Romance Fiction Contemporary

The wind became stagnant under its wings as the keen sight of a hunter watched in anticipation for the flight pattern to conclude. A gentle breeze exits the hunter’s lips as he prepares his trap. The target then unknowingly plants itself right where the hunter desires. Everything in the universe freezes as the hunter launches his net to capture not the perceived visual target, but to capture the once uncatchable target, time. The wind returns as the wings flutter away, not knowing that a piece of her was caught in the hunter’s trap. The hunter smiles as he starts to view his spoils of the day. It was a good day.

As he begins to abandon his hunting ground, he sets his sights on another beautiful subject floating above a bush. As the animation of its body graciously bounced from one second to another, the hunter’s lust to capture its moment grew. Slowly, he knelt downward as he prepared his weapon to engage another trap. He releases another gentle breeze from his lips as the universe slows to a halt. With a press of a button, he unleashes the trap. As he reviews the net, he initially frowns as he notices that what he captured does not contain the desired second from the beautiful subject he sought. But as he inspected closer, he noticed he did capture a second from a different unexpectant beautiful subject. 

“I think you were trying to take a picture of this,” he hears beside him as an illuminated screen enters his peripheral. It was the net of another hunter, but this hunter captured the moment from the exquisite creature. As he viewed the scene, he coveted the other hunter's loot. “It’s a gorgeous shot,” he says as he gazes back in time. “Yeah. I think I get the best shots out here.” “I agree with that,” the hunter says as he breaks his gaze and turns his eyes to view his fellow hunter. The universe freezes again as his built-in mechanism unconsciously engages a trap to capture this moment where he comes face to face with such immaculate beauty. Though she didn’t see the shutter, her instincts recognized the captured second as she smiles with a slight blush. The hunter clears his throat and stands up as he attempts to hide what he just collected. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who appreciates the beauty of this area. My name is Adam,” he says as he reaches his hand out toward the other hunter. “Chavah,” she responds as she completes the handshake. 

“You say you have been here before?” Adam asks. “Yeah. I sometimes go to the arboretum, but this place always gives me amazing shots, you know. Plus, the ambiance is like no other,” Chavah says as she views the multiple types of trees. “You aren’t lying about that. If I’m having a bad day, a few moments in here with Nicky, and I’m good to go for another round.” Chavah chuckles. “Nicky?” Adam looks at his weapon. “Sorry, I’m probably a little corny.” “No, don’t say that. Because if you are corny, then I’m the ultimate canned corn.” She then looks at her time weapon. “He is called Camron.” Adam chuckles. “Don’t laugh,” Chavah says. “Naw, that’s an awesome name. I wish I would’ve called mine that. I could only think of Nicky and Bingo.” Chavah gently touches Adam’s arm. “Seriously? I almost called mine bingo too.” The two laugh.

“That shot you just took was fire. I don’t know how you captured it.” “Well first off, I got skills,” Chavah jokingly says. “I can’t hate, you do.” “Naw, I’m just kidding. Most of the time I just shoot and hope that I captured an epic image. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. Not professional at all.” “Well, I’m glad that I’m not the only amateur here. I attempt to act like a pro when I see other photographers with their fancy tripods, lights, and sticks. But I just shoot sporadically.” Chavah chuckles. “Well, can I see some of your sporadic shots?” She asks. “Only if I can see yours,” Adam responds. Chavah laughs. “We sound like kindergartners. But let me check to make sure I have no adult pictures.” Adam smiles. “Aww, have you been taking boudoir shots?” “Not yet. But I may or may not practice with myself as the model so I can be prepared,” Chavah says with a smirk as she exchanges Camron for Nicky. Adam's smile widens. “Okay. So I’m going to go ahead and browse your deleted images.” Chavah chuckles as she retreats to a nearby bench. 

“Chavah, I know we just met. But I am upset at you,” Adam says as he flips through flawless images. “What? Why?” She asks. “Because you lied to me. I don’t know how I feel about a friendship starting off with lies.” Chavah looks at Adam confused. “What do you mean.” “You lied. You are clearly a pro. These pictures are gorgeous!” Chavah laughs and shakes her head. “Bro. You had me concerned for real. I was like, what the heck did I do?” Adam chuckles. “But for real, girl. These pictures are amazing.” “Naw, your pictures are next level.” “You don’t have to lie. I can take it. My pictures are the next level down compared to yours. I mean wow! Email, DM, OF, dial the number, or whatever you need to do to contact National Geographic because these should be in a magazine or TV.” Chavah smiles. “You are too kind. But no, I think I’m going to quit.” “Chavah, I’m upset again. You started off with a lie, and now you are talking crazy.” Chavah shakes her head. “I’m going to quit because after looking at yours, I feel like mine doesn’t compare.” “You are right about that. They don’t compare. Mine is trash, yours are front page material.” “I’m serious though. Like how did you get the bluejay? I swear he sees me from his peripheral, flies off, and laughs.” Adam laughs as he looks into the trees while a sound of a bird echoes downward. “I swear I hate that bird. He does the same thing to me.” “Then how did you get a shot?” “I had to talk about his momma.” Chavah smiles and then laughs. “What?” “For real. I said something about his momma. Then when he was about to respond, I took the picture. You can tell by how he is looking directly at me.” Chavah looks at the picture and laughs uncontrollably. “You are silly,” she says as she pushes his leg.

As time started to march on, the sun adjusted its light and angle to get a better view of the hunters through the trees. The birds and bugs harmonized with the beat of the limbs and leaves as the wind carried the tune through the breeze to provide the background song of the evening. “I absolutely love these moments. Just us and nature, you know,” Chavah states as she gazes upon the reflection of the soft light on the green leaves. “I know. It’s one reason why I started taking pictures. It’s too much beauty around not to be captured.” Chavah then turns and faces Adam. “Don’t laugh at me,” she starts off saying. “Okay. Usually when people say that it’s going to be hilarious. So I promise nothing,” Adam responds. Chavah smiles but then continues. “Okay. I’m going to tell you anyway because maybe you can get what I’m saying. I imagine that I’m like a hunter when I walk through these trees.” “You are lying,” Adam says, surprised. “Fine. I thought maybe you would get it,” Chavah responds, disappointed as she turns back around. “No. That’s not it. I completely get it.  That’s exactly how I feel. It’s like I’m hunting for that one beautiful second in time to catch because there will be no other like it.” Chavah's face brightened. “Oh my gosh,” she says as she turns back toward Adam. “That’s it! I swear every time I tell people that, they die of laughter!” “Naw. I get it. I’m either a hunter or an archivist collecting time to share with people who missed that beautiful second.” “Or to share that beautiful second with others who experience a lot of dark time.” Time slows to a standstill as both hunters' inner mechanisms shutter to capture the creature sitting next to them. As time restarted, a smile crept across both hunters’ faces, because they both understood another beautiful second was just captured.

The sun grew tired and began to exit the scene as the two hunters continued talking into the evening. “We are probably going to have to leave soon.” “Yeah, that tall 7-foot ranger had to kick me out one of those nights,” Chavah says as they exchange Camron and Nicky again. “That man is not 7 foot,” Adam laughs. “But I know who you are talking about. That guy is huge. He didn’t have to tell me twice.” They laugh again as they pack up their mechanical friends. “How have we not seen each other before?” Adam asks. “I honestly don’t know. Maybe we are too focused on the shot to see each other.” “That’s true. Sometimes it’s just me and the shot. And I have no idea what’s going on around. Well, unless a huge giant is walking toward me. I notice that.” “Like now.” They both laugh as they take off running toward the front gate as a giant shadowy figure approaches.

“Girl,” Adam says as they stand in the parking lot laughing and out of breath. “If we get stuck in a horror movie together, I know we are both surviving.” “I know that’s right,” Chavah responds as Adam gives her a high five. “And I am out of shape,” Adam says as the connection of the high five lasts longer than normal. “You hear me about to die. I got some water in the car if you want,” Chavah says as she points to the lone car on the west portion of the parking lot. “Cool. I’ll walk with you there.” As they move toward the vehicle, they look at each other and laugh. Their pace quickened as they heard a squeaky noise behind them. Then when the squeak became a loud slam, they took off toward the car, laughing the entire time. Once they reached the car, they both looked back at the closed gate. “Umm, as the man, you were supposed to stand your ground and defend my honor,” Chavah says through her smile and shortened breath.” “I was about to go back. But I needed to get a quick sip of water before I pull out my slingshot and rocks.” “Wow. Get your butt in the car so I can take you to yours. I wouldn’t want Goliath to snatch your soul on your walk back. Even though it would be an amazing picture.” “I’ll accept that offer, only because I have to protect you just in case the giant chooses to stop your car.” “Mmmhmm. Just get in.”

“I really enjoyed talking to you today Adam,” Chavah says as the doors close. “Me too. It was nice to talk to a professional photographer,” Adam jokes. “Wow. I’m about to drop you off by the gates.” “But for real, I enjoyed talking to you. Are you coming tomorrow?” “That’s the plan. Let’s just promise not to be too focused on the shot where we miss each other again,” Chavah says as the car squeals to a stop. “Well, since I do love to focus on the beauty in the area, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to miss you,” Adam replies with a smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He steps out of the car and waves to a blushing Chavah.

The next evening, the hunter set his sights on a beautiful subject floating in the garden. As the animation of its body graciously walked from one second to another, the hunter’s lust to capture its moment grew. Slowly, he knelt downward as he prepared his weapon to engage the trap. He releases a gentle breeze from his lips as the universe slows to a halt. Then with a press of a button, the trap is unleashed. As he reviews the net, he smiles as he sees the desired second taken from the beautiful creature. “Did you capture the second you wanted?” Another hunter says. “I did, and it was a gorgeous shot.”



July 13, 2024 03:50

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Julie Grenness
21:38 Jul 17, 2024

Great story. The writer has expressed a vivid word picture and interesting image with evocative choices of subject and characters. Overall, worked well for this reader.


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Kristi Gott
04:04 Jul 13, 2024

Clever and creative approach to describing photography! Intriguing! Good story, characters, plot, dialogue, descriptions. Well done!


Jermaine Packer
04:24 Jul 13, 2024

Thank you!


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