Science Fiction Asian American Contemporary

There is a habitat for fishing pond fish as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes when the tide is in the sea, the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get trapped there such as groupers, crabs—ketang-ketang, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit the pond which will soon even be displaced by the big tyrannical bosses in the name of humanity who are transformed into gods or goddesses who save people, that's the reason.

In that pond there are resident fish which are deliberately kept by the owner of the pond, namely milkfish which live like famous animals, how come they are not lied to, fed every day--fished-cooked and fried-eaten by humans, their friends and also the food is, plankton and types of shrimp such as small prawns, giant prawns, fire prawns and even white prawns, and even white snapper, which is strange, some fresh water fish are also forced to live there, such as goldfish, tilapia and various other creatures that inhabit the pond, such as water insects and other inhabitants. . If they find out about the owner's affair with their customer, they will go on a hunger strike for sure. As if they didn't know that as long as they lived there from their seniors to them, they were always lied to

Milkfish that live in the city's bay are indeed widely distributed from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. How could it not be that in its natural habitat in the interior of other regions of this country, milkfish can reach a maximum size of up to 7 kg or more? Indeed, the two fish are similar in reproduction, but in this region, human efforts in cultivating milkfish are very clever and unique, similar to the lobsters found in floating cages on the peninsula of the waters of this country. This country is indeed a central destination for lobsters to just stop by and reproduce because its waters and sea have a tropical temperature and marine morphology which is ideal for them to reproduce from the southern islands of Sumatra, Java to Papua. It's different from my village, which rarely has barriers or high levels of pollution, so lobsters and milkfish deserve to live to adulthood.

Meanwhile the nine fish whispered softly that it would not become extinct until it reached its adult size. To be honest, they like to be treated like this because it's only natural that fish should be consumed by wild animals or humans, or even because of human activities, they are often exposed to waste that is intentionally or unintentionally disposed of by humans from the river into the sea. Sad indeed.

I do not know what is in the minds of humans as bosses on earth. Are they not aware that their big boss, namely God, is paying attention to their despotism, whether the reason for the land area is not abrasion to sea water, expanding land, accommodating even more residents or a new endeavour, making reclamation is clearly permissible as long as it does not limit the distribution of the colonies of the fish and their habitat from river to sea. Is it true that before reclamation was made, piles, condominiums, high-rise buildings and various ornaments for human splendour were immediately made on the peninsula and bay in this city? The reason for business is clear, pragmatic clearly does not disappear from the human mind, whether it's only here or in other parts of the world.

The creation of irrigation that blocks the migration of various aquatic habitats is clear and visible. It will not be possible for fish to migrate just to reproduce if there are obstacles and obstacles, it will not be possible for them to swim and meet irrigation concrete for them to go ashore first and then walk across the barrier then when they pass an obstacle they return to the water.

Many of the existing endemic fish have started to disappear. Moreover, the endemic fish that live here are very, very variable with changes in water and climate. It must be in virgin condition, its habitat similar to the habitat in Kalimantan, Sulawesi or Papua. You will not bother looking for endemic fish in this country. But it's different in the current area where they live, it's sad to see it

Patchouli fish, catfish, carp and tawes have lost their identity because they have been forced to live there and then with them by those buildings too because the river habitat is no longer safe to visit. They scream where their current habitat is because they were displaced by the magnificent buildings of humans who never thought they would be marginalized, let alone evicted. They are no longer in power.

For more than 4 decades, the natural conditions have become strange, wanting to imitate cities in Singapore or Dubai or cities in developed countries in other parts of the world. Maybe the initial concept is right, but over the years it doesn't pay attention to the existing natural scheme so that it actually complicates the conditions here. How could the waterway not be blocked from the river to the sea? They feel their deaths have been in vain because they are not served on a plate at a human dinner table or used as bait for apes or otters. The giant prawns were now straight and skinny, feeling that they had lived in vain

This condition spurred them to put up a fight. They agreed to colonize and did not want to be separated from each other on the basis of the same desire, namely to demand their rights which had long been mortgaged. "The elders downstream of the hotter mud grouper" immediately mobilized troops to break down the dam that connects apartments, condominiums, tall buildings and concrete from upstream to downstream say the demonstration commander, namely grouper fish.

The news about plans for large-scale demonstrations reached sharks and whales as leaders in open waters and they also agreed to support the movement against these tyrannical humans and would carry out a resistance even if only in open waters far from land. Driven by small fish where they have dared to do kamikaze some time ago and have also informed the heads of the plates and faults as well as not forgetting the mountains to shed a little of their larvae into the air as a sign of a form of instruction to immediately move against human tyranny which begins by the mountain which is near the strait that flanks the two large islands to carry out a joint demonstration. It is clear that active plates and faults as well as mountains are more pro to them than humans and this will become a trending topic covered by television for the world of water as well as humans.

December 04, 2022 00:46

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Zahra Hanifah
13:52 Jul 16, 2023

Narative text The text tells a story about the habitat of fishing ponds and the impact of human activities on the fish and their ecosystem. It describes the situation of the fish in the pond, their interactions with humans, and their struggle against the changes in their habitat. Zahra Hanifah XI-mpk 2


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Rara Monika
03:24 Jul 14, 2023

Sisilia Mutiara Putri ( 11 mpk 2) "Massive Demo of Estuary fish" This story is about a fishing pond as entertainment for humans, located right at the estuary facing the sea. At low tide, wild fish rarely get stranded there. Waste pollution, waste from machinery and household activities can contaminate seawater ecosystems, including coral reefs. Milkfish that live in city bays are indeed widespread, from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This country is indeed the main destination and ideal marine morphology for them to produce fr...


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Raudhatul Jannah
03:21 Jul 14, 2023

I think that this text is a narrative text because it tells about the fish that did a big demonstration because the fish did not accept the tyrannical treatment of humans. #Renaldy 11 mpk 2#


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00:40 Feb 08, 2023

This story is very interesting, because the short story tells about the habitat of fish column fishing fish as entertainment for humans. a story that really reveals the reality and the fact that today humans have marginalized the existence of habitats that live in water. because of human actions that make the fish lose their natural habitat. Finally the fishes made a fight against human injustice, from small fishes to sharks and whales joined the fight, and also plates and mountains to shed larvae. which will later become a trending topic c...


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03:39 Feb 07, 2023

This story is about a fishing pond as entertainment for humans, its location right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide the water enters the pond and during low tide it is not uncommon for wild fish to be stranded there. such as grouper, crab-ketang-ketang, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit ponds that will soon be evicted by the big boss. Milkfish that live in city bays are indeed widespread from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Many existing endemic fish have started to disappear. Moreover...


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Alfian Ramadhani
00:57 Feb 07, 2023

There is a fishing pond habitat as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get stuck there such as grouper, crabs, crabs, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit the ponds which will soon be evicted by the big bosses Message in the story : 1. Do not throw garbage or waste so that it can damage the ecosystem of other living things 2. do not damage the river ecosystem such a...


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Achmad Nurhadi
00:42 Feb 07, 2023

There is a fishing pond habitat as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get stuck there such as grouper, crab-crab, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit ponds which will soon be evicted by tyrannical big bosses in the name of humanity who transform into gods or goddesses who save people The creation of irrigation that blocks the migration of various aquatic habitat ...


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01:46 Feb 06, 2023

The story is very good and teaches us about the endless greed of humans to continue to pursue what they want. Such as human behavior such as catching fish using a boom which can damage the ecosystem. Then Waste Pollution, waste originating from machinery and household activities can contaminate seawater ecosystems, including coral reefs. and for development on the coast, besides being able to benefit humans economically, development on the coast can also cause damage to marine ecosystems, especially coral reefs. To build the building, it...


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07:54 Feb 01, 2023

This story is about a fishing pond habitat as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes at high tide the water enters the pond and at low tide it is not uncommon for many wild fish to be stuck there such as grouper, crabs, ketang - ketang, bonefish and various brackish water fish. In the pond there is a local fish that is deliberately kept by the owner of the pond, namely milkfish. Milkfish that live in the city's bay are indeed widespread, from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. In this are...


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Farah Nurnafifah
07:09 Jan 24, 2023

there is a fishing pond habitat as human entertainment, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide, the water enters the pond and when it recedes there aren't many wild fish so they get stuck there like grouper, crab, baronang fish and water fish brackish. In the pond there are resident fish that are deliberately raised by the pond owner, namely milkfish that live like famous animals that are fed every day, fished, cooked, fried, eaten by humans, plankton and types of shrimp such as small shrimp, giant pr...


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07:08 Jan 24, 2023

This story is about fishing ponds as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes when the tide is high, the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get stuck there like grouper, crab-ketang-ketang , baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit the ponds which will soon be evicted by the big bosses Milkfish that live in the city's bay are indeed widespread from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Many existing endemic fish have started to...


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Dewi Rahma Dini
06:55 Jan 24, 2023

there is a habitat for fishing ponds as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes when the tide is high, the water enters the pond and the tides are not uncommon for many lying fish to get stuck there like grouper fish, crabs, ketang ketang, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit the ponds which will soon be evicted by the bosses. In the pond there is a resident fish that is deliberately kept, namely milkfish. Milkfish that live in the bay of this city are indeed widespread, ...


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06:54 Jan 24, 2023

There is a habitat for fishing ponds as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get stuck there such as grouper, crabs, ketang - ketang, bonefish and various brackish water fish. In the pond there is a resident fish that is purposely kept by the pond owner, namely milkfish. The milkfish that live in the city's bay are indeed widespread, from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. In this ar...


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06:24 Jan 24, 2023

- sinopsis There is a fishing pond habitat as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get stuck there such as grouper, crabs, crabs, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit the ponds which will soon be evicted by the big bosses - massage of story 1. Must have awareness of the natural surroundings 2. Always maintain the cleanliness of the natural surroundings in order to ...


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Nur Adelia
06:30 Jan 17, 2023

This story is about the realization of human greed, which never runs out to continue pursuing what it wants. Until all means are legalized by them, so that they are satisfied to get what they want. This kind of human behavior can damage the ecosystem, for example for living things such as fish and other living things in the sea. They are supposed to live and breed well, but instead their lives are disrupted due to human negligence. They deliberately dump a lot of waste and feces in the sea. To build buildings, dams and so on that must recla...


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Safira Azzahra
04:35 Jan 17, 2023

There is a fishing pond habitat as entertainment for humans, the location is right at the estuary facing the sea, sometimes during high tide the water enters the pond and when it recedes it is not uncommon for many wild fish to get stuck there such as grouper, crab-crab, baronang fish and various brackish water fish that inhabit ponds which will soon be evicted by tyrannical big bosses in the name of humanity who transform into gods or goddesses who save people The creation of irrigation that blocks the migration of various aquatic habitat ...


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03:08 Jan 17, 2023

Theme : MASSIVE DEMO OF ESTUARY FISH Human behavior that destroys the surrounding environment as in this story, humans carry out reclamation which disturbs the habitat of fish in the sea and blocks the migration paths of these fish. Other human behavior, namely throwing garbage or waste carelessly into the sea causes many types of fish and shrimp species to die. Although they are willing to die on human plates or as food for other animals. They also don't care that they also die because of human waste that is thrown into the sea either int...


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Mwnu Pal
00:49 Dec 05, 2022

what a story that really reveals the reality and the fact that nowadays humans have marginalized the existence of water-dwelling habitats


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