
There are two most famous seasons to visit Paris. One is in the spring the Other is the fall. The spring brings beautiful colors. Tall trees dressing in pale purple pink flowers. Flower beds of orange,white, and yellow stationed through out the city. Tall towering oaks lining the city roads. The green against the buildings astonishing. The weather perfect to sit on some beaches and possibly dip in. The only down fall is the lines; the amount of people who flock here every year. That is why they chose the fall. 

In the fall the air is cooler. The flowers from the trees dust the ground with petals. The green walk ways of trees turn a deep orange. A soft breeze dance through the trees. As they fly over Paris they see a beautiful flower made by roads. Everything about this city has left forever impressions on the minds of Betty and Sue.

They took canal rides through the city. Sat on white beaches. Watching the powerful waves crash inside them self. Betty and Sue went to the top of the Eiffel tower looking down on a beautiful piece of paradise. At night they would stand on their hotel balcony and take in the view of all the lights. 

They need to take this small beat up private plane to an airport for International. They are not talking. Betty and Sue sit in peace before they have to leave this magical place. The man touched down on an air strip two miles away. They thank the man and got in the cab. Here they make sure they have their passport ready to go. They still sit in silence. Once at the airport they start the process. 

The passport is checked at a desk with dividers between them and the people. The lady look over all their information. She is a stout chubby women. She has read hair and pink glasses. Once they get their okay its off to check in bags. “She was a fun women! I like her personality!” Sue exclaimed. Betty giggled, “You only you.” They look at each other and laugh so hard. 

Once all their bags get x rayed, and dug through they are led through a metal detector. The young man, tall and handsome asked the pair if they had any surgery involving metal plates.

One by one they stepped up and through without a beep. They grab their old suitcases and head to their area.  

Sitting in cold plastic seat they are able to unwind. “ It looks like we have a 30 minute wait to board.” Sue said. “ Are you thinking what I am thinking?” Asked Betty. “Vodka!!” They both exclaimed. 

Being on a plane for up to 11 hours is exhausting. Sitting with each other in first class. A glass of red wine in hand. Possibly a Valium down the drain pipe. A tiny bit of conversation. Maybe 20 minutes? After all, they have been conversing and laughing the whole trip. Betty and Sue are older women. They don’t have the same chitter chatter things to talk about. Grandkids? Sure. How their husbands are annoying them ? How they don’t do anything around the house they ask? Sure! These are everyday topics. There is always some bit of drama to be caught up on.

They load the plane ready for a rest. At their age trying to keep up with the hip and young has physical consequences. A bad knee, Arthritis in the hand, Even a bit of swelling around the ankle. Mentally they are strained. Going from one museum to the other. Watching the women walk around in obscured fashions. Eating fish eggs. Yes, that was mentally challenging. Sitting there thinking about the poor fish and at wonder that others eat it. 

“Texas! Dallas Texas!” exclaimed Sue. “Our husbands better not be late. I hate standing around wondering when they will arrive.” Betty said. 

Hours and hours of waiting. The phones going to voice-mail. The women begin to shake. From fear and not just because they are old. Surly they would not of forgotten. They manage to snag a cab. Both women on the verge of a panic attack. Taking deep long breathes at an attempt to keeping their mind from wondering. 

They both kindly thank the cab and exited. Here at Sues place they began to come even more worried. The lights where off but the car was here. “Why don’t we go check my place. I am sure they are there.” Betty reassured.

Once at Betty’s house the girls were coming to tears. Why is there cops sitting outside the place? Where was the truck? Where is the boat? After being married for thirty years you tend to know your spouse inside and out, and right know everything was out of place.

“Ma’ma. are you George welders wife?” Asked on of the uniforms. Automatic fear and pain washed over Betty. She has seen enough true crimes shows to know this impact. Betty sank to her knees, head in her hands. “ I am here to tell you that there was a boating accident. George was found by a couple going under a bridge. I am not sure at the moment how it all happened. I was wondering, if you don’t mind, to come and identify the body?” The officer asked. Betty put herself together long enough to agree to go down to the station/morgue. 

“Where is my Eddy?” Sue mustered up quietly. She knew the stark reality of this situation. “ We were not aware of another person on the boat. There has been no finds on another body. Is there a possibility he was not out with him?” The Officer asked. “ No, they always go fishing together. We take our girls trip and they take theirs.” Sue answered. 

The women were to tired and distraught to drive. The Officer carefully guided them in his car. The ride to the stations was filled with silent tears and a thousand sniffles. Sue constantly asking herself where Eddy could be. Praying to God that he suffered no pain. 

After Betty confirmed Georges identity she sank to her knees. “ Why God? Why was it time for him to be taken? He is a just and loving man.” 

Sue knew she needed to the rock in this situation. She grabbed Betty and guided her to a chair. Offered to get her water, a doughnut, and a friendly hug. “ So as you know, we are not sure what happened. We don’t even know where the second man could be. The boat is a little banged up. There are so scratches or bruises. Once we have the autopsy we will be able to gibe you more information.” The Officer hated this part of his job. The paper work is boring, yes. The out patrolling can be life threatening, yes. BUT telling someone their love ones passed, that is the worst. To have to be able to hold it together and keep it professional takes a lot of strength. 

The women went to Betty’s house. They had decided ,silently without words, to live with each other. To always be there for one another. This is not the way a beautiful trip is supposed to end. The husbands were suppose to greet them with open arms and flowers in hand. The way they have for many years. We were suppose to go about our normal way of getting through a day. Now what were they suppose to do? 

June 06, 2020 03:17

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