Christian Christmas Kids

Today is the day!

Say “Yes” to Yeshua!

He is here!

He is the center, the up, the down, the periphery.

He not only takes the mess out of our lives, He is the Messiah—friend of all and enemy to none. He abhors the violence He endured for our sins when they publicly crucified Him in the court of public opinion and the disagreements of the courts behind closed doors.

He is born. Again. Today is His birthday.🎂

Who we exchange time and tethers and tokens with today is because of the blessings he bestowed upon us. Frankly, because at this time every year, He loves to take stock of our personhood.

How have my children grown? He wonders.

Are my children troubled?

Have my children been the best they can be?

How can I help them to be better happier, a better version of the love I have in abundance always for them—how can I help them see it? Feel it?

Today. This day.

For us mere mortals it is a reminder to get on our feet, face the day, and be kind when we may feel like punching another square in the nose. He is the ultimate liberator of the mess we insist on inserting into His namesake—Messiah.

Yes. There are minut differences and versions re-written among the centuries of the teachings. We, in the way we may approach His teachings, understand the words, but may not always understand the meanings behind the words. His lessons repeatedly tell us the answer. However, we, at times “build to suit” because we think we know better.

We do not.

He knows this.

God knows our hearts.

He wants us to get to know our own.

So we can share the very best of ourselves. With others.

During his life, He will go on to accomplish great things, the man named Jesus. He fulfilled our needs before we were even born. His mission, His death, His resurrection are all proof He walked the walk of the spirit of goodness. Truth. Put his actions behind His words.


At the end of the day. At the end of His life. He knew what they were doing. To Him. He knew why He was crying out to His Father, asking, “Why have they forsaken me.” He, too, was a believer in all great things. He took the cross away from us so that we may be free to live a great life in service to others. He could not do this on earth, so He sacrificed His life for us.

How did He know?

From a very young age, He liked to hang out with those who had years of wisdom. He loved to learn. He loved to seek the reason for goodness and why some chose evil over it. He wanted to understand, not so much to right all the wrongs in the world, but to help us figure out the chosen way on the narrow, chosen path of righteousness and goodness.(Bo)

History tells us the townspeople were more than just unkind to Jesus. Brutally tearing His body down to almost nothingness and then nailing what was left to the cross for all to scoff at His withering loins.

He knew better. He and His soul moved on to the next realm so that He could shine upon us in a haze of glory. He had studied and questioned and preached the good news, even when His followers doubted His words. They walked His walk, but did not quite talk the talk.

His Will was to bring justice and peace.







The movement He led was one of acceptance among all our great differences. He, alone, is the anointed one. Above all kings, priests and prophets who spread His word, spread His teachings.






The Guide for the Perplexed, originally “penned” by Maimonides in the 12th century is just one version of the principles and lesson-held beliefs communicated centuries ago.(wk)

By 2001, Giliad Atzmon interpreted the words in modern day translation and modern day trials and tribulations of the 21st century.

Although the fictitious and non-fictitious nature of the “beast” has changed over time. True believers and walkers of faith in the spirit of today’s story of baby Jesus will be adept at drawing out the message.

No propaganda.

No fake stories for effect.

Transgressions are not the driver of a life well lived.

The perplexed individual is the one who is “the unthinking chosen” who “cling to “clods of earth that don’t belong to them.”

Darn brilliant if you ask me.

Built to suit:

Built into the Ten Commandments citing covet ness and envy.

Built into daily preachings in churches across the world.

Built into day to day interactions with one another if we truly believe.

And. So. So. Simple. To follow.

We really should fall on our knees and thank God for goodness.

Pray. Like there is no tomorrow. Live life as the gift given on a daily basis. Day by Day.

Today is the reminder of the gift that keeps on giving.


Baby Jesus. Born in a simple manger to a loving a mother and Father who walked alongside Him during good times and bad. Along the way, through His adolescence and growth, Jesus knew His parents were never far away from Him, his well being. Thus, He was allowed to carry the message and our crosses on His back.

In our most desperate moments of selfishness, He teaches us daily to be like Him. Selfless. Unafraid to question authority respectfully and diligently. To not be the unthinking clod who thinks that what another has is


We mere mortals are not possessions of one another.

We are gifts from God.

All possible not from Amazon🤓 or JCPenney☺️.

By His grace and His grace alone.

Reminder: In order to receive, Ya gotta believe. Today is the day for believing in something other than ourselves.


Thank you for always asking the hard questions of the who’s and why’s and what’s and where’s and when’s.

We celebrate with you today.

We exchanged tokens of appreciation with one another in your honor. We know we are in for much hard work. We will rise to the occasion based on your sacrifices of love for us.

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!!

December 25, 2024 10:56

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