Gratitude: The Key to Mastery

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a creative nonfiction piece about something you're grateful for.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Unseen in a less forgiving world is where I sit behind the scenes. Grateful to be out of harm’s way and in a place of safety, hidden from prying eyes and aching hearts. I am a virtual recluse. Anonymous amongst the stars and night sky. Keyboard warrior when the timing is right, my spark ignited by righteousness and blame from the world around me and shamed into action of speaking my truth or in reality, a more watered-down version of it to fit the narrative so as not to stand out.

I pick my moments, venturing out of my comfort zone when an opportunity arises to be more of who I really am and less of that which others perceive me to be. Valiant in my speech and words of wisdom when someone chooses to listen with their soul and connect with their heart into a new paradigm and journey of love, adventure and learning.

Tenacity, a willing and constant companion of effort and movability, striving to pull me forward in a reluctant landscape of doubt and disbelief in myself and my direction in life and where I really want to be. It is a choice. One not taken lightly, but one born of fear of where it all will lead. Will I win? Yes I can! but only if I want to. Or the painful illusion of No, I can’t! if I fall into the trap of disbelief. The push and pull of the churning of the ocean of milk and the ultimate weeding of the garden of my own consciousness of that which no longer serves is a constant reminder of the battle between my ego and my higher soul and one I’m determined to win.

I am grateful for my teachers and what I’ve learnt. I no longer have to buy into my thoughts. There is no longer a need to follow them down a dark path, I can say NO, that’s not my considered opinion! And stop them in their tracks. I no longer have to believe everything I hear in my head as I challenge their truth and existence. Do they uplift me? Or criticise me? 

My thoughts are the voice of my inner landscape and I have a choice. For that I am grateful. I have learnt how to give them space, love and acceptance. I have learnt how to breathe into the space between them so they no longer crash into each other nor compete for priority. No more inspiration at the back of my mind as they flash past at lightning speed, where I am unable to grasp their concept and wisdom. They now are at the forefront, and I can see and hear them clearly leading me out of confusion and past experiences best left behind, but cleaned up with compassion, forgiveness, self-love and grace.

I am grateful for the past and where I’ve been and even more grateful for where my soul is leading me even if I don’t know the destination, it no longer matters as I learn to trust myself more. I’m grateful for the journey and the intentions I set for myself with no attachment to outcomes. My aim these days is for happiness, peace and bliss, all with the abundance and grace of the universe and what it has to offer.

I am grateful for the spiritual mantra’s that feed, support, enlighten and enliven my soul and journey. I am grateful for the peace, understanding, clarity and wisdom they bring, paving the way for more of my higher soul to reveal itself in celebration of my homecoming and opening. Setting me free from maya, disillusion and fear.

I am grateful for the wisdom in my higher soul where I can learn and grow, bringing wisdom to humanity of how they too can lift and shift into new paradigms of love and bliss, uplifting and enhancing their lives also with ease and grace.

I am grateful for what I’ve learned about myself, my journey and my connection to my soul, my purpose, my life and the greater purpose of connecting with others, the Earth and their purpose. I am learning. I am growing. Sometimes I am stuck, tired and unforgiving, just as much as I am loving, kind and compassionate. Do I know where I am at any given time? I take a moment to breathe and connect with my heart, it’s that easy and simple.

I am grateful for my breath, how it flows effortlessly in and out of my body, giving me life, asking nothing in return. A symbiotic relationship with nature that will last my lifetime and I am grateful for the trees and my connection to their beauty, strength and inner wisdom. May they be blessed.

I am grateful for my challenges, they teach me more about myself, my resilience and my resistance and the distance between needing to be filled with nurturing and love. Teaching me to have compassion for myself and not just for others when letting go.

I’m grateful for the vulnerability of my words on a page, written in solitude and written with a desire to be heard. Listening for the words from my heart and allowing them to flow into creation and onto the page for someone to read. Namaste beloved I thank you and I am grateful.

I am grateful for the courage I’m finding to write my words. To be seen and to be heard. Will it make a difference? Only you the reader can answer that, I don’t know what it will do for someone else, I do know what it does for me and that in itself makes a difference in me. A step forward in humility, a step up in grace, worthy of the effort and time I made for myself to create love and meaning in my world and to share peace in a dissident world, craving peace, fulfillment and love.

Most of all I am grateful for me. I get to do what I love and share it with others.

May peace reign in the hearts of humanity with ease and grace and may the truth of who we really are, set us free.

Om Namo Narayani. 

July 28, 2024 00:06

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