A new car

Submitted into Contest #112 in response to: Write about a character driving in the rain.... view prompt

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Ricky walked up and down the rows of cars. Today is the day he thought to himself I'm going to do it. I'm finally going to buy a new car. His old car had two hundred and fifty thousand miles. It was given to him as a graduation present so he could get back and forth to college.  That was five years, and one hundred and sixty thousand miles ago. That poor car was on it's last leg.

He had not been there for more than two minutes when a salesman swooped down on him.

" The name is Sam, and selling cars is my game.  How are you doing today?" Sam said as he pushed out his hand.

Out of reflex, Ricky put his hand out. " I'm Ricky."

"Nice to meet you Ricky. Are you thinking about buying a car?"

Ricky thought for a moment as he looked at this man probably in his mid fifties. Almost gray hair, wearing a three XL, coffee stained, white Polo shirt covering his pot belly.  " Yes, I want to get a new car."

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Any car in particular?"

I'm not sure. I just thought I would walk around till I saw something in my price range that I like."

" Son, that's no way to buy a car nowadays." A strong wind blew through the lot and both men looked to the southeast, and saw the large anvil thunder clouds in the distance. "Let's go inside, we can talk about numbers and look at the cars on the computer." Sam hesitated for a moment then asked " do you have a car you want to trade in?"

I do have a car but I don't think it's worth anything."

Don't worry about that, here at Southwest Chevrolet. We will get you the most money for your trade. Do you still owe money on it?"

" No, I don't owe anything on that car."

" Good, that's real, good."

Ricky followed Sam into the showroom.  They walked past a collection of Chevy's finest, a 57 Bel air two door, 67 Camaro, 69 Impala, 72 Corvette, Plus the new line of the show models.

They made their way to a cubicle. Where Sam sat down behind a computer. Ricky remained standing. Sam looked up and said,"Don't be shy, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink? Coffee, water, or maybe a soda."   

"I'll take a diet soda if you got one."  Sam reached under the desk, opened a mini fridge and removed a diet coke, and handed it to Ricky. 

"So how much money are you thinking about for a car?"

" I have fifteen hundred for a down payment and I can afford three hundred a month." 

"Let's not forget about your trade." Sam picked up the phone on the desk. Dialed a number. " Hi,Tom, can you come over here?" He set the Phone back down. Looked at Ricky and asked "how's your credit?"

Tom walked into the cubicle." What's up Sam?"

" Would you mind taking a look at this young man's car and see what we can give him for it."

"Sure not a problem, just need the keys." Ricky reached into his pocket and fished the keys out. Tom swiped the keys from him. "I'll be right back." He said as he exited the cubicle. 

"Ok so how's your credit?"

"I think it's good."

"Are you working?"

"Yes, I've been at my job for almost two years now."

"Tell you what, let me just get your social security number and your driver's license. And I'll look it up for you."

Ricky resisted his social security number, removed the license form his wallet and handed it over. Sam looked at the ID, and his pudgy fingers taped away on the keyboard. 

After a moment Sam turned his attention away from the computer screen. " Your credit isn't too bad, 690 could be better but I can definitely work with you. So what are you thinking about, new or used?"

"I would really like to get something new." Ricky said as he scratched his head above his right ear. 

"Good, with the rebates and cash back options you are offered when buying new, you have a lot of options. Any idea on what kind of car you were thinking about."

" Honestly I hadn't given it much thought. I just want a new car." 

"That's fine son, let me just ask you a few questions, and I will find the right car for you."


" First, are you married?"




"Do you have a love interest?"

"Not at the moment."

Sam looked back down at the computer screen. Pushed buttons on the keyboard. Smiled, looked back at Ricky. "You are about to fall in love. Let's go back on the lot. I found you the perfect car." 

By the exit of the showroom stood a cluster box. Sam punched numbers onto the keypad, and a door opened. Sam removed a set of keys and shut the door. They went outside.

The wind was blowing stronger now, and the clouds were moving closer. Sam pushed a button on the key fob. A horn started to honk. "That's it son, that is the car for you!" Sam walked toward the sound. Ricky followed. A raindrop landed on Ricky's head and he wiped it away.

They stopped at the car that was making all the noise. Sam touched the fob, and the horn stopped. " Listen to me son I Know you said you wanted a new car but this one is like new. It was a demo model for the Phoenix open last month. It only has a thousand miles on it and I think Tiger Woods put  those miles on it. 

Ricky didn't know what to say. In Front of him was a hot red Camero ZL1 setting on nineteen inch matte black wheels. It was a pure beauty. The only thing he could think to say is "I can't afford this."

"You, let me worry about that. Here take the keys. Let's take her for a ride."

Ricky took the keys and got behind the wheel. Sam got in on the other side. Ricky started the car. The engine purred, he gave it a little gas, the engine roared. " You hear that? That is 6.2 liters of pure American muscle."

Ricky put it in gear,and they left the lot. He made a right and headed to the highway. It took four seconds from the time he got on the on ramp to the time he was up to highway speed. He was doing sixty and was only in second gear. 

Sam looked at the smile on Ricky's face. " So what do you think son?"

Just then a Semi truck in the other lane kicked up a rock. The rock flew right into the center of the windshield. Ricky's smile disappeared as he looked through the cracked windshield.

"Don't worry about that, I can have a new windshield in this before you are done signing the paperwork. Let's get off the highway and head back to the dealership.  Ricky exited at the next off ramp. The rain started to come down hard. 

Ricky took a side street through a residential neighborhood. He was having trouble seeing and even more trouble keeping the Camaro at a steady pace. The car just wanted to go fast. 

"Do you see that? I think there is a baby on the street." Ricky said,as he went to slow down, his foot missed the brake pedal and pushed down on the gas. The car sped up. Ricky didn't know what to do. But he was sure he didn't want to run over a baby. He turned the wheel hard, he lost control, the car went over the curb, through the lawn and straight into someone's front room. There was a loud crash, the airbags deployed. The neighbors came out of their houses to see what had happened.

Ricky was dazed, he looked over at the passenger seat. Sam was already out of the car surveying the damage. Ricky unlatched his seat belt and got out of the car, and walked out of the house. 

"Are you ok, what happened, why did you crash into this house? A  man asked. The rain was bad, everyone was soaking wet. 

Ricky wiped the water from his face, looked out to the street. The baby was still there. He raised his hand and pointed." Look, there is a baby lying in the street. I didn't want to run him over. Can somebody please make sure that small child is ok?" 

The man next to him ran into the street, looked at the baby. Picked him up and brought the child back. "Mr, this ain't no baby. It's just some child's old baby doll.  You wrecked your car and a house because of an old doll."

Ricky was speechless. He looked around until he saw Sam. walked up to him and said. "Sam, I  Don't think this is the right car for me."

"Honestly son, I do believe you're right."

September 17, 2021 23:44

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