Fiction Gay Urban Fantasy

Everyday used to be filled with light. So much joy and happiness. We've used to go out and play, not once were we afraid.

Till it happened.

The lights grew darker till it was nothing but darkness. The sidewalks and traffic lights didn't decorate the night again. All the powers were cut off, preventing us from ever communicating with everyone else.

Everyone was afraid of the dark. Even during broad daylight, not once did they stepped outside. It got worse when nighttime came. Windows closed, doors locked and no noises. Complete eerie silence.

I didn't understood why everyone was so patient about it. I instead was going insane. Yet, I stayed patient. Counting days as they passed, celebrating another important date that was stopped. Supplies were running low but I didn't complained. Not one bit.

That is till I've had enough. I couldn't handle it anymore.

One faithful Tuesday at 9 am, I've decided to go out. I opened the door and ignored my mother's sobs and the terrified screams my sisters caused. My heart clenched at their screams and sobs but I was determined. Focused.

I wanted to see him. Hold him. Love him. I needed him.

I walked across the streets, hands tucked in my pockets as I made my way to his house. I danced on the sidewalk and sang from a song I don't exactly remember. It was refreshing to finally be able to be out here. It felt like taking a shower after a tiring day.

My fingers started twitching and I had to curl them. They do this when I get excited. At times like this, he'll place soft kisses on my fingers. Other people usually tease me about it but not him.

"It's cute!", He'll tell me over and over again.

To be heading to him. To know I'll be seeing him. It all feels to euphoric and surreal.

I slid my hand into my hair and mess it up a little. I know he hates it when I look to formal.

"You look like you're going to a funeral like that.", He'd say to me. He'll then mess up my entire appearance.

I spotted a few stray lilies and I went to pick them up. It was his favorites. I started to jog a little when I spot his house. Within five minutes, I'm in front of his front door.

I knocked once. Twice. Thrice. I was about to knock again when the door opened and I was pulled inside rather harshly. Ouch.

"Are you crazy Alex?! Walking around at this time!"

"Only crazy in love, babe.", My lips pulled into a smirk but it quickly evaporated once I saw the look on his face. It was a terrified one and I quickly pull him into a hug.

"You don't know don't you?", I frowned at him. What don't I know?

"Stupid, stupid! It's the 'Wild Hunt'! The Ghost Rider's myth that we heard as a child is real! They've seen you, now they're going to kill you!"

"Like in Teen Wolf?", I tried joking but he didn't seem like he liked that joke. He was about to say something but I silence him with a kiss. He was shock but he didn't pull back. I was thankful for that.

"At least I get to be with you at my last moments."

"You don't get to leave me like that, Alex. Not when everyone else left me. Please.", He started sobbing and I know I couldn't see him crying.

"Shsssh. I'm sorry, love. Hey remember how we first meet? You were waiting for your ice cream and I who was in a rush just knocked into you? You called me an asshole and demanded an ice cream and made me pay for it. If we look back at it, it felt like a date. Our first unofficial date."

"I'm still angry about that.", He smiled a bit and that made me happy. At least he wasn't sobbing anymore. But of course, like any cliche movies, moments like this were always interrupted.

I saw them in front of me. The Ghost Riders. I sighed and got up. I didn't even realized we were practically on the floor. He looks at me puzzled and then he realized them. Not psychically but he sensed them.

"Please, we could find another way. Like how Peter got out? You could do that?", That brought a smile to my face. He was sobbing hysterically at this point.

"I'm sorry, love, but I'm already caught in the hunt. I met them few minutes ago, they agreed to let me see you. Cheer up, now. I'll wait for you.", I wiped his tears with my thumb and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

My mind trailed back to a few minutes earlier. While I was singing, they appeared in front of me. I looked at them and it took me a few seconds to realize why they looked so familiar.

Ghost Riders like from the Teen Wolf show. He usually made me binge watch the show during holidays. Just the both of us, food and Teen Wolf. It wasn't extravagant but it was us and that's enough.

We stood in silence before it clicked to me what they wanted. I begged them to let me see him one last time and unlike what they portrayed on screen, the Ghost Riders are actually nice. If I say so myself.

In fact, they even gave me a ride to his place. My mind snapped back into reality as he hugged me. After a minute or so, he let go of me.

"I love you.", He shouted as I walked towards the Ghost Riders and got on one of their horse's. A blue light shone in his living room and the horse's started galloping towards it.

I look back at him and mouthed, "I love you.", as we enter the blue light. A single tear escape my eyes.

Then I was surrounded by light. It felt like a different kind of light and that's when I heard it.

His screams. They were taking him. And I was the reason they caught him. I never felt as much regret as I felt now.

I'm was sitting in a train station. I don't remember how I got here.

May 05, 2021 17:17

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