Submitted into Contest #254 in response to: Write a story in the format of a gossip column.... view prompt



Hello Covey Cove and welcome to another edition of the Whisper Station.I have some juicy news. News that is not so juicy and just plain boring news. I know you all want the juicy news but I'm going to start with the boring news, just to get it out of the way.

Here I go. Now here is the boring news. Ms. G got a new hair color, auburn red. Who is Ms. G trying to impress? Auburn is not the best hair color for Ms. G. If she likes it, who are we to judge. Rock your new hair color Ms. G.

Now for the not so juicy news. This one will make you laugh. Beth Peters got a new hair cut, a short bob. Beth Peters was all smiles until she got to the coffee shop.

Here is the kicker. The people loved Beth's hair cut. She looks beautiful and regal. Beth enters the coffee shop. She gets more compliments expect from her husband.

This bit of news is courtesy of Sienna. The gossip queen and source of information for all of Covey Cove.

From Sienna. Beth was all smiles until Robert, her husband tells her she doesn't look beautiful. Now every girl would cry at not being called beautiful but not Beth.

Beth's face turned red. Right in the middle of the coffee shop Beth started to beat Robert up. She was yelling and screaming at him.

Robert was yelling at Beth trying to get away from her. Per eyewitnesses and Sienna Beth chased Robert all the way home.

Per more eyewitnesses Robert is sleeping on the couch, is getting no dinner and none of the good stuff. Guys remember always tell your wife or girlfriend she looks beautiful or you will end up like Robert.

Here comes the news you all have been waiting for. The juicy news. I know all of you love hearing and reading about the Murphy family.

The Murphy family's many scandals is a national past time here in Covey Cove. All of my readers and my non readers have heard of the Murphy family and their many scandals.

We hear at the Whisper Station love hearing about the Murphy's and their many scandals. I wrote about Mr. Murphy cheating on his wife with a twenty-year old.

Mrs. Murphy caught Mr. Murphy and his twenty-year old in the act and on their bed. Well get this. Instead of getting a divorce like any normal sane person Mrs. Murphy did the exact same thing Mr. Murphy did.

Boy if there was ever a wrestling matching pitting Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy, Mrs, Murphy would win, based solely on her nagging and vindictiveness.

We all know Mr. Murphy is a wimpy. He has no back bone. He does whatever Mrs. Murphy tells him to do. Mr. Murphy never had a set on him. They both promised to stop seeing their twenty-year old.

Well get this my good readers. Both Murphy's lied to each other. They are still seeing their twenty-year old. This is the first time Mr. Murphy went against his wife. Maybe Mr. Murphy is finally getting tired of his wife telling him what to do. How long before she finds out?

Don't even get me started on the Murphy kids. They are just as bad as their parents. Maybe worse. The Murphy kids are two of the worse teenagers you will ever meet.

Besides their parents, Fallon and Adrian Murphy are two of my best targets. Personally, they are my favorites to gossip on. They are very easy targets.

Dear readers we all know the Murphy children love being in the spotlight. Fallon Murphy in particular loves being the center of attention. This one is for you Fallon.

Fallon Murphy was seeing with not one boy but two. Ladies and gents this is no secret but then again we are talking about Fallon Murphy. Let's add another boy to the mix.

Guess what these boys have in common? They each have girlfriends. Misty, girlfriend of boy No.1 is fuming. She's in search of revenge.

Per eyewitnesses, Misty was seeing talking to the other girlfriends, Naya and Karina. Something is about to happen. Fallon Murphy watch your back.

Now let's move on to Adrian Murphy. What can I say about him? Drugs, women. Yes, my dear readers, Adrian likes women not girls.

If anybody has ever spoken to Adrian Murphy then they know he's a smooth talker. A true Casanova. He loves women and women love him.

Despite Adrian Murphy being eighteen women can't seem to get enough of him. One woman. Two women. Three women is not enough for Adrian. Try at least ten women.

You would thing the women know about each other. Guess what, they don't. Adrian knows how to keep his women apart.

Ladies of Covey Cove stay away from Adrian Murphy. We know what you are doing. All of Covey Cove see you even when you think you are hiding from us.

From Sienna our gossip queen. Misty, Naya and Karina are hunting Fallon Murphy. Fallon is nowhere to be seen. Fallon is not in her usual hang outs. Karma is coming for Fallon.

The Murphy family are sick, disgusting people but we as humans can't get enough of the scandals they commit. When the Murphy family finally gets what's coming to them, we will be here watching and waiting.

Let's move on to some happy news. This is the good kind of gossip. We are going back to Ms. G and the Peter's, Robert and Beth.

Last time we heard about Ms. G she changed her hair color to auburn red and Beth and Robert, well let's just say Robert was in the dog house.

Ms. G once again changed her hair color. This time to a sophisticated black. Remember when we were all wondering who Ms. G was trying to impress. Now we have our answer. Guess who Ms. G was seeing walking hand in hand with?

It's none other than the good old Mayor of Covey Cove, Mayor Sullivan. Who would have ever thought of the goody good Mayor and the ever crazy Ms. G are dating.

Per eyewitnesses, Ms. G and Mayor Sullivan were seeing dancing at the annual Covey Cove dance off. They won. You go girl. We are all happy for you.

Now for the latest on Beth and Robert Peters. Last time we saw Robert he was getting beat up by Beth. He ended up in the dog house for not liking his wife's hair cut. After some begging Robert got out of the dog house.

Robert and Beth are seen in Covey Cove smiling, laughing and holding hands. Every Saturday they have date night. All is good on the Peter's front.

Well the Murphy's haven't changed. They are still up to their old tricks. I don't think they will ever change, Sorry Covey Cove the Murphy's and their scandals are here to stay.

Covey Cove that is a wrap on the latest edition of the Whisper Station. This is Wendy signing off.

June 12, 2024 21:46

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