. She was a free-spirited individual who believed that the best images are captured when chaos, uncertainty, and everyday events are embraced. After Carla had paid the bill and walked out, Molly grabbed her hand and asked, "Where are you going? You haven't had your coffee yet, but I appreciate you paying for it." "I understand," Carla replied, smiling (with a big, rageful red on her face). "I am just in a hurry today, as I want to prove myself to Miss Rachel."

Molly squeezes Carla's hand before saying, "We should take our time." It begins softly, then becomes more arduous. During their rage, Molly finally released her grip and ran away. As Carla watched, she was filled with a mixture of emotions. I am happy she can make her own decisions, and I feel guilty that I could have handled the situation differently. She has no idea that Molly feels the same way. However, they decided to work independently. Carla was convinced that her approach was the only way, while Molly believed hers was the only way to capture the moment. So they both continued about their days, finding pictures left and right. However, they felt pretty dissatisfied each time, as they noticed a spark missing from the photos. While watching Through Queens, the duo tries to find the spark they once had before numbing each other again. They ask each other, "So, how's it going so far?" Carla shows her pictures and says, "I got the three shots, but they're off." Mollyy signs and says, "Likewise!" She pulls up her three pictures. Ultimately, they had to resolve their differences and work together to find the best picture, not the perfect one.

Although they have been sitting together for some time, they have made little progress. While hunting for the perfect picture, they negotiated through New York, still not finding much every time someone commented on the other's style, with Molly pointing out that Carla's pictures were too "sloppy," due to her taking too long to shoot the picture. On the other hand, Carla pointed out that Molly's pictures lack good "accuracy," because she does it too easily and misses out on vital points that make pictures a specific wow factor. So they decided to change their environment by taking them to the park. On a hot summer day, Carla photographs a street musician in Washington Square Park. Molly fetched iced tea while Carla was engrossed in her photography, saying, "You know your slacking doesn't make a difference."

Molly was tired of Carla's constant criticism. Molly snapped back, "Well, excuse that we are in the middle of the hottest day of the year." Carla says, "So you went from being chill as ice to being hot as chili pepper." Molly rolled her eyes and said, "At least I'm doing something productive with my time." Carla smirked and said, "That's true. You better stop slacking and get back to work." Molly says, "Alright, then I understand the task at Miss is strict and boring." Carla smiled and said, "Meet up with me later, chill girl, after we're still partners for the day." Molly smiled and said, "Yeah, I got it." While taking photos, Carla noticed an elderly man staring at her with a twinkle in his eye. Her father, a mentor and photographer, was recalled in the photograph. Jack was Carla's father's friend, and Jack was Carla's grandfather. During their conversation, Carla learned that Jack had significantly developed her father's photography passion. Consequently, he pursued a career in that field. After meeting Jack, Carla felt reunited with a long-lost relative.

In the meantime, Molly meandered into a small vintage photography store in the West Village and discussed it with Lily, a kind-eyed woman. Lily said she was Molly's mother's childhood friend and the one who sparked her mother's photography enthusiasm as they perused the racks of vintage cameras. The accidental meeting left Carla and Molly spinning.

They were driven by memories, emotions, and a passion for photography. After reuniting, they shared their experiences and saw each other differently for the first time. Molly and Carla finally apologized for their behavior today. Now, finally choosing to work together in a single unit, they combined their styles to create a thriving "visual trip" that captured street art, sunsets, and the city's vitality. It took until 5 pm, but the two had returned to show their boss the photos they had taken. Their boss was very impressed with their work, and being happy, they, too, found a way to become a complete unit. Molly and Carla were proud of their collaboration and celebrated their success with a dinner in the city. They left that night with a greater appreciation for each other and a newfound respect for each other's talents.


By the time it was over, their back-and-forth had developed into an odd but gratifying friendship because of their shared passion for photography. They also shared strange facts about each other's pasts. As they walked into the busy city at night, cameras were ready, and everything seemed possible. Just around the corner was the right picture. As they waited, they looked for the memorable moment. They were still partners, even if they agreed or disagreed.

July 07, 2024 15:00

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