"But He Cheated On Me!"

Submitted into Contest #175 in response to: Start your story with two people planting a tree together.... view prompt


Crime Fiction Friendship

This story contains sensitive content

Clank! Damn it, the shovel hit another rock. I bent down to move it away, and felt a chill run up my back. I managed to pick up the stone before the automatic chill ensued. 

“Uh, this is hard work.” I groaned as I straightened back up, feeling the full blast on the wind. 

I just managed to throw the rock in the giant pile before I could hear her complain again. “This is taking forever!” She danced in place, with her hands in her puffy coat. 

“Well, I mean if you actually managed to climb down in this hole with me to help; you would be warm and it would go quicker.”

“I already told you there is only one shovel.”

“And I told you,” I pointed my finger at her, “there is a pick axe in the truck. I could use the help, the ground is really hard.”

“Sucks to be you because someone has to keep a good eye on Carl.”

“That’s the lamest excuse ever, you just don’t want to do any work.”

“That’s not true!” Her voice squeaked.

“Shhh, you have to keep it down.”

“Why? We haven’t seen anyone on the way up here; we’re probably the only ones for miles.”

“If you really thought that, you would be helping me right now. Not watching over a dead guy!” I tried to keep my tone hushed as possible but she was starting to piss me off.

She rolled her eyes, “here I’ll get you the pick axe.”

“Oh so that means you’re going to take a turn with the shovel?” Why couldn’t act a bit more grateful? Doesn’t she see how much trouble we could be in for this? Why did she have to bring me into her problems?

Her back was to me, she was facing the cars trunk. I double checked the area, light posts aren’t even posted this far in the nature park. If someone did come all the way out here then they would have to use flashlights to get around.

Besides an illuminated car, the forest was dark and seemingly empty. Seeing how much the glow stretched made my heart race, what if the shine is casting over the shadows of a witness. Behind me, I could see the shapes of bushes and tree limbs but near my sister I had to squint to see even a hint of a object.

I continued shovelling the softer part of the dirt, wondering how on earth the tree is going to take root in dirt this tough? It’s hard enough trying to dig a foot down, yet there’s thousands of trees around us. 

I heard the snap from her stepping on one of the twigs that sleep forever on the ground. 

“Here, trade please?” I was skeptical, is she actually going to help me?

I placed the shovel in her right hand and took the small pick axe. We couldn’t find a big one in the home improvement store but at least this will help. She stayed there crouched over the hole, like a frog watching me.

Sighing, I went back to work; I had to make it it deep enough that no one would suspect anything. After a few minutes I could see in the corner of my eye, my sister climbing in the hole to shovel up the loose dirt I just created.

My jaw fell open, but I turned away and kept digging. She’s actually helping me! I didn’t want to spoil the moment, but I couldn’t hold back my curiosity.

“So, did you double check that, that kind of tree grows in this park?” I pointed at the back end of the car.

“Yes, well and no…” I must’ve looked alarmed because she quickly continued, “I checked that it does grow in the area but I couldn’t find any specifics on the tree types in this national park.”

“Oh, well I guess that’s good enough. Sorry, I’m just nervous that we’re going to get caught.”

Her voice sounded much calmer than I hoped for my baby sisters to be, “We won’t get caught. We made it out the way out here, if we can kill a man and dig a grave then we wont get caught.”

“I don’t like how assured you are, and for the record I didn’t kill a man; you did. So let’s just hurry up and never speak of the situation again.”

“Sure, but did you forget who gave me sleeping pills?”

“Yeah, but you said they were for you!” I tried to keep my voice down but why does she revert back to this. “Not to over dose your boyfriend because he cheats on you!”

“Okay, so my actions weren’t up to par. But you are here now helping me and as long as you keep your voice down then we won’t get caught.”

She shovelled another pile of dirt away; Why did I agree to help her? Why did I believe her when she said they were going to come after me to? 

I guess I was in shock, there was a dead body in the house! I could have gotten marked as innocent because I thought the pills were to help her sleep easier. That was until we ended up shoving his body in the trunk and a tree in the back seat.

“Stay here, I’m going to get the tree, I want to see how deep the roots will have to go.”


I’m not even sure how we got this thing to fit in the first place, it laid on its side; branches sticking out with the end scratching everything it touches. Oh, I could see it now; my car is going to need to hefty cosmetic fixing.

I tried to pull it straight out but the fabric ripping echoed; I tried again lifting it by the base. It did move a bit easier but trying to balance it was a difficult feat, maybe I should get her help to pull it out; like how we got in the car in the first place.

One more heave, and the stupid branch cut my arm. Immediately I could see the thin red line pool on my arm. “Fuck!” I dropped the tree back down, I’m done with it.

  In fact, I’m done with this whole thing, “I need your help, come on.” She plopped the shovel down and climbed out of the hole. 

“Did you want to take out Carl too?”

“Uh, no just in case we do end up with a visitor.”

“Okay,” she went around to the other side so she can push. 

“Ready?” she nodded, “on three; one, two, three.” In sync, we lifted and the tree was released from the car. She was on her knees in the back seat, holding the top of the tree. She looks so uncomfortable. Good maybe she wont go ballistic on the next boyfriend…

She shifted herself so her legs were out and then I continued to walk backwards. This is much easier trying to lift it myself.

“So, why did we get a tree? Why couldn’t we just bury him?”

I smirked, “because it wont look like a random pile of bestirred dirt and if some person taking his dog for a walk comes over and digs him up. The tree will mask the location, and he will forever have his body entwined with the life of a tree. Plus us planting a tree is creating a bond together that we can’t break, and I think that’s a good thing.”

There was a moment of silence before she spoke, “It does feel like we’re giving back to the earth; that’s why I didn’t questioned it.”

My heel hit the the rock I pulled from the ground earlier. “Ouch, um can we put it down here?”

She was grateful to be done and I could hear a few branches crunch when the pine tree landed. I cringed and she happily went back in the hole to shovel. I just shook my head, and tried to examine the roots. The store had them wrapped up inside of a thick black wrapping. 

I pulled the elastic bands off and the wrapping came loose. Inside the roots were slightly damp but incredibly tangled; I went back to the trunk for one of the water jugs we brought.

When poured on the roots, they became lively, trying to stretch out. I couldn’t help smiling, seeing life react this way brings me happiness. I tried to massage them hopping to help untangle them so they will be able to grip into the earth.

It was beautiful, I wonder how long it was since the tree was watered. Looking behind me, I was shocked to see she dug out almost another foot deep. 

Impressed, I hopped back in, grabbed the axe and started aiming for the solid ground. It didn’t seem to take us that long to dig; we both stayed silent, just hitting and shovelling away. The moon shined through the treetops, highlighting us. It felt like a peaceful moment between us, I wonder if this will change things for us? 

Will she still tease me, and diss my clothes or hobbies? Will she see the trouble this could cause for our future? I hope she wont crumble when the police find out Carl is missing and question her. 

I took a deep breath, I need to remember she’s getting older and I could start to trust her. “We’re getting close, another foot and it’ll be enough space for both.”

“Yay, I’m getting tired.”

“You’re doing great!” 

When she smiled, her lips said she was acting like a typical teen with no problems. But I could see the extent of her mind in her eyes, they felt guilt, and fear, but all in all she looked exhausted.

“Why don’t you double check the surrounding area while I finish this up?” She nodded and climbed out of the hole. She wrapped her arms around herself and walked straight for the tree line, I continued digging.

She came back shortly, by then I only had a corner of the grave left. “The woods are clear, it’s silent except for the crickets chirping.”

“Sounds good, then are you capable of bringing Carl here?”

“I can try…” She headed to her next task; it’s weird to see her so helpful, she never does what I ask her.

I loosed the last piece of dirt and broke the chunk up to lift it out. She came back empty handed, thats when I got the final scoop out. 

“Apparently, I can’t do it; he’s a lot heavier than when we first put him in.”

“Oh, yeah that tends to happen. We took too long and he’s hardening up, that might change our plans if he’s stuck curled up.”

I followed her back, double checking no one was spying on us. The trunk was still open and my heart raced seeing the body in a plastic bag. We’re actually burying someone right now…

She already moved the rest of the stuff out of the way and he was moved just a few inches, is he really that heavy? I gripped on the drawstrings and heaved, nothing. Another firm grasp at the hole in the bag, that just stretched the plastic.

“Wow, so we gonna have to move him like the tree, up and out.”

“Sounds good,” she climbed in the trunk and grabbed his body furthest inside. When I grabbed the plastic, I grimaced. I could feel his head and shoulders; immediately I felt sad. Was his life supposed to be gone so young and my sister is a psychopath?

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I had to tell myself, its just another tree. I lifted from the bottom and together we pulled him out. Walking back to the hole, I tried so hard to breathe the fresh air and pine scents. 

I wanted to gag, he was already so cold and his body barely moved. I felt so guilty, his parents would want to give him a funeral; not us! I mean he was a jerk but he didn’t deserve to go to sleep and not wake up. I felt the tears rush in my eyes, and it was so hard to breathe.

How am I going to face the police later, I’m aiding in a crime! I’m going to go to prison for life, my parents are going to be furious. Ohh, every breath made me nauseous, I want to stop and drive away. I just want to be home, studying for the finals. 

We reached the hole, actually with him curled up he would fit better. We apparently made the hole too wide so it’s perfect. We kind of threw him right inside and he landed nicely. 

“Did you want to say a few words?”

“Sure,” her smile went evil. “Dear Carl, I hope that you find solitude in hell. I bet you will find your perfect skanky match after your soul is tormented. Amen…”

“Well, um I didn’t know much about you but I pray your family finds closure and they wont spend the rest of their lives wondering if your alive.”

I peeked at my sister, she was starring blankly at the ground, smile wiped. I picked up the shovel, “Do you want the honours?”

When she looked up, I could see tears pooling in her eyes. She shook her head and looked back down. I shovelled a few piles of dirt over black bag, silently praying our own souls will be saved once we pass away.

Once a good layer laid on top it was time for the next step, “Can you help me with the tree? I want to have it standing straight up.”

“Sure.” It was much easier getting the tree in the hole, problem was balancing it so it doesn’t topple.

“You hold it in place, I’ll pour more dirt in.” She agreed and hunched over the hole, holding the baby tree halfway up the middle. 

I tilted the shovel so I can just push the dirt in; it worked beautifully. I buried a foot deep but it didn’t go around the tree so I used the shovel to flatten my pile of dirt. I kept in this routine until the ground was level.

“Rest in peace, Carl.”

“Yeah, whatever; what she said…” 

I rolled my eyes, she’s going to hold a grudge against him for a long time…

December 05, 2022 19:38

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19:57 Feb 18, 2024

Worked out pretty quickly what they were up to. Your first story in here is so chilling! I think the gamut of emotions is true to what two people may feel being in this situation. Well portrayed! And revenge in a blast of anger (shudder to think how the murder took place) doesn't lead to satisfaction. They'll feel guilty for the rest of their lives. Glad they released the roots of the tree! Friends of mine bought a new, established olive farm once and all the olive trees died. They discovered that the hundreds of olive trees that had been p...


Taylor Reed
16:10 Feb 19, 2024

Thank you for the kind words, and for noticing that I went from writing about sisters murdering her little sister cheating bf to a Disney proposal. My bf asked if he should be worried when i told him your comment lmfao. I believe they killed him by an OD by sleeping pills, but honestly I could have came up with something better by now lol. I could believe that about the olive trees, it's one of those you had one job type of things.


20:40 Feb 19, 2024

LOL. We learn as we go. We writers enjoy the challenge of writing stories in numerous genre's. Me? I am not into writing Romance stories (skipped Valentines week last year) but have discovered that I manage ok. It's amazing what comes out as you imagine something and type away.


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