the End Brings a New Beginning

Submitted into Contest #70 in response to: Write about someone trying to atone for a mistake they’ll never be able to fix.... view prompt


Fiction Teens & Young Adult

My eyes opened, my vision blurry. Which was weird because I was supposed to be dead. I had checked and double-checked my parents' schedule, the cleaning lady's schedule, and the cook's schedule. There shouldn't be anyone here. I'm not supposed to be here.  They couldn't have known. "I-I" Millions of thoughts shoot through my mind when I  take a look at my surroundings. "Where am I?" If they had found me, wouldn't I be in a hospital? I could hear the sound of feet hitting the floor come to a stop behind me. "She awakes" said a deep soothing voice. "How are you feeling dear? I suppose you need a little while to become acquainted with your new form." I feel chills climbing up my back, or...I imagine them? I realize I can't actually feel anything. I feel weightless, which actually feels really nice after being so conscious of it my whole life. I stand up, well try to. I shot up and hit the ceiling. I look at the floor and try to turn around, spinning me into a miniature tornado. “Ahhh” I come to a dizzying stop. I shake my head. “Does this happen with everyone? Where am I anyways.” “That's a very good question. Where do you want to be?” “dead” I mumble to myself.  “Is that right? Your parents aren’t very happy about your decision. They had such a big surprise for you once they got back.” I gasp. “What are you talking about, they aren't supposed to be home for at least another day.” the man chuckled. “oh they’ve been back for a few days.” My eyes widened. “How long was I out? Why haven't they come to see me?” “you’re no longer able to be seen.” It finally dawned on me “I succeeded? I’m dead!” finally I dont have to worry about their stupid expectations. Or wonder who their going to marry me off to for sake of the country stupid aristocracy.”  I stop my ranting celebrations and drift to the floor. “If I can't be seen, why can you see me?” “What makes you think I’m human?” I pause. “You look human, but do I. Are you dead too?” He gave a small laugh. “No child. I am not dead. I am god. Once a resurrected being given the honor of being a god from my god and his before him. You committed one of the gravest sins a mortal could accomplish. The taking of their own life.” I grimace. I don't know who this god guy was but I don’t like the sound of disappointment in his voice. “Well what happens now?” “It’s not judgement time yet. So I do not have a say. Where you spend your time is up to you. Those who have passed before the age of eight have already entered into my kingdom but you are much past that age.” I open my mouth to say something then close it before opening it again. “Can I see them?” I look up to the man for an answer but he's gone. I look around but find nothing. I close my eyes and sigh. When I open my eyes I'm standing in the parlor of my house.  I rush up the stairs to what was once my room. I looked around in confusion. Everything was covered by a whitw cloth and there was a boy standing in the middle with his back to the door, looking at the floor. Wait...not just any boy. “Oliver?” Oliver looked up and only then could I tell that he was crying. He looked around and collapsed to the floor in tears. He wailed at the ceiling begging for the cruelty to end “please, why did she have to leave me alone.” I slowly walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. A shudder went through him. I kneeled down behind him and held him until his sobbs were but a mere whisper and his eyes had nothing left to cry. Oliver… my dearest friend. I had left him alone, I was selfish and cruel. How could I have done this to the only person who had stayed by my side though every cut, every nightmare, every manipulation. He knew what the prince was capable of and he had been there to help me through it all. If I knew Oliver, he would never recover from this. How could I be so selfish. I hadn't even realized it before but I had started to cry too. “Aubrie” He whispered so low I almost missed it. “Oliver, I’m here. I’ll always be here, I’ll never leave your side again, I promise.” Oliver took a few deep breaths and dabbed at his face with...was that my handkerchief? I giggled through the tears. “Oh Oliver, how I wish you could see me.”  He held the handkerchief up to his face and took a deep breath reintroducing himself to my scent like he had done millions of times before. He used to take small sniffs of my hair whenever we embraced as he was ever so much taller than I was. I always made sure my shampoo and bodywash’s scents complemented each other for his enduring habits. How I missed his embrace. My head shot up. I have to fix this. I have to come back.  I had to find someone who could see me. God...he could fix this. I had to go see God. I gave Oliver one last hug before I stood up and shouted to the heavens. “How do I go back! How do I fix this” the door closed behind us Oliver and I both immediately looked at the door. I don’t know what Oliver could see but God was standing right in front of the shut door with a crease in his brow. “You made your decision many years ago. But whether you took action on your decision or not was how you were going to end up. Many people never act on their decisions but you did. Now you must deal with the consequences. With a flash he was gone. I was never going to… “I-I can't… no i have too. For Oliver, please no, I was selfish, I acted irrationally. No please I have to fix this, I” I look back at Oliver who was now looking right at me. My eyes widened and I turned around thinking I imagined it. I took a few deep breaths thinking there was no way he could see me. I heard the ruffle of clothes and the sound of soles gently being placed on the floor. All the sound stopped and the only thing left was staggered breathing, whether Oliver’s or mine there was no telling the difference. “Aubrie?”  I stopped breathing. “No, you can’t see me. It’s impossible” I whisper.  This is my mind tricking me with the one thing I wish could happen. “Aubrie…” He said again but this time I whirled around to face him. The tension in his face drained into releaf. “You are here” He went to give me a hug but I backed away. There was a confused look on his face. “I don’t… I can’t…” “Can’t what.” “maybe this was a mistake.” I said starting to hyperventilate  A voice boomed from the ceiling. “You wanted a chance to fix it. While I can’t give you your life back. I can give your friend the power to see you. You can never fully atone for your sins but you can protect your parents...and sisters. .” I looked back at Oliver… sisters? “Your parents found out a few days before they got home. They wanted to surprise you. I give him a small smile. “I’m going to stay with you forever. I’m not leaving your side again.” I reach up and rest my hand on his cheek. He places his hand against mine, holding it in place. “Guess I can touch you after all.” He smirked. He pulled my hand away from his face and pulled it around him. He then slid his arms around my waist and pulled me in, embracing me like he did when we were younger. I stayed with Oliver never leaving his side. He moved in with my parents to help them when the babies came, and to make it easier for me to protect my family. They never got over my death but over the years they could tell I was looking out for them. Oliver became a world renowned human behavioral analyst and psychologist. His goal was to help people like me. I was always there to support him. I even helped him take notes in class a few times. My beautiful sisters grew up with loving parents who learned a thing or two from raising such a difficult child as me. Oliver told them everything about the prince and rest assured they were never brought to the royal events as I had as a child.  My parents were one of the first aristocrates to change the tradition of arranged marriages and allowed my sisters to marry for love. Delilah became a famous ballet dancer and Melanie was an internationally known author. Oliver told them all the stories about me as a child and Melanie even based the main character of her most popular series after me. I was always with them, sometimes It was like I had never left. I can never atone for my sins but I can make sure none of my family ever has to go through that ever again. My parents death took its toll on my sisters but Oliver was there to guide them through it with some help from me of course. I have not had the chance of being reunited with my parents yet as my job protecting my family is not done. Oliver loves spending time with Delilah, Melanie, and their children. And every so often has a get together with their husbands.  Now I am watching over my great-great-great nieces and nephews with Oliver by my side even after death, just another small mercy of God. May we all be reunited as judgment time comes upon us.

December 05, 2020 04:28

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