
I’m Late

By Merry Marcellino

             The alarm wails and I jump from the bed! Today is the day! I must get moving! I only have an hour left!

I hop into the shower tripping on the mat and falling against the wall. “Ow!” Pain radiates up my leg, but it’s not broken. Not letting it stop me, I shower getting soap in my eye. Looking in the mirror, my eye looks like a blood vessel burst! Grabbing eyedrops I almost stab my eye trying to get the moisture in. Waiting the barest second, I see the redness die down just a little. 

 Limping to the bedroom to dress. Jeans, check, black boots, check.  Lacy pin bra, check, burnt orange sweater, check. Wait! Oh no! Huge hole in the sweater! I tear it off flinging the imperfect garment across the room.

             “Shirt! Shirt!” Finding a T-shirt that’s clean, I toss it on getting it stuck while trying to shove my arms in the holes! Finally dressed, I slurp the last bit of coffee in my cup only to spill it down my shirt. Rolling my eyes I rush to the bedroom and Hallelujah! I find another clean shirt with no holes! 

             Finally dressed, I rush out the door almost tripping down the stairs to the lower level of my apartment. The icy wind chills me in my light jacket and T-shirt, the only one I could find on short notice. Should have tried harder to find a sweater! 

Snow flurries expected today. The low-level nimbostratus clouds above signal the oncoming white stuff. Gray skies hover as I hurry to my vehicle.

Getting into my bright, blue car, I break a nail on the door frame. “Ouch!” More injuries! What else is new for Ms. Clumsy! Putting my finger in my mouth to calm the sting, I carefully close the door.

             Jamming the key in the ignition I turn it rather vehemently to a whirring sound. “Oh no!” Trying again, to no avail. “Come on baby! Start!” No luck. “not today, please baby!”

Guess I’m walking! Rather running!

             Working night shift is for the birds. I’m not used to the hours. I can’t get any of my day errands done! My sleep pattern is off making it necessary to use an alarm. I need to get back to day shift. Four more weeks!

             I hurry past people walking dogs, dancing around leashes. Jumping over a backpack on the ground I almost twist my ankle when I land. Can’t be late! 

             “Excuse me Miss?” Oh no! A man is blocking my way. He’s tall, about fifty. Rather nice looking but I don’t have time. “Please can you help me?” I stop, what else can I do to a plea of assistance?

             “Yes?” I’m hopping from one foot to the other, impatient to get moving.

             “Can you tell me the time?” Really? Is no one else around? Where’s your cell? I think unkindly. 

             “It’s 5:15pm.”

             “Thank you.” I’m not listening. I’m off again!

             I only have forty-five minutes left!

             Once I hit Gerard Street, I’ll be home free! Almost there! Now what!? Gerard is closed off! Their repairing the sidewalk. Wet concrete! Can I jump it? No. Too wide. I can’t go that way! Now I have to go all the way around!

             Sprinting across the street, I almost get hit by a car moving faster than the speed limit. Beeping at me they drive away. I almost gesture to them, but no. Just because they’re rude doesn’t mean I have to be. My heart is in my throat from the close encounter! Have to get my breathing under control after the scare.

             If I cut through this building I can cut some time! It’s been abandoned for a while. Is it safe? The tall building looks sturdy. It was abandoned for something. It can’t be too bad. It hasn’t been knocked down yet, I reason with myself. 

             Slipping under the tape on the door I squint to see in the darkness. “Hello. Anyone here?” Could be a homeless person sleeping here to hold off the coldness of the winter winds. Hearing a squeak I jump! Mouse? Rat? I don’t want to know! 

             Pulling out my phone, I turn on the flashlight. Having to slow to step over broken pallets, is that a sleeping bag? I’m beginning to question my sanity, coming into a deserted building alone. Slowing, I creep along, shadows making me jump as I find another room. Smelling sweat, I turn to another door. I’m losing time having to move so slowly. I should have taken Branch Street. No time for regrets now. 

             I hear footsteps above me and move a little faster. I’m going to have a heart attack before I get to my destination!

             I see a light! Another door! Could this lead outside? Praying, I move as fast as I can around debris on the floor. Dust particles fall in my face and I cough. Almost to the door, I quicken my pace. 

             Jumping back and falling when the door flies open, my hand flies to my chest. I’m almost hyperventilating! 

             “Are you ok?” A police officer helps me to my feet. He’s really handsome. Dark hair curling under his hat. Blue eyes checking me over for injuries. A muscular arm around me when I almost fall over. Adrenaline is spiking and I am shaking. “You shouldn’t be in here. Vagrants use this place for shelter. You could have been hurt and the building isn’t safe by any means.”

             We step out into the light and I’m so relieved I lean against Officer Cuteness. 

             “Sorry. I was trying to get around the block on Gerard. Shortcut. It didn’t work out as I planned.”

             “At least you’re not injured.” Sparkling eyes assess me and I notice he likes what he sees. “Maybe you could give me your number. You know. Just in case you’re not feeling well later. I can check up on you.”

             “Oh sure.” I give him my number and my phone dings as he texts me so I have his. My face is flushed and he heads back to his duty.

             Momentarily unmoving, happy with my luck, I watch him walk away.

             Remembering my task, I mentally shake my head and get moving. I can see my destination up ahead but I still have a street to cross and its full of traffic. Coming to the crosswalk, I pause with everyone else. I’m dancing as I wait. When the light signals that we can walk, I move as quickly as I can in the crowd of people. 

             Pushing the door open, I sidestep a woman moving a wheeled cart full of belongings.

             I’m almost there. At the counter, I see two people in front of me. Tapping my foot impatiently on the tiled floor I can hear the staccato as one person leaves the line. Only one left. “Shhh!” A man whispers loudly as my foot continues to tap. 

             “Sorry.” I hold my leg so I won’t start tapping again.

             Finally, it’s my turn. “I’m returning this library book. Sorry it’s late.

             “Oh Casey. It’s ok. You don’t have to pay the fee. You come here so much, and you never damage the books. Just mark your calendar next time.

             “Thanks Mrs. Silver. You’re the best!”

             The book is back where it belongs and I might have a date tonight! Things are looking up!

April 26, 2021 01:11

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Madge Cameron
22:01 May 06, 2021

I enjoyed reading the story. The end was a good twist. I think it fits the category perfectly.


Merry Marcellino
09:32 May 10, 2021

Thank you so much Madge. 😊


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