Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

The Breaker

Ahok was a phenomenal breakthrough when he was governor of Jakarta, Indonesia. His anti-corruption style in leading Jakarta gave a high standard impact to create a government free of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, coupled with cases of blasphemy in the gubernatorial election so that his career disappeared in an instant. Dirty politics by using cruel slander is the easiest way to stop someone who has a very strong vision of idealism. Even though he has a different religion from me, I saw him leave a deep impression on how passionate he is to bring about social justice for the people he leads.

His enthusiasm exploded when he discovered bureaucratic fraud, giving hope of idealism, of the oppressed in the capital city of Jakarta, as seen on YouTube, it cannot be forgotten. His courage against the bureaucratic mafia at all levels of government is very commendable and should be passed on to generations of oligarchic political parties still in power in Indonesia. The oligarchic political system that is still ingrained in Indonesia is very difficult to change by the legacy of Ahok's leadership of only 4 years.

With the case of blasphemy against Ahok, my hopes for social justice for the people of Jakarta in particular and Indonesia, in general, are dashed. I still dream that there will be another generation of idealistic political knights like Ahok who wants to fight for the equality of the social status of the Indonesian people, like earth and sky with foreigners. Just like Ahok, I was also slandered while living in Jakarta and in my hometown now. Slander is a move from the greed of a group of political mafia and the legacy of the oligarchy that has gripped the life of the nation and the state.

If there were no political slander against Ahok towards the end of his tenure as governor of Jakarta, his career as vice president of Indonesia could have been realized so that the anti-corruption, collusion and nepotism movement in the Indonesian bureaucracy could be carried out quickly. Ahok's track record since becoming the Regent of East Belitung and a member of the people's legislature who has been proven to be clean, transparent, and professional is very difficult to find in Indonesian politicians today.

Ahok's temperamental character towards bureaucratic thuggery but friendly to the oppressed made me always crave an eternal leader like him. Bureaucratic thuggery gives birth to street thuggery that is crueler to the social justice of the Indonesian people at all levels of human rights. Intellectual and non-intellectual thuggery in the midst of the lives of Jakarta residents is the cause of social diseases in the form of a gap in poverty between the rich and the poor, the prostitution business from minors to the high-ranking level, the drug mafia, and the night entertainment industry that causes criminals everywhere. Besides the difficult access to education for the weak, Ahok is very enthusiastic about eliminating bureaucratic thuggery in the government budget and the Jakarta Regional People's Representative Council so that the welfare of the population can be realized.

In the name of humanity, not in the name of religion, he is willing to work hard so that the poor in Jakarta can get the education and decent housing that is affordable for informal workers as a social revitalization solution for the lower middle class in Jakarta. Ahok's frontal attitude to change Jakarta's thuggish bureaucratic system did not get a warm welcome for his supporting parties because of the competition for the presidency as well as his political opponents who were very aggressive in destroying Ahok's character in various ways. The Indonesian political system, which is still thick with oligarchic dynasties, is very difficult to change the landlord culture to move towards a more socialist political system. In addition, Indonesia has inherited the colonial political culture or the Dutch tussle which is rooted in the Indonesian millennial generation.

The dynastic culture of the landlords is very inhumane because it does not provide space for the common people to change their fate. Ahok's version of mental revolution with shock therapy to all lines of the bureaucracy in Jakarta made him a figure of political change in Indonesia according to the 2017 version of TIME magazine. He received many offers to become mayor abroad and CEO of various well-known companies if he did not get political positions anymore. After serving a sentence for blasphemy, Ahok became the chief commissioner of Pertamina, Indonesia's largest state-owned oil company.

Thanks to Ahok's real work, he was able to change the mindset of the small community that with the courage to fight crime sincerely, you will get the same reward. The roar of Ahok's dust is still burning in my heart in eradicating endless bureaucratic corruption. If Ahok dies, 200 million more Ahoks will be born to build a prosperous Indonesia in all fields and uphold human rights indiscriminately.

Ahok's strict discipline will be a legacy of any government bureaucracy as a good example to build good governance at the local or national level and even internationally. Ahok's good name as a destroyer of the dilapidated system of government in Indonesia will always be remembered for all time. I hope and continue to pray that a generation of nationalism with a high spirit of socialism like Ahok will be born so that the status of Indonesians can be appreciated globally.

Ahok's sacrifice for the sake of elevating the status of the poor in Jakarta cannot be judged by anything. Ahok is a superhero who is crushed by a feudal traitor who still wants to maintain the feudal dynasty system without thinking about the future of the dignity of the Indonesian people in the eyes of the world. Ahok is a thug fighting knight of the millennial era feudal system who can't be stopped.Ahok's services should be a benchmark for future presidential candidates in making programs that suit the needs of the population, not the needs of the party or dynasty. If you don't want Indonesia to become a puppet of the modern colonialists, the younger generation of Indonesia must wake up from their sleep.

October 18, 2021 13:09

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