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Friendship Fiction


Dear Mrs. Johnson,

Thank you so much for the gift basket you brought over! The soups were delicious. It’s been so hard to cook meals with the new baby, so I really appreciate it. I can’t wait to try out that restaurant. Being new to town, it’s good to know what places to try (and good to know we have kind neighbors to recommend them!) Between Jack, Charlie, and myself, those treats were eaten up in no time too. We’re glad to have you as our neighbor.

Your friend,

Rae Campbell


Dear Rae, 

Thank you for the delicious raspberries from your garden! What a treat! And please thank your sweet delivery boy who only ate three on the way. He sure is getting big! Your garden is looking beautiful. Don’t hesitate to call if you need help out there, or with the kids.

Your neighbor,

Dotty Johnson


Dear Dotty,

Thank you SO much for letting us drop Charlie off at the last minute to take Lily to Urgent Care. The antibiotics have worked their wonder and she is back to her chatty, clapping, happy self! Oh, and she loves the birthday gift you sent. It’s still her favorite toy.

So lucky to have you!





Oh my goodness, you saved Halloween!! Everybody loved the kid’s costumes. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do. I mean, we could, and probably would have just thrown on a sheet and called them ghosts, but the adorable mailman and astronaut costumes were just so perfect (and will be used for dress up as long as they can fit in them.) Seriously, thank you so much! Pics included because they’re CUTE!)




Dearest Rae,

Thank you (and your little helpers) for watching my home and cats while I was away. Having to go to Nebraska for a funeral was already so upsetting, it was so nice of you to offer to take care of my little Hank and Horace. I didn’t worry a minute while I was gone. At my age, the unfortunate reality is a lot more friends and family are leaving your life than joining it. I hope you’ll excuse the lamenting of an old lady. I feel so blessed to be able to call you a friend. 

Much Love,



Dear Dot,

Thank you so much for watching the kids for what seems like the millionth time. I don’t know how we are supposed to keep jobs when daycare seems to be closed every other week. I know that’s not your problem, and still you’ve come through for us so many times. We are so incredibly grateful. If there is ever anything I can do to repay you, let me know. 

Stay Well,



Dear Campbells,

Thank you all for caroling at my home on Christmas Eve! I was feeling sad I could not see my family this Christmas but your songs and cookies cheered me right up. I especially loved the children’s rendition of “Bingle Bells.”

I hope you enjoy the new sled. If you haven’t already discovered it, the hill at Sunrise park is the best sledding hill in town. Go early before the school kids take it over.

Merry Christmas,



Dear Grandma Dot,

Thank you for coming to my party. I love my cars. 




Dear Ray,

Thank you for checking on me after my surgery, and for bringing the flowers. I will be back up for visitors soon. Give those babies a kiss for me.

I don’t mean to overstep, but after what happened on the fourth, please know you and your children are always welcome in my home if you want, or need, to come visit.




Dear Dotty,

Thank you for last night. I am so sorry to involve you in all this. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed about what happened. Thank you for your offers to help. I have a feeling I am going to need it. How did we get so lucky to find you? 



Dear Dotty,

I hope you know how sincerely and deeply I appreciate your help last month. Thank you for opening your home to us when ours didn’t feel safe. Thank you for watching the kids while I managed police visits and lawyer appointments I never in a million years thought I would have to deal with. I know you never asked and don’t expect an explanation, but I feel like I owe you one.

Jack wasn’t always a bad guy. He was a great husband and a great dad when the kids were young. He was attentive and patient, but something changed. The stress of being a dad, then losing his job and being stuck at home. It got to him. I know it’s no excuse, and I know he needs help. That’s why this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. The dinners, offers to babysit, and your friendship have helped more than you know, so thank you thank you thank you.

As we pack up our things, it’s bittersweet. I know we can’t stay in this house any longer. I know that. But thinking of what we will leave behind sure makes it hard. It feels like the words aren’t enough, although I don’t know what else to say. Thank you.

All my love,


Dear Ray, 

I understand why you have to leave, though you and the kids will be so missed. As you know, my own daughter and her family moved across the country shortly before you moved here. As much as I would love to have followed them, it just wasn’t possible. I don’t know if I ever told you just how hard those months were. Then you moved in and eventually became another family to me. I don’t know if you remember Charlie calling me his “pretend Grandma” when you first moved in. The first time he dropped the pretend, my heart nearly burst. 

Seeing Lilly go from a tiny swaddled baby to a smart and funny 4 year old and watching Charlie grow into a young man singing in talent shows and playing baseball has been a joy of my life. As much as I have appreciated your gratitude over the years for helping with the kids, I truly think it is you who deserves the thanks.

I know these months have been hard. Please know that Grandma Dotty is always here if you need me. 

Love Always,



July 31, 2024 18:58

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1 comment

Oveta Jenkins
15:05 Aug 09, 2024

I enjoyed reading Good Neighbors because of the timeline. The progressive bond between Rae and Dotty was a great lead-up to the climactic ending.


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