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Drama Romance Mystery

  • Henry (thinking) -I can’t believe yesterday happened… hopefully today’s double date with Sean and Michelle will go better…- 
  • Carly: I’m telling you Michelle… that guy was a complete idiot… At first he seemed like the nicest in the world, and that’s the reason I started talking to him, but as he the night went by, he started getting more and more drunk.
  • Michelle: Why did you hookup with him then?
  • Carly: Because in the end he was hot, and the whole reason I went out was to flirt with men -I don’t even think the guy told me his real name-. 
  • Michelle: Anyway, what’s this guy’s name?
  • Carly: So he told me his name is Harry, but he was so drunk and said it in a tone that I don’t even think he said the truth about that either…
  • Michelle: Well, honey, don’t you worry about that, Sean’s friend Henry is super nice! You’ll love him. 
  • Henry: So Sean, tell me something about Carly.
  • Sean: Well, she’s a really nice girl. Her and Michelle met about 2 years ago at work and they both happened to get a job offer from the same company and from accepting it and knowing only each other there, they became such close friends! She actually lives very close to you, like 15 minutes walking. 
  • Henry: Oh, really?! That’s just like this girl I hooked up with yesterday, she told me she lives 5 blocks from my apartment building..!
  • Henry (thinking) -As we were walking inside the restaurant, and looking thought the fancy glass separating the entrance from the tables’s section, I could see Michelle sitting down and the one who’s supposed to be my date. 
  • Carly: Oh, hey, I see Sean! Your friend Henry must be the one behind him.

(Thinking) -Wait, that can’t be him. It’s not possible?! The guy’s name I hooked up with last night is Harry, not Henry.

  • Henry (thinking) -Oh, dear Lord, Carly-. 
  • Henry: Hi ladies! 

Pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard delights about you!

  • Carly: Hi.. Pleasure to meet you, too (In a slightly questioning tone). 
  • Michelle: So, Henry, don’t be shy. Start up!
  • Henry: Yeah! So, uh…, Sean’s told me you and Michelle know each other from your previous job! It must have been great to have continued working together!
  • Carly: Oh, yes, you never know how things are going to turn out…
  • Carly: So, Henry, what do you do for living…?

The whole ‘faked’ conversation went on for a little while. Henry going with the whole situation as if he had just met Carly, and Carly communicating with a slightly sarcastic tone during it all. 

  • Michelle (thinking) -These two are hitting it off pretty well.
  • Michelle: Sean, baby, come with me to the counter, I need to ask something to the bartender. 

Michelle and Sean left the table just in time for Henry and Carly to chat about what was really going on.

  • Carly: I can’t believe you! Why are you acting like we just met? Are you trying to get away with the behavior you had yesterday?
  • Henry: I know… I am terribly sorry for what happened! I promise to you I’m not, ever, the guy I was yesterday!
  • Carly: Well, if you are not who you say you weren’t yesterday, why did you tell me one name that’s not yours..?
  • Henry: What! What are you talking about?
  • Carly: After a long conversation I asked you for your name and you said Harry, not Henry…
  • Henry: Huh? I swear I do not recall saying that!
  • Carly: Sure you don’t. 
  • Henry: Wait! I think I know what happened there. Sometime, or maybe most times, after I have bad a couple of drinks, when I’m between tipsy and a little drunk, my speak gets sort of lose and some of the words I say come out wrong, probably even my name. 

While Carly and Henry were talking about last night’s incident, Sean and Michelle were up by the counter. They were talking about Henry’s last night out, yesterday, which came to a surprise to both Michelle and him when Michelle told Sean she had also gone out the previous night. 

They started sharing details with each other about what Henry had told Sean, and what Carly had told Michelle. 

Soon after, it started to be much more of a coincidence, and both cases very much related. 

  • Michelle: Okay, so you’ are telling me that Henry snuck out of this girl’s place, which happens to be the same for Carly, her guy literally left her before she even woke up. 
  • Sean: Yes. Wait, it literally just occurred to me. Where exactly does Carly live? 
  • Michelle: 7718 Langlord Drive, why?
  • Sean: Wow, unbelievable. That’s only 15 minutes away from Henry’s, and Henry himself told me her place was 15 minutes away from his…
  • Michelle: But that doesn’t make any sense…Carly said this guy’s name was Harry, not Henry, so it can’t possibly be the same guy. 
  • Sean: Well, I actually can think of an excuse to that. I have come to realize that whenever Henry drink so much, his speaking gets a little weird.
  • Michelle: Weird? Weird meaning what?
  • Sean: I have definitely heard him mispronounce things drastically. For example instead of saying ‘about’ he once said ‘a-both’, he’s even mispronounced his own name…I’ve heard him call himself ‘Heny’, ‘Herry’ and some others I think. It would come as no surprise to me if he said Harry instead of Henry.
  • Sean: I just don’t get why he would leave a girl in the morning before she wakes up. Like he’s not that type.
  • Michelle: Maybe there’s a chance he felt bad about going on the double date having slept with someone before.
  • Michelle: But why are they acting like they don’t know each other?
  • Sean: They probably didn’t want to make it uncomfortable or make a scene out of the date.
  • Michelle: Well, if it had been my case, I would’ve definitely confronted Sean in front of everyone.
  • Michelle: You know what. Lets go back to the table and confront them with the whole not knowing each other after having hooked up last night.

As Michelle and Sean were going back to their table, they realized Henry and Carly were making out. It looked like a nice ‘I forgive you’ type of make out. 

  • Michelle: Why are you guys making out? Carly, what are you doing? I thought your last night’s hookup would’ve ruined everything.
  • Carly: It’s okay, Michelle, he explained!
  • Sean: Dude, why did you sneak out of her place before she even woke up? That’s not who you are.
  • Henry: I know man, but since I was drunk the night before, I let myself go, and when I woke up in the morning, I felt so guilty about it that I couldn’t even wait for her to wake up. I needed to leave. 
  • Michelle: Carly, why didn’t you say anything when you saw him coming with Sean?
  • Carly: I was going to, but then he said ‘Pleasure to meet you’, so I wanted to see what he was pretending to do, plus I didn’t wanna make a scene. 
  • Michelle and Sean: Oh my God. 

August 28, 2020 14:23

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1 comment

Pandora D Grey
23:55 Sep 02, 2020

The story was pretty nice :) I was a little confused with the format of the story, though. But don’t worry ^^ still a good read.


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